Arhive: #1 2011
Author Sheviakov A. U.,The problems of inequality and poverty in the population dynamics are reviewed. Advantages and disadvantages of poverty indicators used in the statistics of the Russian Federation - in comparison with those in the statistics of the Soviet Union and the EU - are analyzed. A curve of income distribution in Russia in comparison with European standards is proposed. Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of formation and redistribution of income from which only the rich layers of the population are currently benefiting. For the dynamics of income of the poorest layers of the population, a tendency to reduce is characteristic. To change the situation, institutional reforms in the sphere of distribution relations are required, as some groups have institutional advantages in comparison with others. I.e. it is necessary to change the view of backward and forward linkages of social inequality and socio-economic growth. For this purpose, we introduce the concept of the functional boundaries of income for different kinds of economic, social and demographic behavior of the population. Accordingly, the inequality should be divided into normal and excessive, in terms of the feasibility of human capabilities. Excessive inequality, in turn, can be surmounted by the introduction of progressive taxation.
The understanding of the nature of the regional socio-economic system conception of self-conception under consideration in the rank of the Russian Federation is being developed. Adaptation is considered one of the key functions of self-developing system. Its implementation is determined by the internal resources of the system, external to the system of macro-economic backgrounds and value coordinates of the system. The concept of adaptive capacity is expanded, the criteria for its evaluation is summarized. We present a conceptual framework of methodical approach to evaluating the potential of the regional socio-economic system. In particular, the adaptive potential of isolated two components, each of which includes subpotentsialy, is highlighted. The results of calculating the adaptive capacity of the author's method on the example of Sverdlovsk region in the pre-crisis period 2006-2007. and the crisis period 2008-2009 are presented. The calculations allow us to estimate the adequacy of conducted anti-crisis measures.
Author Sukharev O. S.,The social impact of economic growth is analyzed; it is emphasized that such growth may exacerbate social inequalities. Four major economic systems that define the quality of economic growth - industrial, technical, financial, institutional and social - are reviewed. The outcome of social development of the Russian economy since the early 1990s up to 2010 is analyzed, patterns of social sectors functioning of the national economy are identified. A method of analysis of social structure and social efficiency, in which the social system is divided into sectors - education, health, etc. - is proposed. The analysis of social investments effectiveness by the example of health care is made. In this analysis, performance criteria for health and safety features dynamic of health agent are studied. The economic system of social agents is divided into groups according to the ratio of health care. Finally, the level of spending on health interventions is calculated; this is how levels of social well-being of the social system are measured.
The problem of regional differentiation in reproductive performance level of urban and rural population of Russia on the basis of the total fertility rate and gross and net reproductive performance rates is considered. The dependence of the population reproductive performance level on ethnic and geographic factors (distance from the center of the territory) is grounded. Also, based on the concepts of demographic transition from fertility-limiting access to family planning and mortality from non-regulated to control the risk of mortality, based on the egalitarian and more flexible systems of health care, cultural self-preservation behavior and psychosomatic well-being of populations, the influence of migration transition, or "mobility migration" applied to different regions of Russia is revealed. In addition to the total reproductive performance rate in the territories, calculations are gross and net ratios for specific territories of Russia with the release of the reproductive situation in urban and rural areas, are presented.
The importance of ethno-demographic factors in an open regional economy is substantiated, it is determined by the internal structure and establishes the basic qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the ethno-demographic processes in the regions of the Urals and the Ural Federal District. Regions are classified on the increase (decrease) of population, level of urbanization, level of life expectancy, migration and the intensity of processes of marriage and divorce. Also, the regions are compared on changes in the ethnic structure of the population. Thus, the general trend for all subjects of the Urals and the Ural Federal District is the increasing proportion of Caucasian and Central Asian ethnic groups against falling share of the Slavic ethnic groups. Taking into account the fact that the ethno-demographic factors shape the human potential of the region, i.e. determine its economically active population, conclusions about the impact of this factor in different directions on the economy of the studied macroregion were formulated.
