Arhive: #3 2011
Author Bochko V. S.,This paper presents the analysis of essence of territory and definition of prospects of its development; it is offered to use the new tool of the decision of tasks of an estimation of the come to pass socio economic transformations and objective vision of the future, which is named as a method of self-identification of territory. It consists in an identification of the current image and establishment of its communication with the previous image made in features of labour, intellectual, moral, industrial and other potential. The territory with the help of a method of self-identification carries out self-recognition itself on the basis of connection in a single unit of information resources last, present and future development. The self-identification of territory is the phenomenon continuous. It is capable not only to react to calls of time, but also to provide a scientific sight on processes of socio economic transformation of territory both from the past in the present, and from the present in the future. On the basis of application of a method of self-identification the comparative analysis of development of branches of Sverdlovsk area is given.
Author Vazhenina I. S.,This paper shows the relevance and necessity of the conscious processes of image, reputation and territory brand formation (countries, regions and municipalities). In the context of globalization and intensification of competition, interterritorial image, reputation and brand are becoming important areas of intangible assets that create competitive advantages and competitive immunity of the reinforcing areas. The concept of "brand of territory" is studied. Different perspectives on this issue are critically analyzed. The author's definition of brand of territory is formulated; it’s essential characteristics are shown. It is shown that the formation of the brand is based solely on a positive image of the territory, combined with elements of its reputation. The interpenetration of image and reputation in the process of brand territory, and the dialectic of image, brand and reputation of the territory are graphically shown. According to various criteria, comparisons of image and brand of territory are made. Differences between image and brand of territory are revealed.
Author Kuznetsov S. V.,This paper reveals the need to elaborate innovative strategic documents for regional development. The experience in developing innovative strategic documents of the North-West Federal District is described on the examples of the strategy complex «Science — education — innovations» of the North-West Federal District until 2030 and the Integrated Scientific and Technological Program of the North-West Federal District until 2030 and their role in the formation of regional policy. The importance of such Programs and Complexes inside the general strategy of socio-economic development of the North-West Federal District until 2020 is shown. Strategic importance for the regions of the North-West Federal District for the implementation of the documents on long-term development of science, technology and techniques as the possibility of forming a complex document on socio-economic development of the macroregion "North West" is highlighted, taking into account the factors of scientific and technological progress, the impact of technological innovation in the spheres of the public entities of the Russian Federation located at North-West Federal District.
Author Kozakov E. M.,This paper takes notice of the mythology that has arisen in the scientific community regarding small business, and sets out the author's vision of how to solve some specific problems, including: separation and clarification of the terms "small-sized" and "medium-sized" business, the value of systematically organized monitoring of small manufacturing adn small businesses, and governmental support of such activity; keeping the balance of interests of economic entities, hired personnel and local (municipal and regional) authorities and the study of the real potential of small businesses and opportunities for its expansion, formation of the phenomenon of vicarious personal liability in this area of social and economic relations. In the single-industry regions and territorial entities, the small businesses in general and small manufacturings in particular are in an embryonic state. The actual formation of the latter is possible with proper scientific support of the processes justifying specific interventions and evaluating the prospects of development of this sector of the economy in terms of the impact on the socio-economic condition of the respective municipalities.
Author Lazhentsev V. N.,Komi Republic at the border of the XX and XXI centuries (the problems of socio-economic development)The first decade of the twenty-first century from a historical point of view is interesting, first of all, because of the fact that social development receives priority over the economic in public opinion and public policy of many countries. Attempts to adhere to this rule were also made in Russia. The paper analyzes the problems of socio-economic development of the Komi Republic in the first decade of the XXI century. The pass through problems (demographic crisis, aging of the fixed assets, disproportions of reproduction) and new problems related to the reorganization of the property management systems and the production, differentiation of people’s incomes and expenditures, violation of the principles of economic federalism and financial crisis are highlighted. Solving of these problems is linked to the innovative development of the productive forces of the republic and the strengthening of interregional economic integration. The scientifically arranged directions of innovational economy in the Komi Republic (fuel, mining and metallurgical complexes, forest and agricultural sector of the economy) are reviewed.
