Arhive: #1 2012
Author Kozakov E. M.,This paper describes social responsibility in regional studies as a base of scientific and practical position has an interdisciplinary character and is a key in economic theory topic, referred to as «behavioral economics». The strategic aspect of social behavior should eventually become a daily norm at all levels of administration and corporate governance in all spheres of human activity. Tactical objective of regional and municipal authorities is development and implementation of research-based socially responsible policy. The level of social responsibility cannot be measured using a single universal (integral) indicator. The idea that «The economics has as much science inside, as much as it has mathematics», as formulated in the XIX century, in the beginning of the XXI century should be rephrased the following way: «The economics has as much science inside, as much as it has humanity»
This paper formulates basic features of competition between the territories basing on the analysis of economic reality as well as on the basis of the sociological research conducted by the authors. The following components of the horizons of territorial competition in today's economic environment are identified and justified:
— Competition between territories in the global economy is progressing significantly, it is expanding and improving itself;
— The problem of competitive immunity of a territory and not only provision of momentary competitive advantages is currently put to the fore;
— Creation of a competitive immunity requires activity of territorial authorities in partnership with all stakeholders (citizens,businesses, investors etc.) and certainly with regard to their interests;
— Indispensable goal of territorial competition should be defined as the insurance of a high level and quality of life in that territory, guaranteeing the most effective usage of competitive advantages of the territory in order to ensure a comfortable life, opportunities for education, recreation, business, investments etc.;
— Currently territorial competition in the regions and cities of Russia has not yet become an incentive to increase their innovational activity, and, therefore, requires a study on feasibility and development recommendations necessary for the immediate start of the process;
— Territorial competition more and more intensively affects the increasing mobility of the economy of the Russian Federation and its municipal formations, initiating entry of new companies and leaving of old companies on the market within their territories;
— Territorial competition today includes the struggle between the regions and cities to increase their intangible assets, including the development of special projects for the formation of an attractive image and positive reputation of the territories.
This paper reviews the problem of youth employment, including nonaged minors, and some of the reasons forming these problems. The paper was written basing on the results of two research studies - (monitoring the state of the labour market for young people and analysis of the institutional environment for the development of the youth labour) - conducted in 2010 by the order of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of Sverdlovsk region. On the basis of studying the youth employment problems, youth employment exchange functions as an element of social and economic infrastructure in the region, the content of legal enactments at different levels, some approaches to the formation of an optimal model of public administration processes for youth employment are suggested.
Author Kulagina E. V.,On the basis of state statistics data, the depth of regional disparities in the accumulation and implementation of educational potential is analyzed in this paper. The authors consider the socio-economic characteristics of different types of regions and set the relationship between the level of the Russian Federation's subjects, the quality of life of people there and the value of educational resources in higher, secondary and primary vocational education. The correspondence between the trends of accumulation at the level of the educational potential of higher professional education, secondary professional education and primary vocational education and the trends in changes in the educational structure of employment in different types of regions is being analyzed. Basing on the results of the study, the reasons for growth of regional disparities and introduction of the basic guidelines for a «social» and «global» regional policy, whose principles stated in the documents of the Russian government, are revealed.
In terms of crisis economic development, one of priority goals for the technical institutes of higher education is to train engineers who are competitive on the regional labour markets. The main root of the problem of low prestige of the engineering profession in Russia, the slippage in the personnel training in technical universities lies in the depreciation of engineering work, and reduction of its social and economic attractiveness. The gap between science, education and industry leads to aging of engineering staff at the manufactures and to migration of the most talented engineers into other fields of activity. This paper analyzes current problems of engineers training organization in the Urals. The causes of sharp decline of the engineering profession social status in Russia, the fall of interest of secondary school graduates to continuation of their studies in technical institutes of higher education are reviewed. The authors show that the formation of engineering competence as a defining personal and vocational quality of a specialist involves actualization of the student's motivation, one's active and purposeful adaptation to the educational process, increasing one's responsibility for mastering the curriculum. Conclusions and suggestions of the authors are based on the results of a comprehensive sociological research conducted by them in 2011 in five high schools of the Urals (Yekaterinburg, Nizhnevartovsk and Chelyabinsk). The survey showed that during the stage of young specialists' preparation, cooperation in the «university - enterprise» system is actually shifted to the interaction, in fact, between institute of higher education and young professionals who act as the sellers of their labour. The authors believe that it makes sense to roll over (or rather - to stimulate) the active engineering work of the most productive engineering professionals who have reached retirement age. Equally sharp and critical are the issues of reproduction and preservation of professors and teachers in the technical (and not just technical) universities. In this case, the refusal of the university to use the target distribution system for its graduates should not be associated with a complete removal of the responsibility of educational institutions for the future of young engineers in the labour market.
