Author's articles (12)
#4 / 2009 Category: INTER-BRANCH AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMSThe article contains an authors’ definition specifying the notion of “economic potential” in view of marketing principles and strategic management. The authors specificate element-by-element structure of a branch’s economic potential. Furthermore, the authors give new substance to the concept of “strategic monitoring”. The authors also introduce a model of a branch’s development management based on the approach of strategic monitoring and develop tools of quantitative estimation of economic potential. Within the framework of the model and by means of the authors’ tools the machine-building complex of the Sverdlovsk Region is investigated and the efficiency of realization of its potential is evaluated.
#3 / 2010 Category: SYNERGETIC MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMY-MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF INNOVATIVE PROCESSESIn this article author marks out the life phases of socio-economic systems from the point of view of theirs stability / instability, determines the correlation between life phase and receptivity degree of system to changes. They offer the order parameters of socio-economic system and assessment methods through which instability is conveyed. The suggested methods have been used for solving the problem of assessing the degree of receptivity of the regional economic systems to the currents global crisis and the following modernization process.
#2 / 2011 Category: THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF RUSSIAN ECONOMY MODERNIZATIONAuthor Romanova O. A.,This paper analyzes various points of view on understanding the industry as a system. It is shown that in a globalized economy the creation of industries that are closely related to each other, lead to an erosion of their borders. This allowed the use of the emerging new vision of macroindustry creation, the so-called concept of "strategic re-engineering", as the basis for the concept of the new industrial system proposed in this paper. Conditions of formation of a new industrial system are illustrated in relation to the economy of one of the largest industrial regions of Russia - the Ural Federal District. Among them are: investment climate, structural imbalance, damped trend of post-crisis reconstruction, failure to involve the modernization component of the implemented economic growth model etc. Determining factor to form a new industrial system, which is the industrial policy, was defined. It was confirmed on specific examples that for the upgrading of the industrial system of the Urals the appropriate tools are such as industrial policy selection of "backbone" companies at the regional level and formation of not only federal but also regional technological platforms. The expediency of forming clusters to be used as a tool for determining the formation of a new industrial system has been substantiated. A special significance for the economy not only of the Urals but the country as a whole, formation of the rare earth cluster was displayed. A draft of the Federal Law "On the regional industrial policy in Russia" was proposed. It is proven that industrial policy based on a common legal framework in the presence of "external" conditions of modernization will be a major factor in the structural modernization of the industrial system of a region.
#2 / 2012 Category: PRODUCTION AND FINANCIAL SECURITYAuthor Romanova O. A.,This paper proves that the paradigm of the world of the XXI century is neoindustrialization on the basis of alternative strategic goals of the global economy associated with the formation of post-industrial society and financialization neoindustrialization. A systematic proposal for the driving forces and mechanisms for its implementation is suggested. It is shown that target-oriented approach can be successfully used at the regional level as a mechanism for economic neoindustrialization of an old-industrial region. Conceptual approach to developing comprehensive program of industrial development in the industrial region that implements the ideas of neoindustrialization in relation to industry of Sverdlovsk region is presented. It was found that the regional technology platform can be an effective tool for combining the interests of territorial and sectoral development. It is proved that the idea of neoindustrialization can be realized only as a result of wise industrial policy and road map formation for the movement to an entirely new high-tech based industrial development. In the process of forming, the problem of neoindustrialization of a «pure» market as a factor in increasing the economic security is actualized.
#4 / 2012 Category: INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC AND INTER-INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC COMPLEXESThe article gives the evaluation of the technological development level of the regional metallurgical complex; the condition of the innovation activity and the reasons for its depression. Negative tendencies and system problems of the regional metallurgy are highlighted. The capabilities and constraints of the industry development considering global tendencies, changes at the world market and new challenges are viewed. Strategic directions of the regional metallurgy development in the long term are identified concerning not only the gauge improvement and the production quality but also new technological and organizational decisions. Priority of the innovation development strategy providing brand new technological image of metallurgy is substantiated. The results of the formed regional metallurgical complex technological development program up to 2020 realization are presented.
#1 / 2013 Category: INTER-BRANCH AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMSThe article substantiates the increasing role of the ferroalloy production in the conditions of the present stage of economic development - new industrialization. The main tendencies of ferroalloy production with the release of an increasing concentration of production and the growth of consumption of ferroalloys, the special role of mineral resources as a factor of sustainable development of the ferroalloy industry, development of integration processes are identified. The activities undertaken by ferroalloy producer of the Ural region to overcome the shortage of raw material sources are systematized. The article justifies increasing importance of ferroalloy products based on rare earth metals and the need to develop new methodological approaches to economic assessment in conditions of uncertainty to produce high-tech materials. JSC Klyuchevsky Ferro Alloy Plant is example, which proved the efficiency of production alloys with rare-earth metals by the method of real options using the binomial tree for decision-making and the Black-Scholes model.