This paper presents the results of selecting the regions of the Russian Federation according to two criteria of self-development - gross domestic product and financial balance of the territory. 30 regions of Russia showed the dynamics of the GRP growth comparable to or higher than in Russia as a whole, the central part and north-west parts of Russia keep the leadership on the number of self-developing regions on the criterion of the GRP. The outsiders of regional economic development are Volga, Ural, Siberian and Far East Federal Districts. Of 83 subjects of Russian Federation in total, in 38 an excessive level of taxes and other obligatory payments to budgets of all levels of government expenditure of the territories was observed. Based on the author's calculations, a classification of Russian regions on the type of economic development of the areas has been made into four types: self-developing regions, developing territories, financially stable territories and under-developed regions. A classification of self-developing regions on the type of economic development is made; resource-isolated, agricultural, managing and organically developing territories within the Russian Federation are defined.
This paper reviews the problem of choosing some identified strategies for life by various population groups and the impact of this phenomenon on the regulation of mass demographic behavior. Life strategies are interpreted by the authors as examples (stereotypes) of behavior, the subject of construction of social action based on a conscious, planned design of life (life plan) and correction of the fundamental set of values in accordance with the deliberate socio-economic interests. Criteria and types of strategies for living with the specific socio-economic conditions and factors determining the differentiation of the installations of demographic behavior are suggested for the reader. As the basis for the typology of strategies for life of socio-professional groups, a type of social activity of the population is adopted. Specific socio-economic factors, the strategy of material prosperity and economic activity as regulators of reproductive and self-preservation behavior at the micro- and macro-level are identified. During the conducted selective survey, the structure of socio-economic values of reproduction in urban and rural families of the northern regions of the Urals was revealed. Scientific and practical significance of these research results are defined by the needs of areas, urban districts and city parts to develop appropriate requirements of the day of innovative concepts of demographic development and family policy measures, taking into account the identified specific value orientations of family, socio-economic expectations and well-being of the population.
One of the leading doctrines of present time is that people are both the goal and driving force of socio-economic development. This conceptual idea is the basis of the theory of human development. The complexity and multidimensionality of the category of "human capital" has led the authors to conclude that the methodology for assessing human development should be based on a multiplicative model calculating the human development index. The authors gave a rationale for the use of dynamic normalization rate of per capita gross regional product in the calculation of constituting the index of income. In this research, a method for the analysis of structural changes in human development is presented. Criterial attributes of typology, which allows to reveal the specifics of human development regions of Russia at the present stage, are identified. The rate of incremental effectiveness, which was designed in this study, allowed to assess the efficiency and results rating of human development in the studied areas. Basing on the analysis of empirical data from the past ten years, the authors concluded that human development has an intensive nature.
This paper reviews the characteristics and trends of socio-economic development of northern regions. To assess the socio-economic differentiation, groups of 21 primary indicator were selected (five economic, three financial, eleven social and two spacial). With the help of the statistical characteristics, the degree of economic and social divergence and convergence of the territories is determined. On the basis of principal component factor analysis and Ward's hierarchical cluster analysis, four groups of regions in terms of socio-economic development were identified - highly developed, developed, underdeveloped and problematic. A meaningful characterization of these clusters, which allows differential regulation of the development in the northern regions, is given. With respect to each type is necessary to develop a focused state regional policy in order to soften the uneven development and improve social and economic development of northern regions.
Author Sokolova N. G.,This paper considers the problem of finding a model of social structure reflecting social development, the effectiveness of human life and society as a whole, particularly in the study of the life quality on the chosen territory. Let us analyze grouping methods or population differentiation methods according to the income, as adopted in statistical and research practice. We propose a method of distribution of population by per capita income with the use of standard consumer budgets. The method is used as a framework model of the social structure of the territory population for the purposes of reflection and analysis of life quality in the territory in statics and dynamics with respect to social groups and social norms. Basing on the information of the territorial marketing research on quality of life in Izhevsk conducted in May 2010, the structure of society (the population of Izhevsk) is considered.