Author Maslov A. V.,Development of physical education and sports of the region in the context of social entrepreneurshipThis paper represents the development of ideas on social entrepreneurship, which is defined as a legally enforceable activity on production of goods and (or) services aimed at the solution or mitigation of social problems through sustainable and financially successful organizational innovation, providing the further spread of the experience of social impact. The characteristics on the foreign experience of this phenomenon are given. Points of social entrepreneurship impact in the Russian society are defined. It is suggested to consider entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of physical culture and sports as a form of social entrepreneurship. It is proved that the characteristics of entrepreneurship in the sphere of physical culture and sport are appropriate to be provided in the context of general issues and trends in the development of this sector in a particular region. On the example of Sverdlovsk region as a region with good sporting tradition, common trends and factors of development of entrepreneurship in the sphere of physical culture and sports of the Russian regions are identified. Ways of solving existing problems are proposed.
Author Borodin V. A.,This paper represents a critical analysis of various theoretical and methodological approaches to an estimation of social and economic development of a region and projection of the future of such approaches. The method of self-identification of the territory, recently widely used by research scientists of the Institute of Economics at the Russian Academy of Sciences for a strategic analysis of the development level and definition of self-development potential; methodical approaches of other Russian researchers are also considered in particular. The author offers an own projection of development of Southwest Siberia territories, based on modernization scenarios of «addition» of potentials by economic integration of the neighbor subjects of the Russian Federation of the specified macroregion. The main objective of integration is creation of territorial economic space with competitive multisectoral economy possessing sufficient internal potential of self-development.
This paper reviews the basic problems of economic security in infrastructural ensuring of the implementation of transportation and intermediate carrier potential of Russia: development and reconstruction of communication lines, usage of innovative transportation methods, building a network of transportation and logistics centers, development of regional airport hubs and others. Particular attention is paid to the problems of transportation and transit potential implementation of Siberia and the Far East. It is shown that the increase of transit facilities in the territory of Russia takes place in a competitive market of infrastructure projects. At the same time it is emphasized that along with exhausting the possibilities of commodity economy development, a natural competitive advantage of Russia as a transport bridge between Europe, Asia and America will be implemented in full force.
Author Mingaleva Zh. A.,Questions of the relationship between the results of structural changes in recent years and the conditions of economic security of different municipalities were analyzed in this paper. It was proven that the arrangements, elaborated and realized in the frames of programs of economic modernization, must consider threats of economic security of different subjects, including municipalities, which appeared in the real life in constraints of structural changes of economy and reforming its industrial structure. The system of economic security indexes and the nomenclature of different risks and security threats were created. The main indicators, which characterize economic security of municipal entities, were highlighted. The authors’ methodic of calculation procedure of economic municipalentities security was devised. An assessment of the level of economic security of municipalities has been held on the base of 47 municipalities of Perm territory. Features of the approaches to the definition of concept have been indentified and formulated on the basis of economic security indicators of municipalities.
This paper discussesthe role ofdirectforeign investmentsin the processes of regionalclusters’ creation. The new type of clusters was identified - clusters that are created bytransnational corporations (TNCs)invitedinto the territory.The authors analyzedthe globalexperience of creatingclusters byforeign direct investmentof transnational corporations and found out thatthere is much evidence thatindicatesa weakeconomic potentialof such projects.A statisticalanalysis of economic indicators of several foreign regional clusters (of this type) showed that clustersof this typeare developedmainly due tomarket conditionsrather thanfrom its own resources. Correlationandregression analysisconfirmed the hypothesisofweak influence ofdirectforeign investment on economicpotentialof clustersin the early stagesof its development. The authors offer a set ofindicators to assessthe effectiveness ofclusters’ performancein case of a highdependency on a foreigninvestment.