#3 / 2013 Category: BRANCH AND INTERBRANCH COMPLEXESIn the article, the need for the coordinated development hi-tech economic sectors with development of industrial production as a whole is proved. It is shown that structural and technological heterogeneity of Ural creates essential barriers of modernization of less profitable branches. The increasing value of the spatial factor of development of the country as a whole, particular federation subjects of Russia and municipalities is proved. It is shown that spatial gaps do not allow to use the capacity of the available Russian territory localized within regions, and separate municipalities. The problem of finding the rational compromise in resources’ distribution between the purposes of policy of structural and technological modernization and policy of maintenance of the current social and economic stability is brought into focus. Trends of territorial-sectoral location of objects of new construction and modernization in Sverdlovsk region during 2000-2012 are revealed. The assessment of the relative attractiveness of territories for definition of effective location of objects of new construction and modernization of existing industry taking into account functional use of territories and integration estimates on leading components is carried out. Methodological provisions are developed, and methodical tools of formation of the regional Scheme of the location of objects of modernization and new construction are offered. On the example of Sverdlovsk region, the offers on the creation new vacancies and modernizations of operating workplaces according to the economic activity and administrative districts during the period up to 2020 are developed.
#1 / 2014 Category: NEW RESEARCH ON REGIONAL ECONOMYAuthor Romanova O. A.,In the article, the different directions of Russia’s vector of economic growth for the period from 1991 until 2013 is noted, and factors determining its changing across time are revealed. The periodization of change of the vector of economic growth of the largest industrial region of the country — Ural (according to the all-Russian analogy) is emphasized. It is proved that the positive vector dynamics its development are defined by the possibility of carrying out new industrialization. The concept of new industrialization is offered the functional and catalytic type of its realization is allocated. «A regional institutional contour of new industrialization,» a new concept is introduced. System resources of its realization possible on the basis of innovative components are defined. Mechanisms of carrying out new industrialization are analyzed, and industrial policy as the most important of them is allocated. Taking into account the role change of the state importance increase of business structures, the strategic partnership of the state and business as the mechanism of industrial policy giving the stable and positive direction to the strategic vector of economic dynamics of the industrial region is proved.
#2 / 2014 Category: NEW RESEARCH ON REGIONAL ECONOMYIn the article, the critical role of the industrial policy in the economic development of any country is proved; it is shown that the economic policy is a mandatory attribute of the state participation in the definition of priorities, long-term goals and problems of the competitiveness increase solved in certain periods of socio-economic development of the state. A comparative analysis of the «industrial policy» concept created in foreign countries and national economy is carried out. The treatments of the «industrial policy» concept offered both in projects of legislative acts of Russia and in numerous publications are analysed. The author’s treatment of this concept is offered. Alternative approaches to develop the theoretical fundamentals of industrial policy are established. As a system framework of the modern industrial policy, the synthesis of provisions of the institutional classical theory, the theory of long-term technical and economic development, and economic synergetic is offered. Conditional stages of the industrial policy development in the world economy, proceeding from a ratio of interests of business and the population are noted. Sertain stages of industrial policy of Russia from 1989 to the present time with their meanings and received results are allocated. Regional aspects of industrial policy, its legislative provision are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of the project of the Federal Law «On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation» are revealed (2014).
#1 / 2015 Category: INDUSTRY AND INTER-INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONSThe article discussed the integration process from the perspective of three dimensions that characterize the corresponding increase in the number and appearance of new relationships; strength, character, and stability of emerging communications; dynamics and the appropriate form of the process. In the article, trends of development of integration processes in metallurgy are identified, identification of five stages of development in Russian metal trading are justified. We propose a step by step way to implement the integration process, developed a methodical approach to assessing the feasibility of economic integration processes steel producers and steel traders, including three consecutive stages of its implementing respectively, the principles of reflexive control, entropy approach, the traditional assessment of mergers and acquisitions. The algorithm for the practical realization of the author’s approach, which allows to identify the optimal trajectory of the integration process as a series of horizontal and vertical integration steps is developed.
#1 / 2005 Category: INTER-BRANCH AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMSThe role, meaning and features of the institutions as regulators of social phenomena and the central category of the theoretical concepts of social development. The features of the regional and sectoral structure of the scientific and technological complex of the Sverdlovsk region, set its role in the reproduction process of socio-economic development of the territory. Determines the direction of improving the institutional support of scientific and technological development of the territorial economic system, forming the contour of the institutional scientific and technological development of the region.
#3 / 2015 Category: MODERN TOOLS FOR THE ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF ECONOMIC PROCESSESIn the present paper, reasons for the increased interest in industrial policy, both in developed and developing countries are explained. The systematization of the development results of the Russian industry from 1989 to 2014 showed a lack of systematic selection of its priorities, preventing the formation of a strategic vector of industrial policy. The desired industrial policy diversity is established at the different economic development stages of the country. In the context of economic sanctions against Russia, it is shown that the emergence of a new industrial policy vector is connected to the need for import substitution and concomitant changes in the development model of the domestic economy. The dynamics and characteristics of the industrial development area are shown by the example of a highly developed region like the Central Urals. The total level of innovation activity of organizations continues to be low and composes only 12 %, although in the manufacturing sector this index is higher than the regional economy index by four absolute percentage points. The industrial policy of the Middle Urals is analyzed, and innovation drivers of the industrial sector of the regional economy are established. The possibilities of the defense, civil engineering, mining, chemical and pharmaceutical, and forest complexes of Sverdlovsk Region to implement the import substitution policy are revealed. The most significant investment projects that will reduce the import dependence of the regional economy are presented. The possibilities of the research sector and created innovation infrastructure of the region in solving this problem are shown. The necessity of the regional laws on industrial policy elaboration, developing the basic regulations of the Federal Law "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation" in proved.