Author Rudawska E.,Poland’s economic environment has undergone dramatic changes in the last two years. Consequently, companies have become more insecure and experienced an increase in risk to their activities; moreover, consumers have become worried. Poland’s sector of banking services has suffered greatly due to the crisis, especially as far as their image is concerned. The research shows that a 20% decline in the sense of security, credibility and trust has been observed compared to the time span from two years ago. The crisis has caused banks to reconsider their previous business models. As institutions of public trust they have to become more engaged on social issues. This study presents examples of social commitment of Poland’s financial institutions during the crisis and shows the influence of these activities on customers’ loyalty in the face of the crisis. Social activities performed by banks between 2008 and 2010 in Poland have also been assessed.
Author Kayumov N. K.,This paper reviews preconditions for the integration process in Central Asia region and causes for its failures. The principles of intraregional integration regarding this region are described. False stereotypes concerning economic role of Tajikistan are researched. Particular attention is paid to the socio-economic development of Afghanistan, without which the full integration of the region is impossible. The author presents an own point of view on Russia as a cementing link of integrational ties, since none of the countries of Central Asia, due to its economic backwardness, cannot take on this role. Several measures for economic rehabilitation of Afghanistan are proposed. The analysis of Afghanistan's economy sectors, which constitute the natural competitive advantage and which development can be a major stabilizing factor, is made.
Author Glaz'ev S. Yu.,The paper describes the results of the creation of the Customs Union within EurAsEC, which was conducted in accordance with the Plan of Action for the Customs Union, approved by the decision of the EurAsEC Interstate Council (the supreme body of the Customs Union) on October 6, 2007, ¹1. The author reviews measures to form the legal basis of the Customs Union, common customs tariff, a unified system of foreign trade and customs regulations, sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary control, the institutional structure of the Customs Union, work on the unification of trade regimes and protective measures, gradual transfer of agreed types of state control to the customs border of the Customs Union as well as improvement of the work of the Secretariat of the Customs Union Commission are considered.
This paper highlights the main factors influencing the efficiency of foreign trade in the region. One of the main factors is described in a more detailed way - the infrastructure of the region's foreign trade. The definition of foreign trade infrastructure is given, it's structure (institutional, material and normative subsystem) is determined. The main purpose of foreign trade and infrastructure problems are indicated, the solution of which contributes to the presence of the optimal balance of foreign trade infrastructure in the region. The main factors influencing the development of infrastructure in today's conditions are: transfer of customs registration and formalisation into border regions as well as establishment of the Customs Union within the EurAsEC. Practical issues of foreign trade infrastructure are considered on the example of Kurgan region. The author identifies some trends in the development of infrastructure and describes priority areas for infrastructure development of foreign trade.
This paper discloses peculiarities of forming the contribution of the region’s insurance sector into the gross regional product (GRP). The algorithm and the stages of cash flows transformation in the system of insurance, services reproduction and the GRP forming have been considered. It has been found that value added, which is formed at the stage of creating the insurance product, is quantitatively formed in the process of value distribution. Certain suggestions have been formulated to improve the methodology of contribution assessment of the “Financial Corporations” sector and the “Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds” subsection. The following main trends of increasing “the share of insurance in GRP” have been marked out: creating conditions for contributions to increase the number of resident insurance companies, mutual insurance societies and insurance mediators (insurance agents and brokers); making the techniques of more accurate GRP working out while combining these with perfecting statistical, accounting and tax reporting by the subjects of insurance; creating attractive investment conditions in the regions.
In this paper, improvement of fiscal control through the introduction of administrative and economic innovations in the monitoring work of tax authorities is reviewed. A management novation is being formed, which contains the composition of tax audit management tools, it allows to create control mechanism for the actions of tax authorities, including innovative control procedures. In the framework of economic novation, an economic-mathematical model of multi-factor regression of the effectiveness assessment of field inspection is created, which allows formalizing the procedure of estimation and level of expert subjectivity of perception. In model construction, the most significant stand out factors which have a serious impact on the effectiveness of tax audits are chosen; an evaluation of the suitability of model engagement in the practice of tax authorities is given. A mechanism of tax audits management is being formed, it is presented in the form of a functional management model. This mechanism allows a targeted study of the structure elements of the control actions to carry out the optimization of its components by providing logical relationships of technological components of a tax audit. The proposed control mechanism integrates the developed methodology of post-verification analysis into the control work of tax authorities.
