Author's articles (5)
#1 / 2010 Category: AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD-PRODUCING SYSTEMS: A NEW VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENTNecessity and timeliness of regional agrarian-industrial cluster generation has been substantiated in the present paper. A program algorithm concerned with regional agrarian-industrial cluster generation has been developed. Possible results of the given programme implementation have been demonstrated.
#3 / 2010 Category: REGIONAL PROBLEMS OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENTIn article image and reputation of territory are considered as its major non-material actives. Features of their formation, growth and estimation are analyzed. Author's definitions of image, a brand and reputation of territory are offered, their place in non-material actives of territory is defined, and interrelation and distinction dialectics between image and reputation are analyzed.
#2 / 2011 Category: INSTITUTIONAL AND HISTORICAL PECULIARITIES OF ECONOMIC MODERNIZATIONPublic-private partnership is a relatively new but very promising tool to modernize the Russian economy. The existing regulatory framework in Russia for the public-private partnership projects remains incomplete. Gaps and shortcomings in the law will always be, any law is not perfect and can be improved indefinitely. The Federal Law "On Concession Agreements" is no exception. However, many legal gaps which are characteristic for the existing regulatory and legal framework for public-private partnerships can be eliminated or narrowed due to more detailed project preparation. The industry-specific public-private partnerships' peculiarities especially need to be clarified as well as stages of preparation of concession agreements, the contents of contracts, the order of cash payments etc. We should agree with the position of those economists who believe that an important feature of public-private partnership in Russia could become the concept of "the state is following business," referring to the joint efforts to overcome the infrastructure constraints in the implementation of specific strategic projects. However, in the traditional sense, the public-private partnership demonstrates the opposite, i.e. it is characterized by the concept of "business follows the state", based on which the state is making some efforts to attract private capital into infrastructure development. A certain set of problems and risks of building public-private partnerships in Russia has already formed; they not only form some of its content specificity, but also inhibit its spreading across the country. The experts distinguish the following frequent problems and risks: - High level of corruption, which determines significant risk to comply with the partnership agreements; - Unfavorable and not perfect legal environment for the formation and development of public-private partnership; - Low level of confidence in the economy and society in general. Of particular importance to improve the efficiency of public-private partnership in Russia today is the development of broad competition. Preservation of old relations, exclusive access to the participation in the most profitable public-private partnership projects does not stimulate the development of cooperation between business and government.
#3 / 2011 Category: CORPORATIVE MANAGEMENTModern economic space is characterized by a multitude of emergencies, unusual situations, and interference to the development of business. In these conditions, competitive immunity of the company cannot always stay on the same level - a strategic essential characteristic of the company, revealing not only the company's ability to compete in the market of business entities, but also the company's ability to withstand the potential risks from external and internal shocks (in case of crisis, natural disasters, accidents and other emergencies) and the company's ability to recover from disruptive events due to the presence of internal, sometimes not popular and not involved resources and assets. Among the possible approaches to monitoring of company's competitive immunity is a significant reduction in its assessment of vulnerability and enhancement of resilience. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of the company in a competitive environment is a highly difficult strategic challenge, requiring maximum inclusion of intellectual capital and other intangible assets. The fact that for the long-term survival and growth of the company it is needed to understand how to anticipate market changes and, accordingly, adapt to those. Without strategic thinking it is hardly possible to speak about the viability of the company in today's competitive economy. In this connection, there is such a phenomenon emerging as an economic (competitive) intelligence, which is broadly and more actively being positioned in today's marketing environment. Competitive intelligence is considered in this paper as a special tool for market research, aimed at formulating and implementing a proactive strategy, where the fragments of events in the marketing environment are put together - that allows identifying strategic risks and opportunities.
#1 / 2012 Category: NEW RESEARCH RELATED TO REGIONAL ECONOMYThis paper formulates basic features of competition between the territories basing on the analysis of economic reality as well as on the basis of the sociological research conducted by the authors. The following components of the horizons of territorial competition in today's economic environment are identified and justified:
— Competition between territories in the global economy is progressing significantly, it is expanding and improving itself;
— The problem of competitive immunity of a territory and not only provision of momentary competitive advantages is currently put to the fore;
— Creation of a competitive immunity requires activity of territorial authorities in partnership with all stakeholders (citizens,businesses, investors etc.) and certainly with regard to their interests;
— Indispensable goal of territorial competition should be defined as the insurance of a high level and quality of life in that territory, guaranteeing the most effective usage of competitive advantages of the territory in order to ensure a comfortable life, opportunities for education, recreation, business, investments etc.;
— Currently territorial competition in the regions and cities of Russia has not yet become an incentive to increase their innovational activity, and, therefore, requires a study on feasibility and development recommendations necessary for the immediate start of the process;
— Territorial competition more and more intensively affects the increasing mobility of the economy of the Russian Federation and its municipal formations, initiating entry of new companies and leaving of old companies on the market within their territories;
— Territorial competition today includes the struggle between the regions and cities to increase their intangible assets, including the development of special projects for the formation of an attractive image and positive reputation of the territories.