Author's articles (9)
#3 / 2005 Category: INTER-BRANCH AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMSThe problem of readiness of the enterprises of a metallurgical complex of Russia and Urals Mountains to work in conditions of connection to WTO is mentioned in the work. The analysis of a modern condition of a complex in Russia and Ural federal district is lead, tendencies of its change during last years are investigated. The methodical approach to an estimation of a condition of the enterprises and their competitiveness on the basis of which it is possible to reveal "narrow" places and the "weak" parties in their activity and to estimate a degree of readiness of the enterprise to work in conditions of WTO is offered. With use of the developed methodical device the estimation of a condition and readiness of the enterprises of the Ural mountain-metallurgical company for the introduction of Russia in WTO is executed.
#1 / 2006 Category: NEW PARADIGMS AND CONCEPTSThis article opens the cycle of authors’ publications on the questions of theoretical approaches and representations of systems’ economics development. Digression of origin and development of social-economical formations is given. The attempt to consider the transformation of systems’ economics with the consideration of latent dynamic characteristics, to reveal the laws of structural-genetic and functional attribute of changing economy forming was made. Also it is offered to consider the models of systems’ economics transformation and their influence on territorial economic safety of different level.
#1 / 2007 Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYUnder the economical-mathematical apparatus of multi-indicated estimation of the shadow economy dynamics in region quantitative estimation of factors made an impact on exchange of shadow economy volume was carried out. Modeling also has allowed to reveal the indicators adequately estimating dynamics of shadow economy. On the basis analysis of shadow economy of regions we worked out the conception for neutralization of shadow economy in UFD, based on optimum parity of economic and administrative measures.
#4 / 2006 Category: BUDGETARY-FINANCIAL SECTOR OF ECONOMYThe economic and finance efficiency of enterprise activity is one of the competitive-ness factors in the conditions of modern market. Two indicatives are the basis of economic and finance evaluation: liquidity ratio and profit ratio. Budget management is the unique technology, which can run liquidity and profitability by the system of budgets together. In this article the author describe the way of improvements in budgeting management by the sys-tem of BSC (Balanced Score Card). This tool gives a possibility to connect the system of budget management and the system of strategy management.
#2 / 2007 Category: THE REGION'S FINANCESIn the article we consider some aspects of Russian Federation and Sverdlovsk region bank sector development and few principles of credit organization percentage policy construction. We also describe interest rate calculation methods depending on currency toolkit and the received results of using the methods in reference to population crediting development. Besides we give some offers on increasing management efficiency of percentage policy and decreasing delayed credit debts level and some offers on specification of population crediting development forecasts in Sverdlovsk region.
#2 / 2008 Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYA conclusion about assess method of shadow economy and decreasing its damage to the region economy. The methodology provides diagnostics of current and forecast crisis conditions caused by influences of shadow economy. The developed methodology is applied at consequences analysis of the actions against shadow economy damages bringing to social and economical development.
#3 / 2008 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF SECURITYThe basic problems of development of socio-demographic sphere in Russia at the present stage and the tendency of their change are considered in the article. The methodical device of diagnostics of socio-demographic safety of territories is offered. In basis of it lays using of indicator analysis method. The researches based both on official statistics, and on calculations of the latent dynamic characteristics are considered. The special attention is given to diagnostics of real number of addicts. The condition and dynamics of change of socio-demographic safety in federal districts of the Russian Federation for the period of 2000 - 2006 is shown. The primary goals are put which performance will lead to a output of Russia from the developed demographic crisis.
#4 / 2009 Category: ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF REGIONIn the article authors reveal regional aspect of the problem of influence the ecological factor on investment appeal. This allows considering from the point of ecological and economic security. The choice of the type of investment policy in different scenarios of social-economic development of the region.
#1 / 2011 Category: FORMING OF SOCIAL QUALITY OF ECONOMIC GROWTHThe results of differentiation analysis of money income in the Tyumen region are presented in this paper. Analysis of differentiation was performed using Foster-Greer-Torbeke class indicators by areas included in Tyumen region: autonomous areas (Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamal-Nenets) and the southern part of the region. It is shown that, along with increasing interterritorial income differentiation, income differentiation within these regions is also growing. Based on the results of an assessment carried out during the last ten years in the social policy, the package of measures aimed at improving the situation of the poor population is proposed. Thus, it is shown that the advancement of the poor population may be the result of a comprehensive social policy aimed at reducing income inequality by eliminating the strain distribution in the relationship. The emphasis of the regional authorities should be given to programs that go beyond the narrow definition of social protection: programs to improve labour market efficiency, quality of workforce and education etc.