Development of presentation and exhibition activities is considered as an important factor in providing new competitive advantages at the strategic markets for exporting of transportation services. A specific role for exhibition activities as a factor to overcome market failures arose from imperfect information and incomplete markets is displayed. Exhibitions are considered as a true reflection of most market parameters, as a means to get correct information concerning market capacity and its borders, as an instrument to access to new markets. At the firm level presentation and branding activities should be considered as a modern technology (especially it concerns Russian companies) which provide to hold up already existed markets and to conquer new ones. Presentation and branding activities are an effective technology to promote company trade-mark, competitive advantages for market demand increasing. Comparative analysis of the main exhibitions on transport and logistics issues is fulfilled on the data basecollected by authors. Data observes geographical distribution of transport exhibition and exhibition facilities development at several regions for the last years. The analyses allow to revealing a geographical structure of the exhibitions and its distribution by type of transport. The most promising and economically favorable exhibition areas for the promotion of Russian transport services are shown.
This paper analyzes the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of Russia; its average indicators were analyzed, the absolute and relative indicators of the dynamics of investment into fixed assets during the period between 1999 and 2010 were calculated and analyzed. There was a trend to increase the level of depreciation of fixed assets, the necessity of large-scale investment at this stage; a prediction model of investments was proposed, a forecast of capital investments into the Russian Federation on the I-st quarter of 2011 was calculated, the structure of the sources of investments financing and structure of investments into fixed assets by economic activity was analyzed. Possible areas of investment activity in Russia were identified. The dynamics of the major socio-economic indicators in the Primorye territory for the same period of 1999-2010 was analyzed. Changes in the sectoral structure of investments were tracked, the dynamics of foreign investments into the economy of Primorsky territory for the reviewed period was analyzed, conducive factors to attract foreign investments into Primorye’s economy at present were identified.
Author Pichurin I. I.,This paper attempts to prove that the socialist economy was extremely effective as long as it was skillfully managed. Even along with a really occurred period of less effectiveness between 1975 and 1985, it did not yield growth rates of the developed countries. Gorbachev's reforms led to a distortion of the essence of the Soviet economy. It ceased to be socialist, and there was a crisis. The provisionof all necessary goods was deteriorating day by day and, of course, it caused irritation. And because people did not realize that this deterioration is precisely due to the refusal of the socialist methods of economic management, they attributed all the troubles of shortcomings of the socialist system over capitalism. All the more, such an unfair comparison in favor of the capitalist countries constantly sounded in all media. So, the current politicians claim to have received a credit of trust for nothing but dismantling of the socialist economy. The collapse of the soviet economy occurred in the Soviet Union under the leadership of its president, who simultaneously was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
This paper reveals the contents of the category of «regional industry-specific shift» by which, unlike existing treatments, a qualitative change in the sectoral structure of the region, leading to increase or decrease of its production specialization is meant. A methodical approach is proposed for the delineation of the categories of «regional industry shift» and «regional industrial change», based on the use of criterion interval averages of industry changes. This indicator reflects the transition «to regional industry changes» in the «regional industry shift». A method for evaluation of regional industrial structure and typology of Russian regions, depending on changes in industrial specialization, was elaborated. The paper presents the criteria of monospecialization and polyspecialization of the region, using which the subjects of the Russian Federation and distributed to monospecialized and polyspecialized. A comparison of monospecialized and polyspecialized regions validated the dependence of economic development entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of the diversified industrial structure. An innovation is the author's proposal for the development of measures of structural policy in the monospecialized regions of Russia, differentiated according to the identified trends in the manufacturing field in the region.
This paper reviews current approaches to the definition of «regional monitoring» and its contents. The work is based on the use of a systematic approach to the analysis of regional monitoring, reviewing it as part of the overall control system and risk management in the region.Organization of regional monitoring is considered on the example of oil and gas complex (OGC) of Perm territory. This paper summarizes the structure of the OGC, the specific features of the activities of the enterprises that have the most significant impact on the organization of monitoring. The findings are based on an analysis and compilation of statistics. Authors consider in most details the subjects and objects of state and corporate level monitoring of the regional OGC in Perm territory, their main function of monitoring, interoperability issues, methodological support of various institutions in the periodic monitoring of OGC - the audit committees and internal audit units. Proposals for the development in most parts refer to the use of risk-oriented approach to organizing periodic monitoring of oil and gas industry in the territory on the basis of a common methodology for assessing its effectiveness. The proposals to expand cooperation between state agencies and regional bodies of governance of OGC enterprises in Perm territory on a wide range of areas of the organization of monitoring: the exchange of professional information, methodology, activities, staff and others.