The authors proceed from the thesis that the interaction between business and government is essential for the development of each state. This paper investigates the institutional framework of public-private partnership (PPP) in the Russian Federation. Based on the assessment of regulations functioning in Russia, it is concluded that, despite a number of legislative acts designed to regulate the scope of partnerships between the public and the private sector, due to the limited range of the issues and the lack of essential problems range studied, the question of legislative support to the PPP is not resolved. The role of public institutions in the development of interaction between government and business is shown. Based on the analysis of a large factual material, the institutions of PPP development are evaluated: the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation, state corporations, venture innovation funds and special economic zones. This paper states that for each country and region it is essential to identify the priority sectors of public-private partnership.
Author Kolosova O. G.,Basing on the results of the author's analysis and generalization of practical experience in the organization of remuneration on the oil and gas companies of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District — Yugra, the current state and remuneration policy were defined. The designed SWOT matrix reveals the possibilities of further improvement of the remuneration organization. Innovative development of remuneration systems involves a complex process of selecting management tools to achieve performance targets and implementing business strategies. A study of the most upfront human resources and staff practices in the Russian oil and gas sector has allowed the author to formulate approaches to building effective systems of remuneration. The suggestions described in this paper coordinate the interests of employers and employees. At the same time, they increase efficiency and job satisfaction through raising personal responsibility, which will gain the effectiveness of incentives for oil and gas companies.
The paper defines the role of industrial cooperation in the process of ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian economy. Economic nature of this form of long-term cooperation specified subjects and objects of cooperatives, the effects of its introduction is disclosed. Formed concept of the Programme of development of industrial cooperation in the region, taking into account the state gained in building industrial complex and the differentiation of state support measures at various stages of development cooperation. Forecast parameters on implementation of cooperation development in Sverdlovsk region for the period up to 2020 are formed. According to the reported characteristics and conducted author's calculations, based on realistic projections of engineering enterprises of Sverdlovsk region, a four-indicator sectorgram for the performance evaluation of the program for the development of industrial and technological cooperation in the field of engineering is presented. The described approach to the establishment of a development program for the industrial cooperation in the region can monitor the situation, timely adjust regional performance standards and policies in this field
As a result of structural reform of Russian railways, a host of agents that provide customers with loading resources, especially wagons for transport by railway. These processes reduce in efficiency of the car fleet, increasing transportation costs, shortage of cars for many customers, an increase of empty runs and, as a result, a depletion of a number of sections of the network carrying capacity at a reduced total volume of rail traffic. The article describes the reasons for this situation due to the mismatch occurred heterogeneity of rolling stock to existing planning conditions and tariffs. It is also shown that the inefficiency of decentralized car fleet contributes to the predominance of tree-type network, and the importance of this factor in the new environment has increased substantially. To ensure the efficient operation of rail transport as a systemic industry, providing mass-haul transport, it is proposed for integration into a regional logistics. Freight terminals regional logistics transportation and distribution system (RLTRS) is appropriate to create on the basis of major freight railway stations. Thus, the adaptation of planning car traffic volume and train formation to modern standards, the establishment of tariff incentives and long-term changes in network configuration are considered as a prerequisite for the transformation of local transport and technological systems on the network of Russian railways into the integrated transport and logistics systems.
This paper reviews the problem of forest capital reproduction in the value concept from the standpoint of multi-functional model of forest management in terms of the lease relations. The theoretical formation of forest regeneration funding mechanism is based on its market organization. The concept of forest resources reproduction based on the definition of gross income is proposed. The funding mechanism of forest resources reproduction in terms of their lease is described. The proposed concept of forest capital reproduction remains one of the central ideas of Marx's economic theory that is nowadays commonly called "double-system approach" or "dual system approach", within which value and price categories are used simultaneously. The notion of forest reproduction policy is formulated. The author concludes on the need for forest reproduction policy in the Russian Federation to receive independent legal regulation with pragmatic and responsible steps to create the investment potential for the reproduction of forest resources.