Author Mishchuk S. N.,The aim of this research is to study the dynamics of migration, as well as to conduct an analysis of permanent and labour migration in the Jewish Autonomous Region (JAR) in the period from 1993 to 2008. It is shown that in the period from 1993 to 2002the main reason to the dynamics of migration were changes in terms of international migration, and from 2003 to present - changes in rates of interregional migration. Hiring foreign workers in the Jewish Autonomous Region is characterized by a high proportion of migrants from China. The average estimate of integrated safety performance indicators of the migration in the JAR showed that the migration situation in the region is facing a crisis because of the well-established interregional migration loss. Enhancements of regional security can stabilize and increase the number of immigrants inside it.
A comprehensive diagnosis of socio-demographic security of the region, which is based on an indicative method of analysis, is presented. In particular, status and dynamics of changes in the socio-demographic security of Sverdlovsk region in the period 2000-2009 is shown, the most problematic areas of life are identified. Priorities and targets in enhancing socio-demographic security of Sverdlovsk region up to 2020 are identified. Among the priority directions, for example, reduction in mortality from external causes of mortality decline in working age, and others worked out forecasts of indicators of population reproduction and probabilistic forecasts population of Sverdlovsk region in 2020 under three scenarios (inertial, and supports efficient) can be identified. Finally, an estimate of projected levels of socio-demographic security of Sverdlovsk region as on 2020 is divided and sorted into blocks.
Current problems and peculiarities of employment due to the growing shortage of manpower are discussed on the example of Sverdlovsk region. The causes of labour shortages and the main features of its overcoming are associated with an increase in economic activity, growing productivity, mitigating structural problems of the labour market and migration replacement. Priority areas for management of regional employment, taking into account the negative effects of demographic factors, are proposed. These trends include the increased interaction of ministries and departments to coordinate actions in the social sphere, science-based development model for monitoring the social and labour sphere (with the situational analysis, monitoring and short-term forecasting), modernization of software on employment in the current conditions and the formation of constantly updatable information database for the migration planning.
Author Loginov V. G.,This paper reviews reproduction of labour resources in the northern region of the Russian Federation on the example of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Yugra. A retrospective analysis and an assessment were made, as well as a forecast of manpower in the autonomous region. Demographic factors such as population growth, employment structure by economic sectors, education and migration were investigated. Thus, migration includes shuttle trips due to inter-work in shifts, seasonal migration, illegal migration and internally displaced persons from the Russian Caucasus and Central Asia. In general, a young population structure is responsible for the positive nature of demographic processes in the region. The structure of the population acquires the features typical for a developed territory: high level of education, increased share of employment in industry and reduced share - in real estate development. It is expected that more jobs will be formed in the service sector and in the energy sector; by contrast, at the expense of productivity growth, there will be layoffs of workers.
The main regulatory instruments of employment used as the anti-crisis measures of labour market policies of Sverdlovsk region in 2009-2010, are analyzed in this paper. These include: providing information on available job vacancies, including the organization of job fairs, temporary employment, including public works and training (including the career enhancement), further training and retraining, assistance in development of geographic mobility and stimulating self-employment and job creation in small business, assistance in employment of disabled persons, early retirement etc. The estimation of the quality content and implementation of regional programs is given to departmental target programs to promote employment of Sverdlovsk region in 2009-2010 and departmental target programs to support employment of Sverdlovsk region in 2010.
This paper reviews the theoretical aspects of a company's intellectual capital. This capital consists of stock and movement of knowledge which is useful for organizing. There are three components of intellectual capital - human, social and organizational capital. The differences of intellectual and human capital are established. In particular, if human capital is characterized by mundane knowledge, the intellectual one - by the new, and if the products of human capital are the usual goods and services, the products of intellectual capital are the result of translating and implementing new knowledge. The coincidence of research subjects of the theory of intellectual capital and the theory of innovative enterprise development is shown. The concept of "intellectual potential of the enterprise" is introduced and the building structure is discussed. This potential consists of intellectual capital, patents and licenses unrealized by the enterprises, formalized ideas and hypotheses and undiscovered creative potential of the staff. Finally, a realization model of the intellectual potential of the company is proposed.