Author Kovaleva T. Yu.,This article proposes an approach to the identification of leading sectors of the regional economics, which allows distinguishing perspective regional clusters and their development, will generate a complete cluster structure of the regional economy. Identification of the leading clusters as perspective regional clusters in the economy of the Perm Krai was carried out on the basis of the quantitative Shift–Share analysis and sectoral specialization of the region, which is determined by calculating the index of localization. Statistical base of the research is formed by the materials of the Central statistical database of the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia for 2002-2010 on employment rate, productivity and shipped products in accordance with economic activity at the level of group analysis of the first (high) and fifth (low) level of aggregation. To present the complex of analysis results we built maps of cluster components of the Perm Krai economy, established key regional clusters in the export oriented sector of the region economy. Development of the key regional clusters should become first-priority direction of the economic policy.
This paper reviews the competitive environment of the market greenhouse vegetables. Revealed specific features of the industry, determining the level of intensity of competition in the market greenhouse vegetables. Classified factors internal and external environment, identify indicators that affect the state of the market. The factors that determine the intensity of competition in the market greenhouse vegetables.The main competitors on the Russian market of greenhouse production.Identified indicators of the intensity level of competition, in particular: the level of monopolization of the market greenhouse vegetables, the level of concentration of production in the industry, the generalized index of the intensity of the competitive environment.Shows a comparative analysis of competitors’ market greenhouse vegetables in Udmurtia.Revealed competitive advantages which can help local producers to reduce the pressure of competition and intra-industry to occupy a leading position in the Russian market of greenhouse vegetable production.The dynamics of economic performance of Russian producers. Ways of improving the competitiveness of enterprises for the production of greenhouse vegetables.
This paper allocates complete characteristics of indicators of economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation. Their system representation has appeared more informative, than system of simple social and economic indexes as allows reflecting variety of communications between them, providing preserving and development of researched objects. It is established that at deterioration of state of the economy of regions of their structure change the role in formation of base indicators. At the first stage it is expressed by change of a vector of development with an opposite direction; on the second — in transition from an optimum condition of available structures on periphery; on the third — in the termination of their participation in forming of under laying echelons. At transition of subsystems of social and economic indexes from the first on the second echelon the contribution of the moved potential from structures «resource-product» and «process» for elements of activization increases, for structures «object», on the contrary, decreases, while for final elements the opposite situation is observed. As approaching the top echelon there is a reduction of interaction of base indicators from structures «resource-product» and «process», and on the contrary, growth to structures «object». The conclusion is drawn that successful social and economic activity of regions is determined by synchronous interaction of all allocated structures («resource-product», «process» and «object»). Use of the offered algorithm on the basis of complete characteristics allows not only to find out problem regions, but also shows possibility of management on the basis of revealed statistical regularities their condition by forming of optimum mutual relations between the allocated subsystems and, finally, creation of the big possibilities for realization of the having potential.
Author Moroz A. I.,This paper is devoted to the analysis of transition from centralized planning economy to market relations, revealing of problems and working out of necessary macro proportions in placing of productive forces, integration maintenance between administrative regions and cities. We consider a comprehensive approach to the fundamental restructuring of regional economies, resulting from the completion of which is to change not only the industry, but also territorial — industrial structure of production and management. Developed and presented economic and mathematical model of optimization of the size of territorial — industrial structure and regional distribution of productive forces, taking into account natural — climatic and economic conditions, administrative areas within the territorial complexes (associations). The offered methodology can be used independently of economic — mathematical models for operating and newly established specialized agro industrial associations (on manufacture of milk, beef, processing of agricultural raw materials etc.) with corresponding working out of a matrix of a problem and use of necessary software of its decision not only for Belarus but also regions of Russia.
This paper studies the impact of scientific and technical capacity of Russian regions to the possibility of their sustainable development in the modern world. At the same time clarified the concept of «sustainable development», which in the extended treatment is disclosed in dynamic, static and efficiently-factorial aspects. The essential features of sustainable regional development (economic growth and high living standards, the effectiveness of the sectoral structure of economy, solidarity and partnership between the subjects of regional cooperation, coevolution, etc.) within the framework of a comprehensive, integrative approach are identified.The algorithm of an indicative estimation of scientific and technical capacity of region for the purpose of research of its influence on sustainability of the social and economic development reveals; integrated indicators of a sustainable development and the scientific and technical capacity of the several Russian regions on the basis of computation of corresponding individual and private indicators are calculated. The choice of indicators due to the proposed theoretical and methodological approach to understanding the phenomena is under consideration. Generated by means of carrying out the correlation and regression analysis the econometric model allows to predict degree of stability of regional economy at escalating of separate components of scientific and technical capacity (in particular, its productive, human and financial components, identified in the analysis of the most important from the standpoint of sustainable development in the region). Results of practical application of model are approved on an example of regions of Privolzhsky Federal District.
