Arhive: #1 2012

Methodology of optimization of territorially-branch structure of region in the conditions of economy reforming



Abstract References

This paper is devoted to the analysis of transition from centralized planning economy to market relations, revealing of problems and working out of necessary macro proportions in placing of productive forces, integration maintenance between administrative regions and cities. We consider a comprehensive approach to the fundamental restructuring of regional economies, resulting from the completion of which is to change not only the industry, but also territorial — industrial structure of production and management. Developed and presented economic and mathematical model of optimization of the size of territorial — industrial structure and regional distribution of productive forces, taking into account natural — climatic and economic conditions, administrative areas within the territorial complexes (associations). The offered methodology can be used independently of economic — mathematical models for operating and newly established specialized agro industrial associations (on manufacture of milk, beef, processing of agricultural raw materials etc.) with corresponding working out of a matrix of a problem and use of necessary software of its decision not only for Belarus but also regions of Russia.