The results of differentiation analysis of money income in the Tyumen region are presented in this paper. Analysis of differentiation was performed using Foster-Greer-Torbeke class indicators by areas included in Tyumen region: autonomous areas (Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamal-Nenets) and the southern part of the region. It is shown that, along with increasing interterritorial income differentiation, income differentiation within these regions is also growing. Based on the results of an assessment carried out during the last ten years in the social policy, the package of measures aimed at improving the situation of the poor population is proposed. Thus, it is shown that the advancement of the poor population may be the result of a comprehensive social policy aimed at reducing income inequality by eliminating the strain distribution in the relationship. The emphasis of the regional authorities should be given to programs that go beyond the narrow definition of social protection: programs to improve labour market efficiency, quality of workforce and education etc.
A classification of existing approaches to measuring human capital is presented, the advantages and disadvantages of their use are reviewed. The choice of a representative approach to assessing the human capital of Russian regions is substantiated; ways of overcoming the difficulties of this approach are suggested. A new theoretical and methodological approach to measuring the condition and level of human capital development in the context of the Russian Federation, based on the indicative qualimetric analysis, is proposed. A methodological apparatus, based on positive evaluations of human capital, which allows combining into a single diagnostic system as parameters are directly attributable to human capital, and environmental factors, in which its formation is happening, is presented. Components of the human capital that characterize the region of its formation: demographic, educational, labour, research and socio-cultural capital, are highlighted. Qualitatively different state levels of human capital are marked as very low, low, fair, average, good, high and very high. The results of research capacity evaluation and research activities effectiveness (research components of the scientific capital) of the subjects of the Ural Federal District for the period between 2000 and 2009 are described.
Socio-demographic factors of the labor potential of the municipality in terms of reproductive approach are considered. The author gives definition of labour potential of the municipality as an open system of reproduction abilities of various socio-demographic groups to create economic benefits established in the territory of the municipality and independent of external and internal socio-economic factors that determine the functioning of the municipality. Fertility, mortality, education, unemployment, employment, level of injury and migration are reviewed as the factors of labour potential formation of the municipality. In addition, this paper examines the approaches which to some extent contribute to the understanding of processes affecting the development of labour potential, namely, functional and reproductive approaches. Some results of research on the socio-demographic conditions of formation of the labour potential of Miass and Zlatoust districts of Chelyabinsk region are also presented, based on which we can conclude that mutual adjustment of demographic and social spheres is the only way to harmonize the interests of all stakeholders in the way of progressive development of these municipalities and strengthening their competitive positions in the region.
The necessity of developing methodologies for assessing the business organization is substantiated. Creation of new business entities is seen as a tool of differentiation of the territory in order to diminish the emerging imbalances. The importance of assessing the value of business organization as a multifactoral process is characterized. Particular attention is paid to the development and testing methodologies of comprehensive assessment of entrepreneurial activity. A comparison of entrepreneurial activity in mono-cities of Asbest and Kamensk-Uralskiy is made and situation in the city of Yekaterinburg is shown for comparison. The results of the sociological survey aimed at identifying characteristics of potential entrepreneurs territories, where the predominant narrow economic specialization - in particular, such areas as mono-cities, are currently being analyzed. A comparison of the perceptions of business organizations by operating businesses and those who are not business entities was made on the following criteria: characteristics that distinguish the studied group, satisfaction with the amount of income, possible difficulties in the initial stages of business, perception of business etc. It is emphasized that the most important incentive for business is dissatisfaction with the current situation.
This paper reviews such feature of regional socio-oriented institutional policy formation as demand for increased attention to social innovations, to scale, sources and impact of social investing. The institute of informational services is studied. The importance of interaction between the center of the Federation and the formation of regional policy, as well as the need to examine the social and economic innovations, methods and results of the use of innovations in the social, economic, financial, environmental and other spheres of the considered local area is emphasized. It is also important not to lose sight of the uniqueness of each individual local industrial area and its particular history, i.e. socio-economic innovation should not be the result of speculative and distanced from real life projects, and should represent an organic combination of innovations and traditions, socio-economic innovations should be targeted and "tied" to the specific conditions of the local area.