This paper studies the problem of safe and sustainable progressive socio-economic and energy development of Russian regions in terms of reforming economy. In this study, the fractal approach in the framework of nonlinear dynamics for a number of indicators was used, as well as a technique of analysis and behavior forecasting of time series of economic systems at the regional level. The authors have performed forecasting works on energy-investment attractiveness of the subjects of the Ural region up to 2020. The calculations were performed for three scenarios of socio-economic development of regions, which will allow prioritizing the regional energy development and suggesting areas of efficient use of financial, material and energy resources.Consideration of the obtained results will allow governmental bodies to pursue a more balanced policy and allow business entities to identify priority solutions on the enhancement of the investment process in the energy of considered regions.
Author Animitsa E. G.,This paper discusses new trends in urban centers in Russia. It is noted that the interest of scientists to the problem has increased as urban agglomerations were declared regional areas of priority development. The author gives different interpretations of the content of the concept of «urban agglomeration», which are formulated in the context of different scientific approaches and scientific schools. It is emphasized that the city agglomeration as a special form of reality can be studied in the coordinates of a systemic paradigm. The basic axiomatic features that allow identifying the metropolitan area as a complex system are presented and disclosed. The conclusion was made that a self-developing urban agglomeration is a special type of actively operating territorial unit in which the actors of the local community are able to mobilize local resources by themselves (and, in particular, the human capital) to change the living environment. The paper emphasizes the need to regulate the development of urban agglomerations and gives examples of two basic models of urban agglomerations management.
This paper focuses on the importance and essence of social protection mechanisms, describes their legal, economical and organizational components. Social protection mechanisms are important elements of the social protection system. Social protection mechanisms are understood as a complex of economical, organizational and legal measures aiming at smoothing social inequality of population.The legal foundations of the social protection mechanism consist in the fact that the protective activity supposes legislative establishment of social obligations of the state and other subjects of social protection, and their strict legislative regulation.The role of an economical component of the mechanisms can hardly be overestimated as any protective activity demands material, financial costs, economical support. In principle, the state, business and population can be the sources of social protection financing. Their role and shares depend on a lot of factors. Social protection system will not function if it is not effectively organized. The organizational component of the mechanisms is a complex of activities for carrying out social protection measures. This component includes management, personnel, organizational, informational and other support of protective measures, their direct realization. The theoretical propositions are supported with the examples of social protection practice in Kuzbass. These examples chiefly demonstrate programmatically targeted approach to carrying out protective events in the region and sufficiently effective mechanisms of social protection of the population.
In this paper, the necessity of applying innovative model of developing mineral resources base of Russia’s regions and relevance of cluster approach for forming this model are proved. Components of process of clustering in the case of innovative developing mineral raw complex are proposed and analyzed: consolidation of socioeconomic potential of region, consolidation of potential of different branches of people’s activities, consolidation of processes of primary (wining) sector in the single chain. In particular, the first component implies concentration of population in certain centers of gravitation. The second component implies consolidation of education, fundamental as well as applying science and production. The creating of administrative nets is necessary for that. For the realization of the first and the second components, the availability of clustering organization is necessary. The third component of process of clustering implies in prospect the adding of increasing amount of stages of product manufacturing. Eventually, the multi-stage structure of innovative process is analyzed.
Author Sheluntsova M. A.,The solution of socially important problems by providing budget investments is a prerequisite for the successful development of a country as a whole as well as of a particular region. In terms of a limited budget there is a problem of projects selection. In the paper basic methods of public sector projects performance estimation (cost — benefit, cost — effectiveness, cost — utility) are compared. It is determined that these methods can help to increase the efficiency of scarce budgetary resources usage. However they cannot be applied in Russia without necessary adjustments since there are market imperfections, high costs of collecting necessary information, and other factors. Thus further development of performance estimation methods in the public sector of economics is needed.
This paper considers the relevance of the formation of new macroeconomic models of post-crisis development of the national economy and regional economy. It is noted that there is not just a set of models of national economies and a set of methodological approaches to its modeling. Formation of macroeconomic models takes into consideration the features of socio-economic development of individual regions. In this context, the major regions are highlighted, in particular, the Ural Federal District. It is noted that the structure of regional economic space of the Ural Federal District is different, and different is the level of involvement of the region in the global economy. The problem of correlation of the history of economic ideas and the world of real economic processes of recent decades is reviewed. Predictive capacity of the modern theory of the cycle and the possibility of using its analytical tools for the formation of a new macroeconomic model of post-crisis development of the national economy is analyzed.
