Arhive: #3 2010
Author Makarov V. L.,The article analyzes the emergence of the knowledge economy, development of the attention economy, the ability to measure the amount of knowledge. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the innovation environment, the problem of competitiveness, including the environment of fundamental science and higher education, as well as the formation of knowledge market as a special institution, significantly different from the traditional markets.
Author Tatarkin A. I.,The substance and function of an intellectual capital in social reproduction are considered in the paper. Intellectual capital is treated in unity with its properties — as an element of public (national) wealth, production factor capable of reproducing extensively, provided dynamic regulation by the government is secured. Resources to generate an intellectual capital at all levels of management and administration are substantiated.
Author Abishev A. A.,The crucial importance of the choice of working out and implementation mechanism of industrial policy system concept in the regional dimension is noted; three models of industrial policy are considered: exportoriented, import substitution and innovative; the strategy of accelerated industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan is analyzed; the uniqueness of solution to the problem of industrial policy and self-development of business structures interrelation is emphasized.
Author Shekhovtseva L. S.,Becoming region as subject of development and formation of the strategic purposes is proved. The concept of the regional strategic purposes is developed idecisive. Hierarchical and coalition mechanisms of formation of the regional purposes are used. Techniques of a choice and an estimation of the purposes, modelling of economic growth and competitiveness of region are developed.
The article shows the role of environmental factor in the competitiveness of the region. The issue of the country's image and the region is considered according to ecology and touristic appeal. We consider the modern role of botanical gardens and their transformation from scientific horticultural organizations to the objects of multi-use facilities type, for a regional multi-utility. The experience of an innovative project of creation of Russia's first environmental technological park and tourist-recreational zone on the basis of the university botanical garden in Irkutsk using the public-private partnership is stated.
It is considered the problem of forming of innovative environment in the region at the cost of relevant clusters separation and their development. Permsky Krai is considered as an example of the regional cluster, which was built on the basis of the national research university. The authors have suggested the conception of a cluster and the participants of innovative process as a system; measure set of entente cordiale forming within the bounds of regional innovation system; orientation for effective management of innovation; areas of science which are necessary for innovative activity support in the region.
Author Doroshenko S. V.,They have developed the idea about the theoretical essence of the regional socio-economic system innovation development, opened the meaning of the regional socio-economic system strategic adaptation, substantiated its necessity in the time of the Russian economy transition to the innovation development, and suggested the conception of the strategic adaptation.
Author Golova I. M.,The author considered problems and contradictions of modern innovation policy in Russia. It is shown, that at present time regions are removed from management of science-technical complex and spatial priorities are not produced. It is a serious factor of risk for conservation perspectives of innovation development for Russia. With taking into account of world experience main districts of rise effects regional police were formulated. It is underlined, that creation conditions for transformation of regional authorities in active subjects of innovation policy is necessary condition for building vital innovation system. It is shown, that state innovation policy must be constructed at combination of next principles: a) support science-technical potential of regions — generators of innovation and creation conditions for its realization; b) using of innovations for evening-out disproportions of social-economic development between regions; c) widening powers and financial possibilities of regions at management of innovation climate. Methodical approaches for making effective mechanisms of management of innovation processes of territory are opened. Typology of Russian regions with high and middle degree of innovation climate is proposed, which takes level of science and innovation potential of territory and also degree of comfort of social-economic conditions for development of innovation activity are offered. Peculiarities of innovation strategy for different types of regions are defined. This typology may be used for substantiation spatial priorities of innovation strategy of Russia.
Author Untura G. A.,Role of regional offices of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the innovation development of regionsThe role of regional branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences as the basic elements of regional innovative systems creating scientific reserves and cultural base for development of the population creative potential and activity of the innovative enterprises is shown. Indicators of resource security and productivity of regional branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences activity in 2008 are considered. The main trends of regional branches development are allocated; within them the frameworks cooperation and competitive relations of large scientific and technical agglomerations of the country for attraction of scientific personnel and investments will be formed. Illustrative examples from experience of development of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science in the last decade, characterizing strategic directions of development of regional branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are resulted.
In article image and reputation of territory are considered as its major non-material actives. Features of their formation, growth and estimation are analyzed. Author's definitions of image, a brand and reputation of territory are offered, their place in non-material actives of territory is defined, and interrelation and distinction dialectics between image and reputation are analyzed.
Author Sukhovey A. F.,In this article is developed a role of innovation complexes of a region at the base of analysis of foreign and domestic experience of organization science-technological complexes. Main reasons, braking innovation transformations in Russia are cleared. For example of Russia it is shown, that unsystematic forming objects of innovation infrastructure without interaction with needs of development region and state its science-technical and industrial potential do not taken to positive change at economy and do not help to activation of innovation processes. Peculiarity different innovation complexes as instrument of social-economic policy, its participation at decision, those actual problems as overcoming of decline traditional branches of industry, forming high-tech sector, rise of outlaying districts, rise of competitive ability of industry were cleared. It is given special attention to possibility of innovation complexes as effective mechanism passing of technologies, allowing to create favorable conditions to subjects of innovation activity and to speed up process “research — production”. Measures to foundation of effective innovation infrastructure as one conditions of acceleration innovation development in Russia are offered.
