Author's articles (4)
#1 / 2011 Category: FORMING OF SOCIAL QUALITY OF ECONOMIC GROWTHA classification of existing approaches to measuring human capital is presented, the advantages and disadvantages of their use are reviewed. The choice of a representative approach to assessing the human capital of Russian regions is substantiated; ways of overcoming the difficulties of this approach are suggested. A new theoretical and methodological approach to measuring the condition and level of human capital development in the context of the Russian Federation, based on the indicative qualimetric analysis, is proposed. A methodological apparatus, based on positive evaluations of human capital, which allows combining into a single diagnostic system as parameters are directly attributable to human capital, and environmental factors, in which its formation is happening, is presented. Components of the human capital that characterize the region of its formation: demographic, educational, labour, research and socio-cultural capital, are highlighted. Qualitatively different state levels of human capital are marked as very low, low, fair, average, good, high and very high. The results of research capacity evaluation and research activities effectiveness (research components of the scientific capital) of the subjects of the Ural Federal District for the period between 2000 and 2009 are described.
#4 / 2012 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONSThe paper outlines evolution of human capital theory. It provides a methodological approach for measuring the level of human capital development in the regions of Russian Federation. The approach suggested enables to determine the qualitative state of human capital in each region, to find out the reasons underpinning the current situation, to asses regions’ contribution to the overall national human capital, to develop some individual approach to forming another quality human capital and its managing for each territory. The methodology afforded the instrument ware based on the qualimetric analysis, which uses the natural estimates (indicators) of an object. A system of indicators simulating the human capital state puts forward the following modules: demographic, educational, labor, research and sociocultural. The tool offered allows differentiation of the Russian regions into the levels of human capital state. The 2011 rating of Russian regions according to the human capital state is given.
#2 / 2013 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONSThe paper considers issues of the assessment of the socioeconomic consequences of drug abuse in today’s conditions, which have the following features — the approaching of drug-dealers to legalize the drug market, develop the illegal drug market and their analogs and derivatives by the introduction of modern production technologies and distribution of psychoactive agents. Key tendencies observed in the contemporary world in the field of dynamics of the drug market development, which are reflected in the regions of Russia including the Ural Federal District are revealed. The procedure of assessment of socioeconomic expenses of drug abuse including assessment of drug consumers’ expenses and their surrounding people; and also; maintenance costs of the state bodies supervising drug trafficking; expenses for health care and other social expenses connected to drug use; damage to individuals of drug abuse distribution; expenses of private institutions and establishments; socioeconomic impact of drug abuse distribution. The technique uses a tool allowing to carry out a calculation (a heroin equivalent), i.e. the drugs withdrawn by law enforcement agencies and the subsequent calculation of the corresponding number of consumers of each type of drug. This method is aimed at increasing the accuracy of estimates received. On the basis of results calculated according to offered technique, the shares of socioeconomic expenses of drug abuse concerning the income of the cumulative consolidated budget and a gross regional product of the Ural Federal District are defined.
#2 / 2005 Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONMethodical questions of diagnosing drug situation in the territory. It shows the composition of performance indicators to assess the state of the drugs situation in the regions. The approaches to the determination of the key indicators of the drug situation - the actual number of drug users, a critical mass of drug addicts, the damage caused by drug addiction. Given the results of the diagnosis of the drug situation for Urals Federal District for the period 1999 - 2003 years. The main directions of work to counter the spread of drug addiction and neutralize its effects within the county.