Arhive: #3 2011

Model of social structure in the study of life’s quality of the territory’s population



Abstract References

This paper considers the problem of finding a model of social structure reflecting social development, the effectiveness of human life and society as a whole, particularly in the study of the life quality on the chosen territory. Let us analyze grouping methods or population differentiation methods according to the income, as adopted in statistical and research practice. We propose a method of distribution of population by per capita income with the use of standard consumer budgets. The method is used as a framework model of the social structure of the territory population for the purposes of reflection and analysis of life quality in the territory in statics and dynamics with respect to social groups and social norms. Basing on the information of the territorial marketing research on quality of life in Izhevsk conducted in May 2010, the structure of society (the population of Izhevsk) is considered.