Author Sergeev A. M.,In article substantive provisions of the theory of technological ways are considered, structural characteristics of the fifth and sixth technological ways are resulted. Interdependence of technological and institutional changes is shown. For a number of the Russian regions possessing in high scientific and technical potential, possibility both catching up, and advancing technological development by means of realisation institutional innovations is proved.
The article describes the results of the research of development and performance features of the venture capital financing institution in leading countries as well as in Russia and in its regions. A number of main trends in venture financing in accordance with the level of innovation process` development abroad and in our country are emphasized, first of all by stages of support of scientific and technological developments and projects. Positive trends and contradictions in development of venture capital financing institution in Russia and its regions are revealed. Main directions of activation of venture financing process are systematized in accordance with the requirements of the Concept of long-term social-economic development of the Russian Federation till 2020 and the Strategy of social-economic development of the Sverdlovsk region until 2020.
Author Boush G. B.,It is offered author's point of view on connection between innovation of business-clusters and innovative regional development. It is revealed the content of innovation as one of the base property of business-clusters, consisted in ability to expanded reproduction and innovation introduction. It is shown the influence on realization of innovative ability of business-clusters such factors as informative resource and their current. It is detailed the condition of innovative ability of business-clusters on every step of their development, corresponded to one of possible base conditions — low differentiated, competitive, growth, decline.
The efficiency of involving the northern territories’ mineral and raw-material resources in economic turnover depends on scientific and technical modernization of mining industry. Its main directions for Timan-Pechora oil and gas bearing province, Pechora coal basin and Timan-North-Ural mining region are reflected in the article. Resource-innovation strategy is closely linked to master-plans and programs of regional development.
Author Kuznetsova G. A.,The article has considered the methodology aspects alteration limiting efficiency using production factors in coal industry of the Far East Region in time increasing factors production competitive on ATR market. Offer common calculation model for determined key parameters efficiency coal business. It’s demonstration, that reaching this parameters possible only innovation way. The main innovation in coal business on the Far East Region is creation clean efficiency ethnology’s production and consumption place coal in the cogeneration mini power stations.
The article discusses the necessity and topicality of innovative development of mineral-raw complex branches having taken into account the thesis «about transition from raw to innovative economy». Tendencies, contradictions and perspectives of working out and introducing of technical and technological, institutional and marketing innovations at various stages of bowels using are marked on the basis of the analysis of the level of innovative introductions, both in branches, and in separate vertically-integrated structures. Special attention is given to the leading role of the state in the formation of conditions for attraction of private investments (both domestic and foreign) in the process of innovative development of the complex.
In this article there are considered the challenges of metallurgical industry innovation development and the features of development and expansion of the mineral raw resource base. The urgency of the development and introduction of new technology of technological materials integrated management is proved. Economic efficiency of zinc and iron extraction is estimated, taking into account social and environmental aspects.
In the article there are considered problems and systematized experience of innovation infrastructure formation in the regions of Ural Federal District; proposed a method of assessing the innovative-technological potential, used to study processes of innovation development of the metallurgical complex in the region.
In the article it is proved that innovative development is determined by degree of stability of an innovative framework of industry for industrially developed regions. Key elements of such a framework are allocated as favorable economic and institutional conditions, the high investment potential, the developed innovative infrastructure, presence of the hi-tech enterprises, the developed human capital. The analysis of possibilities and barriers of formation of an innovative framework of the industry of the Perm region is carried out.
Author Petrov M. B.,In this article ways to ensure the development of electric power at the regional level are discussed. The necessity and nature of regional strategics is proved. It is shown that as the technological basis for the further development of energy systems at the regional level a combination of centralized and distributed systems of cogeneration of electricity and thermal energy can be taken. Features of economic criteria application in justifying decisions on the energy systems development in the region are considered. We propose some new principles and approaches to the management of energy development in the regions. These provisions may be included into the rationale of regional energy strategies and the choice of priorities and electric power development programs of industry of regions.
Author Lugovtsov A. V.,The innovation processes in non-governmental sector of machine building complex and defense industry complex of the Russian Federation are analyzed in this article. Also the recommendations for development are given.
Author Sergeev I. V.,Strategy of the innovation-based development of JSC PNPPK in conditions of the technology (technological mode) changeover is shown. Tendencies, environment and conditions for development of the first Russian high-tech fiber optic cluster on the basis of this enterprise are determined.