One of the priorities of Russia's transition to post-industrial development is the upgrade of mineral resources sector as a major system-building industry which includes exploration, extraction, refining, transportation and processing of minerals. The main directions of modernization in the subsoil resources management are improvement of methods and technologies under exploration, automation and computerization of work and equipment at the stages of production and transportation of mineral resources, improvement of equipment and technology with the use of nanotechnology in the stages of enrichment and processing of mineral raw materials. Actual direction of modernization in the ore mining industry today is creation and improvement of techniques and technologies to work in the northern climate according to the Program of subsoil resources development of the North and the Arctic shelf. Due to the exhaustion of large raw mineral deposits and geological complexity of the conditions of mining, there is a need for new types of mining and extraction equipment in the industry and development of processes to extract minerals from the non-traditional raw materials.
The subject of given article is the problem of forest capital renewal within a cost estimation concept which is considered from the perspective of multifunctional model of forest utilization under lease relations. Theoretical framework for development of a financing mechanism is given with regard to reforestation organized on a market base.
This paper reviews vector optimization goals related to the selection of efficient portfolios of a company's counterparties. In the first part of the research, the costs to minimize of providing goods and risk of late delivery have been selected as the optimization criteria. It is assumed that the risks are random in nature and are characterized by a random amount of damage being made to the firm due to late delivery of products. It is assumed that the amount of damage is proportional to the quantity of goods ordered. The second section is devoted to the optimization of working with bank clients through the formation of an effective portfolio of banking products. The following resources of the bank are considered as risky assets: placed interbank loans, securities (bonds, stocks, bonds), corporate loans, loans to small and medium-sized businesses, factoring and loans to individuals. Methodologically, the approach developed here is adjacent to the theory of portfolio investment, which goes back to a paper by G. Markowitz, however, this approach is applied for objects other than capital market instruments.
Modern economic space is characterized by a multitude of emergencies, unusual situations, and interference to the development of business. In these conditions, competitive immunity of the company cannot always stay on the same level - a strategic essential characteristic of the company, revealing not only the company's ability to compete in the market of business entities, but also the company's ability to withstand the potential risks from external and internal shocks (in case of crisis, natural disasters, accidents and other emergencies) and the company's ability to recover from disruptive events due to the presence of internal, sometimes not popular and not involved resources and assets. Among the possible approaches to monitoring of company's competitive immunity is a significant reduction in its assessment of vulnerability and enhancement of resilience. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of the company in a competitive environment is a highly difficult strategic challenge, requiring maximum inclusion of intellectual capital and other intangible assets. The fact that for the long-term survival and growth of the company it is needed to understand how to anticipate market changes and, accordingly, adapt to those. Without strategic thinking it is hardly possible to speak about the viability of the company in today's competitive economy. In this connection, there is such a phenomenon emerging as an economic (competitive) intelligence, which is broadly and more actively being positioned in today's marketing environment. Competitive intelligence is considered in this paper as a special tool for market research, aimed at formulating and implementing a proactive strategy, where the fragments of events in the marketing environment are put together - that allows identifying strategic risks and opportunities.
This paper describes an original technique and peculiarities of its use for the express diagnostics of a company and analysis of financial risks. The feature of this technique is potential Russian reality accountance of optimizational transformations of statements in order to minimize taxation and refract the information field of a business system for the apperception. It is based on the conceptual principle of studies of the University of Ghent, according to which, these three cycles affect stability of the companies to the important risk - the risk of bankruptcy. It is noted that the use of matrix analysis can become an additional powerful tool for solving the conceptual verification problem of financial permanence of business systems operation in the marketplace because it allows to determine the internal nature of the underlying processes that occur within an atomic business system and to make every effort to minimize potential and actual manifestations of instability of the external and internal environment of the business system. This method satisfies the multiple set of conditions-equations: apperceptive, asymptotic and simplificational functions that form the basis of calculations for model creation. The technique can be applied by commercial banks in the analysis of the elements of their loan portfolio. Application of this technique allows analyzing the performance of a commercial company in the features of Russian life with minimal iterations.
