Author's articles (4)
#1 / 2010 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe classical problem of product supply and demand, which was first defined by À. Marshall, is reduced to Lorentz model in a nonlinear statement and it describes sustainable circular processes of commodity market, including price range increment in the context of crisis forthcoming (inflation); destabilization due to nonmanufacturing costs; the main stages of crisis development, including a stage of chaotic behavior of residence time at each attractor (equilibrium point); possibility of surmounting the crisis by means of modification of certain parameters. The given approach is used for the purpose of construction of a qualitative model of commodity price readjustment during precrisis and crisis periods, and finding reliable prognostication time.
#3 / 2011 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe discussion on the optimality of the currently existing structure of the subjects of the Russian Federation is illustrating the contradictions that have been accumulated in the dominion form of government of our country in recent years. In this paper, we attempt to assess the impact of past enlargements, which are considered as a part of the process called modernization of the country as a whole. A system of criteria for the process of consolidating and enlarging the regions was elaborated. The main criterion proposed is the quality of life in the enlarged regions. Diagnostics of the state, as well as the estimated dynamics of the socio-demographic security of the individual subjects of the Russian Federation, members of the Siberian Federal District in the period 2000-2009, was done. An integrated assessment of the socio-demographic security in the discussed subjects on the basis of estimates was obtained for the six indicative blocks: reproduction of the population, health status, level of life and material well-being of the population, quality of life, migration flows and indicators of age-sex and marriage-family structure.
#4 / 2014 Category: BRANCH AND INTER-BRANCH COMPLEXESAltai Kray is intensively developing agricultural region with a high and diverse production and economic potential in the Siberian Federal District of Russia. The economic characteristics of the region, the structure of the gross regional product, where the share of agricultural production accounts for more than 16 % are given. The rating of the region for the production of food commodities is given, and the self-sufficiency level of the area in having basic food commodities is provided. The conclusion about referring the Altai Kray to agro-oriented territories of the Russian Federation, which make a special and significant contribution to food independence is made. The criteria by which it is possible to classify regions as special-important agricultural areas is given. The estimation of potential climatic zones of the region in terms of production, rural employment, directions, etc. is made. An analysis and comparison of production volume of the main agricultural products with the state support in the Altai Kray are carried out. The characteristics of the current model of the market state regulation for agricultural products is given. The permitted level of support for the WTO agriculture in the world is provided. The conditions and consequences of membership of the Russian Federation in the WTO on the certain product sectors of agriculture are summarized.
#2 / 2016 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSThe article presents the flowchart of the and analysis and information system “Anti-crisis” intended for the integrated assessment of the parameters of the economic security of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This system takes into account the risks, threats and their forecasting. The scheme reflects the interaction of separate program modules. The integration of modules with the unified database management system is described: access to the database, automatic backup and recovery of databases in real time, data transmission through an open channel with the use of modern encryption-decryption algorithm. The main units of the system are allocated: a diagnostic block of the economic security condition, block of the well-being of an individual and the territory of residence, block of extremism, correlation block, block of modelling and forecasting the security of the entities of the Russian Federation. Within the block of the modelling, the main generalized mathematical model based on the system of the nonlinear differential equations and created for the purpose to take into account the correction coefficients, as well as all types of interaction of indicators, is given. The main types of optimization problems of the interaction of indicators by using the generalized model, are compiled. On the basis of the developed optimization problems, the forecasting from 2016 to 2020 is made.