Author Belyaeva Z. S.,Financial and economic crises made the level of readiness to changes in the different types of organizations throughout the world and Russia visible. Variation of social and economic programmes implemented by governmental and corporate sectors is widely seen; not all of them work positively for the population, especially in the countries with emerging markets. At the same time, twenty years of the market economy in Russia, for instance, have definitely built a new social and economic system, but whether it has changed fundamentally in the management techniques? This research generalizes some trends of the corporate development in Russia in the context of social responsibility and socio-economic transformation. The author attempts to define Russia's place on the world map of corporate social responsibility. The opportunities for Russia to learn from foreign experience are also examined.
This paper highlights features of state policy in the sphere of regional environmental management: improvement of public administration in the environmental field, creation of a system of economic regulation of market relations, ecologization of socio-economic development of Russian regions and the need to integrate scripting development environment. Ecologization of the economy is defined as the main direction of socio-economic and innovational policies of Russian regions. In addition, the following areas are designated for ecologization of economic development and improvement of the natural environment: ecology of manufacturing, human ecology, ecology of natural environment and ecology of business. The relationship between the branches is being set.
The question of the need to improve existing methods of calculating the result of the production function of health care organizations, in order to adequately determine the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations, is reviewed. Two approaches for solving this problem are proposed and their advantages are discussed. In particular, it is proposed to use a matching coefficient which allows taking into account the level of production and, consequently, finding conditional production volumes which could be carried out by organizations in the same conditions. Also, for comparison of the results of organizations' functioning, a method of reducing total production volume to equivalent units can be used. Some of the peculiarities of the studied organizations hindering the implementation of the proposed approaches and suggested activities that contribute to the elimination of their negative influence were highlighted. In general, both of these approaches to determining the actual result of the production function of health care organizations are viable, but require additional reforms of the health care system.
Author Selyanskaya G. N.,This paper reviews the competence approach as a basic condition for the implementation of educational innovations. This approach involves formation of new core competencies - paraprofessionalization - through an interdisciplinary organization of learning content, integrated development of the laws of nature, technology and society, and systemic thinking. An assessment of the need for specialists in the labour market for compliance with the requirements of universities and employers of graduates is made. This assessment has identified non-compliance with the requirements. Employers mention a low degree of willingness to learn new things, a lack of focus on professional development, lack of readiness for teamwork etc. among the graduates' qualities. In this regard, a model of competence estimation which includes subjects, objects, levels and methods of competencies assessment was suggested. This model is designed to improve compliance with requirements and required competencies.
Regional tourist industry in context of principles of regional socioeconomic systems self-regulationThis paper deals with basic principles of self-regulation of tourist complexes as regional socio-economic systems on the example of Sverdlovsk region. These include the principles of goal setting and the necessary diversity of economic entropy: in this case, these are important for the tourism industry and the human and natural resource and ecological potential. Is it shown how a tourist complex influences the socio-economic development of regional economic systems. In particular, tourism influences some of migration processes. Tourism development strategy in the Russian Federation at the tourist center level is analyzed. The need to develop such a strategy is due to the transition to market relations and, as a consequence, complexity of governmental regulation. It is substantiated that Sverdlovsk region is a subject to following strategy and might be successful in various sectors of tourism: business and congress and exhibition, urban entertainment, family and shopping tourism, sports, medical and recreational tourism.
Author Varshavsky A. E.,The basic economic processes affecting the development of the food sector - the spatial concentration of capital and the erosion of the chain offers - are reviewed in this paper. The effect of introducing the problem of innovation in the quality of food production and domestic consumption of the population is studied. Major negative consequences of this action: focus on food imports and the growing problem of national security, widespread use of food additives, the problem of formation of the consumer basket, the deterioration of health due to poor nutrition and, finally, the difficulty of monitoring the quality and identification of foods are highlighted. Also, measures to reduce these negative impacts are proposed. Among them are the following: increased responsibility, of scientists, engineers and others for the quality of manufactured and imported consumer goods, focus on long-term goals, development of domestic agriculture and food industry, raising the state's role in quality control and finally, raising public awareness the quality of food.
