Arhive: #3 2011

Particularly human development regions in modern Russia



Abstract References

One of the leading doctrines of present time is that people are both the goal and driving force of socio-economic development. This conceptual idea is the basis of the theory of human development. The complexity and multidimensionality of the category of "human capital" has led the authors to conclude that the methodology for assessing human development should be based on a multiplicative model calculating the human development index. The authors gave a rationale for the use of dynamic normalization rate of per capita gross regional product in the calculation of constituting the index of income. In this research, a method for the analysis of structural changes in human development is presented. Criterial attributes of typology, which allows to reveal the specifics of human development regions of Russia at the present stage, are identified. The rate of incremental effectiveness, which was designed in this study, allowed to assess the efficiency and results rating of human development in the studied areas. Basing on the analysis of empirical data from the past ten years, the authors concluded that human development has an intensive nature.