Author Krylatkov P. P.,The analysis of the basic problems connected with infringements of integrity of the machine-building enterprises of Sverdlovsk area is lead in the article. The specified problems are considered from a position of the complete approach developed by the author. Display of infringements of integrity of some the enterprises are illustrated by data of their inspection. As the effective tool of increase of integrity of the enterprises — expansion use of attitudes of outsourcing is offered. The comparative given applications of outsourcing in developed the country of the West and at the domestic enterprises, and also its benefits and risks are cited. Outsourcing, insoursing and subcontracting are considered by the author as the innovative tool of the decision of many serious problems of the machine-building enterprises of region. As an example practice of work of «The Sverdlovsk regional center of industrial cooperation» on coordination of attitudes of outsourcing, subcontracting and cooperation is offered. The author recommends the tabulated form, with the instruction of kinds of works for which performance the method of allocation or attraction outsourcing of the companies can be used.
Author Arkhangelsky V. N.,The article is devoted to the analysis of innovative decisions in development of small and middle enterprise in city Yekaterinburg. Especially marked all increasing role in the regional economy of small and middle innovative enterprises and infrastructural organizations (technological park, innovative-technological focis, focis of transfer of technologies). Practice of realization of key measures of strategic project “Yekaterinburg is a center of innovative activity and innovative services” and role of organs of local self-government is in-process considered in support of small and middle innovative business, and also perspective directions of development of innovative enterprise are certain in the economy of the largest city on the nearest years.
Author Petrov A. P.,The author been guided by analytical data on the drugs market, the level of development of domestic pharmaceutical industry and a share of the Russian market occupied with it, justifies the need for creation of the pharmaceutical cluster in the Sverdlovsk region, as a mechanism of accessibility maintenance of vital and essential medicines for population and a source of economic growth in the region.
This article deals with transition way of economic of the Russian Federation on an innovative way of development. The special attention is given the internal social and economic environment of the organizations which, as a rule, counteracts development of innovative activity of the personnel. Ways of increase of innovative activity of the personnel are offered.
In this article author marks out the life phases of socio-economic systems from the point of view of theirs stability / instability, determines the correlation between life phase and receptivity degree of system to changes. They offer the order parameters of socio-economic system and assessment methods through which instability is conveyed. The suggested methods have been used for solving the problem of assessing the degree of receptivity of the regional economic systems to the currents global crisis and the following modernization process.
In the article simulation models of the formation conditions of the nanotechnology diffusion as a basis for modernization of existing plants are proposed and tested. The poll of industrial enterprises managers in Sverdlovsk region has revealed latent demand for nanotechnology development; nanodevices, mastered by other companies; composite materials; technical systems, implementing new physical and chemical properties. As a result of modeling (based on Weidlich nonlinear models) there were identified the forces of the cooperative and antagonistic effects, direct and indirect influence of the pace and conditions of technology development at various levels. The model of nanotechnology promotion is also obtained and tested.
Author Prudsky V. G.,This article is devoted to principal basis of model of systematic and synergetic approach to management of innovations in condition of transition to neoindustrial economics. This approach will be instead of complex and fragmentary approach of industrial management. The realization of such model devoted to receipt of synergetic effect of management of innovations and business can be viewed as an important tool for new and compesitive success of Russian economics and its corporations in contemporary conditions.
Considering innovations as a key factor of economic growth, in this paper we identify main instruments stimulating innovative activity in Russian regions. Since the number of potential factors of enterprises innovative activity and respective hypotheses is large, the process of model selection becomes a crucial part of the empirical implementation. A new efficient solution to this problem is suggested, applying optimization heuristics. The model selection is based on information criteria and the Sargan test within the framework of a log-linear panel data model.
Author Ismailov O. S.,The article describes the problem of providing the food consumer goods to the Uzbek population. The range of food and food products is analyzed. The necessity of the innovative strategies development for selecting range of agricultural production and directions of development of processing industry is proved. The main directions of improving the economic mechanism of development of the food products market are presented.
Author Kotlyarova S. N.,The article describes the major trends and challenges of innovation development of the construction industry. The main barriers to innovation are defined and innovative paths and perspectives of innovation development of the construction industry are marked on the analysis of innovative development features.
In this article the basic approaches of innovation maturity of business has been applied. The realization procedure of innovation maturity as an example of organizations of Perm’s region has been call attention. The preliminary potential assessments of perception of plans innovations will give optimize selection innovative strategy for organization and increase the effectiveness of business for microeconomics and region’s level.
The aggravation of competitive struggle in the environment of globalization of social and economic, political and cultural processes in the world puts forward competitiveness of an enterprise as a priority problem of management. In modern market conditions the basic competitive advantage of the company is the effective application of the human capital, and in the first place, the youth as the basic carrier of innovative potential of development. Authors consider the organization of work with young experts from the point of view of the systematic approach. Development of innovative potential of a company on the basis of systematic work with young experts is also considered.
Author Usoltsev I. A.,The article describes the investigation results of development of the assessment system of inventive activity throughout Russia. It has been recommended to update the analyzed figures in accordance with the criteria of investment return and specific value of these figures by reference to the labor-population ratio.