General problems of socio-economic development of Russia and Mongolia, due to raw material orientation of their economies: inadequate development of social infrastructure, dependence on price fluctuations in world commodity markets etc., are reviewed in this paper. The recommendations to address these problems by means of international economic integration of these countries at three levels - global, regional and transboundary (interregional) - are given. In particular, participation of Mongolia in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is discussed. Special attention is paid to the model of interregional partnership as a primary level of cooperation. The mechanism of this economic partnership is based on the principles of joint activities between business and government, federal and regional authorities and economic entities of both countries. Instruments of implementation of these principles are proposed, namely - creation of special institutions and preferential treatment. Finally, a specific example of interregional cooperation between Russia and Mongolia is extensively studied.
Main principals of the socio-economic approach to the study of foreign economic relations in the region are formulated in this paper. This approach theoretically raises the level and quality of life dependent on the functioning of the economy of the region, an important place in which takes the international communication. Performance of foreign trade of Sverdlovsk region, structure and dynamics of exports and imports in the region, volume of foreign investment, migration rates of the population are analyzed, countries and regions, which act as strategic partners, are identified. Particular attention is paid to foreign economic relations between Sverdlovsk region and China, which are based on strategic priorities in the development of international relations in this direction. Also, objectives and directions of regional foreign trade policies that increase competitiveness of the region, harmonious integration into the world economy and creation of conditions favorable for its socio-economic development, are formulated.
Author Reshiev S. S.,The southern of the Russian Federation is characterized not only by well-developed agriculture and recreation & fitness complex, but also by participation in major national projects in the field of agricultural machinery, electric locomotive building, power engineering and agro-industry, serving the entire country's economy. The basic advantages of this macroregion were systematized into the following groups: geographical (geopolitical), climatic, natural resource, demographic and multicultural. Among the individual benefits, within these groups we can note the presence of sea and land gates of Russia connected to the Middle East and Asia, relatively low energy production costs and favorable conditions for agricultural development, the presence of large reserves of oil and gas, water resources potential, agricultural and industrial resources, positive natural population growth, cultural affinity with the peoples of both Europe, Middle East and Asia. Wise usage of these advantages will enable the South of Russia to enter the path of sustainable growth and development, and fully integrate into the united socio-economic area of the country and the world economic processes.
Author Warren R. C.,The contention of this paper is that, at the moment, the concept of CSR lacks a theory to give it clarity and direction in the corporate context, this makes it difficult for managers to know what to do, how far to go, and how to evaluate and account for the results they are achieving in their endeavors to implement CSR policies. To come to grips with the CSR movement we need briefly to consider why the demand for CSR has arisen, how it manifests itself in business practice, and whether it can be understood in theoretical terms so that it could become institutionalized in an accountable way. A candidate theory of CSR is offered: the communitarian theory of corporate purpose is to, within and upholding the rules of ethical business, produce the maximum sustainable value for stakeholders. The measure of this is profits for shareholders and deposits of social and natural capital for other stakeholders.
Author Dathe Marion,The process of socio-economic transformation of East German lands after the German reunification in 1990 is analyzed, the term "transformation" in frames of planned and market economies is defined. The author studies the historical determinants of the transformation process in Germany. German economic and industrial history in context of the driving forces and their social values, as well as the properties of the planning and economic systems that underlie the transformation of East German mentality, are considered. Further analysis is connected with economic, social and political components of the East German transformation process, "the dominance of the West", the collapse of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, privatization etc. Finally, the outcome of already traversed path of transformation of East Germany is considered. It is concluded, that the transformation process is not only historically conditioned situations of both the merging parties in the case of Germany, but also the positive or negative perception of its results and the motivation for its further implementation.
