Author's articles (4)
#1 / 2011 Category: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC POTENTIAL OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe problem of regional differentiation in reproductive performance level of urban and rural population of Russia on the basis of the total fertility rate and gross and net reproductive performance rates is considered. The dependence of the population reproductive performance level on ethnic and geographic factors (distance from the center of the territory) is grounded. Also, based on the concepts of demographic transition from fertility-limiting access to family planning and mortality from non-regulated to control the risk of mortality, based on the egalitarian and more flexible systems of health care, cultural self-preservation behavior and psychosomatic well-being of populations, the influence of migration transition, or "mobility migration" applied to different regions of Russia is revealed. In addition to the total reproductive performance rate in the territories, calculations are gross and net ratios for specific territories of Russia with the release of the reproductive situation in urban and rural areas, are presented.
#3 / 2011 Category: SOCIOECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF THE REGIONSThis paper reviews the problem of choosing some identified strategies for life by various population groups and the impact of this phenomenon on the regulation of mass demographic behavior. Life strategies are interpreted by the authors as examples (stereotypes) of behavior, the subject of construction of social action based on a conscious, planned design of life (life plan) and correction of the fundamental set of values in accordance with the deliberate socio-economic interests. Criteria and types of strategies for living with the specific socio-economic conditions and factors determining the differentiation of the installations of demographic behavior are suggested for the reader. As the basis for the typology of strategies for life of socio-professional groups, a type of social activity of the population is adopted. Specific socio-economic factors, the strategy of material prosperity and economic activity as regulators of reproductive and self-preservation behavior at the micro- and macro-level are identified. During the conducted selective survey, the structure of socio-economic values of reproduction in urban and rural families of the northern regions of the Urals was revealed. Scientific and practical significance of these research results are defined by the needs of areas, urban districts and city parts to develop appropriate requirements of the day of innovative concepts of demographic development and family policy measures, taking into account the identified specific value orientations of family, socio-economic expectations and well-being of the population.
#4 / 2014 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONSDuring the finishing of the second demographic transition in the countries with relatively high level of socio-economic development, the tendencies of rise in the total birthrate and the changing of a calendar of births were revealed. At the same time, the process of delayed marriage of both men and women, and increased number of single households were continued. The developing tendency of rise in births required from demographers an additional analysis of causes of this phenomenon, especially as the growth of total birthrate coefficient become stable after millennium. The attempt to analyze the newest tendencies of the influencing of growth of the life quality on the differential birthrate in safe regions of the world, to compare the processes of socio-economic, sociocultural, and reproductive differentiation of indexes of population movement on Russian territories with rating evaluations were made in the article. The hypothesis of the research is related to the assumption that the global changes in life quality in a number of the world’s regions stimulated the renewal of the tendency to alternation of generations in demographic processes. The authors of the research draw a conclusion that this process in Russia was just started and developing. It gives a chance to develop the tendency of alternation of generations in the future and reduce the treats of depopulation and the need of superfluous recruiting of foreign labor force.
#3 / 2015 Category: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC POTENTIAL OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe article deals with the spatial socio-demographic isolation as a factor of the current system of settlement in Russia’s regions. In theory, the phenomena of loneliness and social isolation have their demographic, socio-economic and psychological roots. Conceptually, they are expressed in the theories of nuclearization of family structure of society and the family’s loss of its core functions, deprivation of a person (of friends and relatives), in the paradigm of the second demographic transition. In fact, the trend towards the abandonment of birth, growth of cohabitations and divorces, premature mortality as the cause of widowhood are complemented by the institutional factors strengthening the foundations of a singular way of life, including various forms of isolation of an individual from the social environment in a post-industrial society. The main reasons of the socio-demographic isolation are following: the tendency of increasing a number of private households represented by lonely people, both elderly and young; as well as the prevalence of the institute of widowhood (mortality risks influencing the marriage and the family); the impact of flows of labour, academic, self-preservation, consumer migration (both returned and irretrievable types) on the reproduction of the population. Psychologically, the demographic isolation of certain local communities contributes to the feelings of loneliness as a regulator of the communication intensity and interaction between individuals. In the socioeconomic aspects, the isolation of local communities is associated with the factor of remote location of families from the centers of communication and real markets, with the development of new Russian and global logistics systems, with are deprivation of traditional sources of household income as a specific form of survival in the vast expanses of life of the Russian society.