Author Kalabina E. G.,This paper considers the problem of harmonization of economic interests in mutual relations between the employee and the employer of the economic organization through a prism of the economic theory of stimulus. Mutual relations between the employee and the employer in the economic organization are accompanied transaction costs and the control costs which combination and size define a choice of type of the contract which typology is presented in work. A condition of maintenance of long contract relations between the employee and the employer in the economic organization is construction of the stimulating contract which maintenance allows each participant to take the maximum utility in all admissible forms. On the basis of studying of interests of each party, conditions of the conclusion and base parameters, the model of the effective stimulating contract between the employee and the employer in the economic organization is developed.
Author Tyulkina S. Yu.,This paperreviews the possibilities of adaptation of the assessment procedure of innovational maturity of business that includes self-assessment procedure, assessment of perception and external expert diagnostics, its adaptation on the example of organizations of Perm region. The results of measurement procedure are diagnostics of areas for innovation maturity of business and optimal management decision making for strategy evolution of organization under constraints such as saving of resource and time. The author emphasizes main advantagesof using the suggested method, these are self-assessment procedure, benchmarking, getting the place in the innovation rating and chance of taking part in different competition for definition leader in innovation maturity. The basic result of practical adaptation the measurement procedure of innovation maturity of business is the list of core competencies and direction for improvements.
Author Bazhenov S. I.,The ongoing crisis in the housing services and public utilities sphere determines the need to accelerate its integration into the market space. The author proposes to apply the cluster initiatives, which, in his opinion, provide the solution of housing services and public utilities problems in terms of their broader vision. This paper attempts to highlight the benefits of the cluster approach to the development of housing services and public utilities, and identifies the main provisions in the process of its implementation. The essence of the concept of «housing services and social cluster of the region» in terms of housing services and public utilities development is revealed, members of cluster unification are designated, its components are identified, the purpose of introducing the cluster model of housing services and public utilities reform management is determined, which essence is to change the mentality of the producers and consumers of housing services and public utilities in the direction of increasing responsibilities and respect for mutual interests in the market of housing services and public utilities. The main provisions and principles of formation of housing services and social cluster of the region are reviewed, as well as the characteristics and trends of its development. An authorial approach to the development of a strategy of forming a housing services and social cluster in the region in accordance with modern trends is presented. The leading role of several factors in establishing the basic prerequisites for sustainable operation of housing services and social cluster of the region is justified. These factors include governmental regulation of pricing and forms of support to small entrepreneurship development, creation of financial security system, development of public-private partnerships and implementation of innovative technologies. The role of non-governmental organizations and public associations in the formation of housing services and social cluster in the region is substantiated; its competitive abilities and under-developed competitive advantages are shown.
Author Kuratova L. A.,This paper describes a methodology elaborated for forecasting the volume of postal services on the basis of statistical methods of regression analysis on the example of the Republic of Komi. The influence of internal and external factors on the market of postal money orders of the Republic is constructed and investigated using the statistical regression model of the market of postal money orders of the Komi Republic in the period of 2005–2010. The conceptual foresight of development of the regional market of postal money orders for 2011–2012 is presented. Regression models were analyzed not only for the dynamic sequence of data, but also for sequences of data on territories, which revealed independent correlated factors which are weakly changing and evolving over time. The presented results have important practical and methodological significance for predicting both the volume of postal money orders as well as other types of services.
Author Nekrasova E. V.,This paper offers the conceptual apparatus of socio-demographic safety of municipal level territory with the developed qualifier of threats. The complex technique of diagnostics of socio-demographic safety of municipal level territory and revealing of influence of large integrated structures on its formation is developed. The given technique is based on the author's approach of sharing of methods of the indicative analysis and the multidimensional scaling, allowing to estimate absolute and relative level of a condition, dynamics of socio-demographic safety of municipal union with revealing of latent interrelations of integration and socio-demographic processes. The developed complex technique has been approved by municipal unions of Sverdlovsk region where enterprises of large integrated structures are being in production. According to the received results all considered territories on parameters of socio-demographic safety for the period 2000-2009 were in a crisis zone, thus interaction of local governments and the enterprises in a direction of maintenance of socio-demographic safety of territories of their basing in 2009 was productive in all considered unions with the exception of Severouralsk town.