Author Umurzakov B. H.,The questions of theoretical understanding of "pension system" category are reviewed in this paper, its functions and characteristics are defined. The features of pension schemes of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the prospects for its development in the context of improving the market economy are described. In particular, shortcomings of centralized state pension insurance system, inherited from Soviet Uzbekistan, such as the removal of policyholders to participate in the management of funds, the gap formation mechanism of pensions and employee work outcomes etc. are highlighted. Three categories of pension recipients are named and studied. The authors compare two approaches to the distribution of pensions, according to their abilities and needs. In conclusion, the authors analyze the three-level pension system used in developed countries. It is confirmed that in Uzbekistan the principle of level of pension contributions and payments of pensions of employee attachment is widely applied.
Author Batkhural G.,Modern challenges of globalization require full knowledge from the world on a new paradigm of management and updates on this base of management concepts and their implementation in practice. A comparative analysis of new and traditional paradigms of management was conducted. Three levels (parameters) of management philosophy are provided, under which four different philosophies (with the priority rights of the individual, group etc.) are described. Based on this representation, a picture on this philosophy and management models of the new century, which explains the functioning of all types of management in today's globalized world, is constructed. This representation allows us to draw a concept and management model of the XXI century for a specific country - Mongolia. This becomes possible by taking into account various parameters, such as the organization's values, the sources of success, the mechanism of motivating people, the leader's control and personal control etc.
The main trends of the Russian agriculture development are analyzed. Food security of the population is one of the biggest challenges facing the state and has a significant impact on the country's economic security. Despite the growth of food production in recent years, domestic production of the agroindustrial complex has not yet reached the post-Soviet level. Agri-food market in Russia is characterized by a high level of dependence on the volume of imports. To compare the degree of food security of Russian regions, an analysis of their self-sufficiency in food resources was conducted. The main targets of state policies, medium term ones (until 2012) and long-term ones (until 2020) were defined, analysis of the mechanisms of their implementation to evaluate future impact of the proposed policy on food security of the country was made.
Author Pilavova E. G.,Based on the study of international experience in modeling residential mortgage, the need to develop savings and loan institutions is justified - banks of building savings - as an institution to meet mass demand of the general population of Russia on the improvement of living conditions. In particular, the history of mortgage lending in Asia and Europe is described in details. Particular attention is paid to the models of the Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) and Germany. The percentage volume of housing loans to GDP in transition and developed countries is compared. The reasons for the backlog of Poland and the Czech Republic from more developed countries are investigated. It is concluded that exactly the building society was the starting point for the rapid evolution of housing finance in different countries. The advantageous features of this institution as reducing credit risk through specialization, providing a source of long-term money and effective tool for the selection of reliable borrowers to the banking sector, as well as beneficial effects on the economic culture of borrowers are indicated.
The features of information and network economy influence on the nature of employment are being analyzed. With the development of the fifth technological mode, mechanical movement of the labour forces from one industry to another one is impossible. This is prevented by a broad restructuring of the occupational structure of employment, the disappearance of many "old" professions and the emergence of the ones, which require special educational training. There is a growing share of employment mainly in mental labour and decrease of the proportion of persons employed in manual labour, which includes workers of all skill levels. The reduction of productive employment, partly related to labour productivity growth, is offset by its growth in non-manufacturing "computer" occupations - among various administrative support staff servicing computers, creators of peripheral equipment and programmers, operators of local networks etc. New information technologies make it possible to extend flexible forms of employment that do not require steady jobs. In this process, the information economy can provide a number of issues in employment related to the erosion of traditional social and labour relations, weakening of the legal protection of employees in the information business that requires adequate response of the society and the state.
Author Patrushev A. V.,The analysis of the draft concept of Russia's territorial reorganization through its division by 20 agglomerations, as proposed by the Russian Government and Presidential Administration, is made. The rationale for the project is provided. It consists of the conclusion that in fact existing limits on the number of employees of schools, clinics and other governmental agencies reduce the quality of life in small municipalities. In addition, some of the towns - mono-towns with a single-industry enterprise, and complicates their self-development. Along with this, the problems in the implementation of the proposed concepts - such as those associated with lack of transport infrastructure in the northern and eastern parts of the country - are described. It is concluded, that the creation of agglomerations in Russia is on the front burner, but not for all areas and not in the form of government and administrative divisions change, as well as a program of urban centers and immediately adjacent areas.