This paper describes the concept of energy security and a system of indicators for its monitoring. The indicator system includes more than 40 parameters that reflect the structure and state of fuel and energy complex sectors (fuel, electricity and heat & power), as well as takes into account economic, environmental and social aspects. A brief description of the structure of the computer system to monitor and analyze energy security is given. The complex contains informational, analytical and calculation modules, provides applications for forecasting and modeling energy scenarios, modeling threats and determining levels of energy security. Its application to predict the values of the indicators and methods developed for it are described. This paper presents a method developed by conventional nonlinear mathematical programming needed to address several problems of energy and, in particular, the prediction problem of the security. An example of its use and implementation of this method in the application, "Prognosis", is also given.
Author Prisyazhnyy M. Yu.,This paper highlights the most important and fundamental parts of the territorial analysis of the industrial mastering of Yakutia. Industrial mastering of the territory of Yakutia, which, to some extent, is the area of "new" mastering, flows typically for the northern regions and is characterized by significant region-to-region differences in the level of industrial mastering and the role of its individual branches. The leading industries in Yakutia are still extracting ones, which, specifying the first "layers" of mastering, have contributed to the rapid development of productive forces and the industrial mastering of the territory of republic. The republic has a distinct specialization in manufacturing of ore mining products. Industrial mastering is distinguished by lowest closeness of connection with the integral indicator of mastering, because it is the youngest, "pioneering" for the territory of republic. The paper assesses both level of mastering and level of stability of the existing mastering.
Author Inshakov O. V.,This paper describes the features, priorities and directions of state policy in nanotechnological development in the Russian Federation. The basic concepts of nanoeconomics in the modern economic theory were defined, these are: utilitarian, evolutionary, institutional and behaviorist ones. The content of the strategic multi-level process as a component of nanoindustrialization within the VI technological mode based on a structural model of the global economic system and metaindustrial function was disclosed. The most important area of nanoindustrialization (as identified by the author) is the development of economic genetics and analysis of human activity on the nanoscale level (operations, activities, methods and movements). A powerful technological breakthrough and modernization of the Russian economy in the conditions of formation and growth of the VI technological mode are possible in form of organization of large-scale studies on the evolution, strategy and technology of social relations development that are adequate to the specifics of the new socio-economic structure.
Author Pichurin I. I.,It this paper, the author tries to show that the export orientation of the Ural metallurgy, perceived until recently as its dignity and therefore encouraged by the authorities, actually poses a threat to economic security of the region. Being the basis of the regional economy and of Sverdlovsk region in particular, metallurgical industry has suffered serious loss during the global crisis of 2008-2009, thereby causing considerable damage to the socio-economic development of the region. It is generally accepted, but considered as a temporary loss, which was compensated at the end of the crisis. The author puts some suggestions forward on reduction of the global demand for metals in the coming decade. The author tries to prove that without reorientation of the Ural metallurgy onto the domestic market, such losses are very likely also in the future after the crisis overcoming.
This paper deals with the need to modernize the economy and society. The authors reveal meaningful context of the term "modernization" in relation to the Russian economy. Five priority areas of economic modernization, as initiated by the President, are considered. Species, types and sources of funding for modernization of the economy (optimization of budget expenditures, state monopolies, taxation, domestic and foreign investment and business research areas) are investigated. Based on the investigation of the essence and importance of the modernization process, a mechanism of modernization, which components are described in the paper (the process, purpose, types, objects, sources of financing, the results & process control and system upgrade) was developed. Based on the results of the conducted study, the potential for sustainable economic development of the region in the XXI century is presented. A fundamentally new set of its components (educational, human, scientific, innovation, natural resource, industrial, construction, agriculture and infrastructure & tourism potentials) is presented.
The discussion on the optimality of the currently existing structure of the subjects of the Russian Federation is illustrating the contradictions that have been accumulated in the dominion form of government of our country in recent years. In this paper, we attempt to assess the impact of past enlargements, which are considered as a part of the process called modernization of the country as a whole. A system of criteria for the process of consolidating and enlarging the regions was elaborated. The main criterion proposed is the quality of life in the enlarged regions. Diagnostics of the state, as well as the estimated dynamics of the socio-demographic security of the individual subjects of the Russian Federation, members of the Siberian Federal District in the period 2000-2009, was done. An integrated assessment of the socio-demographic security in the discussed subjects on the basis of estimates was obtained for the six indicative blocks: reproduction of the population, health status, level of life and material well-being of the population, quality of life, migration flows and indicators of age-sex and marriage-family structure.
