Author's articles (9)
#3 / 2010 Category: INNOVATION ASPECTS OF USE OF MINERAL RESOURCESThe efficiency of involving the northern territories’ mineral and raw-material resources in economic turnover depends on scientific and technical modernization of mining industry. Its main directions for Timan-Pechora oil and gas bearing province, Pechora coal basin and Timan-North-Ural mining region are reflected in the article. Resource-innovation strategy is closely linked to master-plans and programs of regional development.
#4 / 2010 Category: MODERN TOOLS OF ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC PROCESSESA perfect image of a territorial economic system predetermines the substance of economic and geographic prediction. Methodology of such prediction is search for coordination vectors regarding various aspects of territorial development, including management.
#3 / 2011 Category: SOCIOECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF THE REGIONSAuthor Lazhentsev V. N.,Komi Republic at the border of the XX and XXI centuries (the problems of socio-economic development)The first decade of the twenty-first century from a historical point of view is interesting, first of all, because of the fact that social development receives priority over the economic in public opinion and public policy of many countries. Attempts to adhere to this rule were also made in Russia. The paper analyzes the problems of socio-economic development of the Komi Republic in the first decade of the XXI century. The pass through problems (demographic crisis, aging of the fixed assets, disproportions of reproduction) and new problems related to the reorganization of the property management systems and the production, differentiation of people’s incomes and expenditures, violation of the principles of economic federalism and financial crisis are highlighted. Solving of these problems is linked to the innovative development of the productive forces of the republic and the strengthening of interregional economic integration. The scientifically arranged directions of innovational economy in the Komi Republic (fuel, mining and metallurgical complexes, forest and agricultural sector of the economy) are reviewed.
#4 / 2011 Category: SOCIAL ASPECTS OF AGRARIAN POLICYThis paper deals with the concept of term «sustainable development» of rural areas. Social problems of rural development of the republic of Komi are identified. An intra-rural typology creation is performed. An increasing differentiation in the development of rural areas is concluded. Rural settlements in the republic are characterized by low population density and a rare network of settlements. Low level and quality of rural life (low rural incomes, poor living conditions and high unemployment) and better living conditions in urban areas adversely affect migration processes of the village. Characteristic features of modern rural labour market are: inconsistency of supply and demand of labour in vocational and qualification angle, seasonality of production and temporary nature of the proposed work, low wages, low competitiveness of the youth labour market, high level of registered unemployment and even higher — of unregistered. Analytical material allowed the authors to determine the direction of social policy for sustainable development of rural areas according to the conditions of the North.
#2 / 2012 Category: NATIONAL SECURITYAuthor Lazhentsev V. N.,This paper reviews the following questions of studying of the North with reference to a problematic of national safety of Russia: economic maintenance of geopolitics in the zone of Arctic, optimization of distribution of mineral-raw, fuel and energy resources between the Russian and international markets, expansion of inter-regional technological cooperation, coordination of resourced and innovative strategy with representations about postindustrial economy, achievement of a condition of social well-being. The scientific explanation of the specified objects is aimed at formation of a special kind of state policy, notably — connection of separate parts of the country to the creation of the general bases of safe social and economic development. The economic-geographical analysis has allowed obtaining additional proofs on necessity, firstly, of maintenance of the North as an insurance reserve of a sustainable development of the country and, secondly, eliminating those reasons which could lead to undesirable position of the North as hypothetical destabilizing element of national economy.
#4 / 2012 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONSAuthor Lazhentsev V. N.,The influence of peculiar features of the North and the Arctic on formation of scope of research works and the directions of regional policy is shown. The assessment of cold (climatic discomfort, permafrost, etc.), periferieness, high natural and resource potential, ethnicity is directed on the studying of traditional problems of demography, the organization of the relations between corporations and territories, the tax and budgetary providing. The problem of choice of measurement techniques of level of economic and social condition is especially allocated. The attempt to coordinate raw specialization of the northern and the arctic regions with the solution of strategic problems of their sustainable development is made.
#1 / 2013 Category: NEW RESEARCH RELATED TO REGIONAL ECONOMYAuthor Lazhentsev V. N.,Accents in a description of theory and methodology of territory development are displaced from distribution of the national benefits on formation of territorial natural and economic systems and organization of economical and geographical activity. The author reveals the concept of «territory development» and reviews its place in the theory and methodology of human geography and regional economy. In the article the individual directions of economic activity are considered. The author has made an attempt to define the subject matter of five levels of «ideal» territorial and economic systems as a part of objects of the nature, societies, population settlement, production, infrastructure and management. The author’s position of interpretation of sequences of mechanisms of territory development working according to a Nested Doll principle (mechanism of economy, economic management mechanism, controlling mechanism of economy) is presented. The author shows the indicators, which authentically define territory development.
#3 / 2013 Category: AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD MARKET: NEW VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENTThe role and place of agrarian sector in activity of the population of the northern territories of Russia are shown. The competitive advantages and restrictions in agriculture development on the North are analyzed. The new situation in agriculture according to Russia’s entry into WTO is analyzed. Conformity with conditions of the budgetary allocations for realization of the state program for agriculture development and regulation production of the agricultural market, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 to the World Trade Organization conditions is estimated according to Russia’s entry into WTO. Priority actions for development of agriculture within a group of measures of support used by the World Trade Organization are formulated. The risks from a decrease of volumes of direct state support revealed. It seems to be a serious threat for agriculture modernization. Measures for the improvement of budgetary support of the agrarian area according the WTO requirements are offered.
#4 / 2015 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSAuthor Lazhentsev V. N.,The article focuses on the relationship between the concepts of “spatial” and “territorial” development. It is shown that these concepts are different in their content, but at the same time greatly complement each other in the specific studies. Only in the category of “spatial development”, there are general directions of productive forces, the geographical dimension of a certain type of activity, the economic measurement of distances, line communications and other network structure of the economy. The author includes to the concept of “territorial development” the territory itself as an area of natural and economic capital and territorial management based on it. The study of the spatial and territorial aspects of socio-economic development of the European North of Russia has shown that its immediate future is connected not only to the large projects of creation of new fuel and energy, mineral and timber bases but with the improvement of the existing economic systems on the basis of scientific and technological progress and inter-regional integration. The moving from the developed territories to new Arctic and northern locations is associated with huge costs and requires time for scientific and technical preparations. The modernization of existing industries and clusters is a priority in the development of the productive forces of the European North of Russia. Theoretical and practical recommendations as a result of the study of the spatial and territorial development can be applied in the development of state strategic planning documents. Currently, the practice of strategic planning does not fully explain the content of the concepts of “spatial development” and “territorial development”. And this incompleteness is so essential that its overcoming should be seen as one of the major objectives of regional policy.