The sectoral and socio-economic approaches to the formation and development of the transport sector are reviewed. The preference is given to the second one - within which the development of transport is seen as an important component of sustainable development of regions and countries as a whole. Socio-economic approach allows to identify the social settings of the transport sector and the factors that determine the effect of transport on the socio-economic development of the region - the socio-labour and economic. These factors are characterized by specific indicators such as average salary of employees of transportation (e.g. railways) to the regional level, proportion of workers in the transport industry, total employment in the region, the volume of passenger departure transport (railways) fraction in the region to the total volume inside Russia, and others to assess the impact of the transport sector on the situation in the Siberian Federal District, the state of the complex economic and social entities of the county on the proposed indicators is analyzed. It is concluded, that the transport as a part of the economic system indirectly raises the level of industrial and commercial activity in all spheres of activity, but as an element of the social system it plays an important role in the functioning of life-supporting industries.
Author Nosov A. A.,Based on statistical data, international migration is considered as a complex relations of Sverdlovsk region, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of these relationships is given. Based on the evaluation of statistical data, as well as by studying the analytic literature, the role and place of Sverdlovsk region in the Ural Federal District is substantiated. A country, for which the region is an attractive region of migration, is designated. The dynamics of migration in recent years is disclosed and explained. An attempt to explain the qualitative composition of migrants, namely, migrants from the former Soviet Union and immigration from abroad, is made. Detailed statistics for these countries is provided. Based on the findings on thr dynamics and qualitative composition of people arriving and departing, a forecast of the migration situation in Sverdlovsk region as a key region in the Federal District is made.
Author Lisin G. I.,Basic problems in housing services and public utilities in the region are described: - economical - unavailability of loans; social - provocation of nervousness in the society; legal and political - rigid reliance on government; and technological - depreciation of existing networks. A number of measures to address these issues and create favorable conditions for the formation of business networks is suggested: creation of public-private management companies, reforming the legal framework and transition to the contractual relationship. A set of activities aimed at the development of business networks in this area was defined: creation a competitive business environment at the level of service providers and service-level houses in order to eliminate monopolies, attraction of large business networks, creation of business networks which will conduct service works to households, introduction of commercial initiatives and involvement of private operators. Thus, the concept of housing services and public utilities as a sector of the economy was formulated.
The problems that currently face the establishments of agriculture are the following: competition with import products, regionalization of support, i.e. prevention to a single market space formation, monopolization of processing enterprises and sensitivity to investments. The technique of assessing the level of economic security of the agroindustrial complex organizations was suggested and described. It identifies the indicators of economic security, indicative markers of economic security and thresholds for performance indicators, current values of performance indicators etc. At the same time, such indicators of economic security of agroindustrial complex organizations are used: availability of arable land, labour, funds etc.; profitability, efficiency, and cost effectiveness. This technique will reduce the risks to economic security of agroindustrial complex organizations, improve quality of life and enhance food security of the state.
Author Kobyak M. V.,Trends in the Russian tourism market are observed in this paper: the growth of domestic tourists flow compared to the growth of foreign flow; the number of private firms in this sector, reduction of state support and others emphasized the role of marketing research in the field of tourism, which helps to define the subjective preferences of consumers and increase product quality. The concept of "quality" is characterized in the tourism industry in three ways. A strategy of quality management products and services is proposed: it consists of three units and has three options for implementation - assuming, systematic, integrated and local approach, respectively. Three ways to assess the quality of tourist services are offered. It is concluded that the basic category of the quality system is standardization. On the example of tourism it is shown that the objects of standardization in the quality of the production process are the manufacturing process, the product itself, the enterprise manufacturing this product and, finally, the staff.