This paper presents the results of the study on tax administration attractiveness for taxpayers in the Russian Federation. The authors provide an overview of existing approaches to understanding the nature of the tax administration. To solve the problem of estimating the attractiveness of the tax administration in this study, we proposed a methodological approach based on comparative analysis of the rank of territorial systems of tax administration. In the basis of comparative analysis is the calculation of a set of indicators that characterize the tax administration system attractiveness from the standpoint of the taxpayer, with subsequent calculation of integral indexes and rankings of the Russian Federation. The results assessing the attractiveness of the tax administration system in the regions are shown. In this paper, we attempt to assess modern tax administration as one of the key economic institutions, as well as to obtain quantitative data on the status of the tax administration in Russia's regions.
Author Nekrasov V. I.,Innovations are forcing the society to change the way of live, determining the qualitative changes of business organization and its effectiveness. Disclosure of innovations and novelties, introduction and development of the new, reasons that inhibit novelties, as well as assessing the level of novelty of goods, products and product management and innovational activity - all this determines the qualitative development of the modern economy and its modernization. The regulatory systems and systems of support and implementation of innovational processes at the level of economic entities are playing an important role in innovational activity at the regional level. These systems are focused on: a) identification of priority areas of scientific breakthroughs at the level of industries in the region and country; b) availability of innovative groundwork for the development of innovation and ensuring their financial resources; c) amount and structure of financing of the innovational processes in the industry for a specific project, as well as financing of outstanding scientists and developers, not institutions; d) development of scientific and creative environment for scientists and engineers and their specific scientific input. The process of mastering new technology cannot be viewed simply as an administrative action, rather this process should be approached as a "pedagogical poem" (individually, without any patterns) focusing on social efficiency and results rating. Innovational management should be reviewed apparently through the formation of innovations (novelties) market in highly competitive terms and capital market investments, but also through the implementation of innovational informational structure of the business.
This paper reviews the structural components of the state reserve theory with elements of decomposition and tools for studies in separate directions. The system of state material reserve, which includes the following components: economy - people - natural environment - is a necessary and sufficient reserve for their operation and development which is having the ability to respond to short-, medium- and long-term fluctuations in the economy and consider the risks of adverse factors appliance. It was determined that a necessary and sufficient reserve for the operation and development of the region is a major factor in ensuring its economic security. A method of diagnostics for the state material reserve system within the economic security of the region is presented and described. The approbation of the methodological apparatus for the assessment of the state material reserve by the example on the Ural Federal District was done.
The paper presents the author's assessment of the socio-economic status of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. The risks of social and economic development are identified and ranked: these are risks associated with climate, ecology, life conditions, risks associated with the formation and development of human capital, as well as risks in the oil industry. The competitive advantages of the strategic district development in the formation and development of human potential are highlighted, as well as the development of oil and gas industry. The periodization of Yamal formation as the country's gas capital is held: a schematic model of the life periods of Yamal, which includes five epochs, is presented in the paper. The research description includes a basic list of major investment and priority projects of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region for the period up to 2030. An author's projection on the directions of industrial development in the region is made.
This paper reviews basic principles which are used in developing a system of entrepreneurial motivation for top echelon managers. Innovational maturity of the enterprises is used in this system as a constituent component of the evaluation model. The authors give practical advice on the application of this model. Basing on an analytical review of the scientific researches performed by domestic and foreign research scientists, a comparative analysis of structural methodologies for assessing innovational maturity of the enterprises is made. For the purpose of testing the research results, specific examples of indicators that meet the requirements of entrepreneurial motivation were developed. Indicators of innovational maturity model provide those diagnostic tools needed to measure the total of productivity of manufacturing factors and their management. The usage of those diagnostic tools in assessing performance of top echelon managers will really bring together and unite interests of top echelon management and owners, activate the inner entrepreneur in a hired manager as well as harmonize the work of top echelon managers to achieve the current goals and achieve strategic objectives of the company.