Arhive: #3 2013
The article investigates the characteristics of development and the territorial distribution of regional development institutions. The methodical approach to assessing the level of development of regional institutions taking into account the systemic nature and activity of territories in the creation and development of regional institutions is introduced. The results of evaluation of the development level of regional institutions have allowed to identify the regions using various institutions and instruments of development most actively in their territories (22 Federal subjects of Russia) and the regions where are no institutes for development (45 Federal subjects of Russia). Following parameters of performance evaluation of regional development institutions are offered: the indicators of intensity of innovation in production, performance intensity of innovation in society and the resulting performance of the dynamics of economic development. The results of evaluating the effectiveness of regional development institutions in the subjects of the Russian Federation are presented in the paper. The main problem of the formation of institutions and institutional environment in the regions of the Russian Federation due to the lack of unified science-based theoretical and methodological framework and the lack of integration links between science, business, education and government are defined.
Author Bochko V. S.,The paper shows that the traditional outlook on development of territories as the process of alignment of their socio-economic development with the help of external influences should be advanced and replaced by a new vision. The purpose of the work is the definition of the basic rules of the concept of vital stability of territories. The creation by the local population of the riches and well being by expansion of manufacturing industry on the basis of the use of intelligence — technological and moral — ethical factors are shown as the basic contents of the offered concept. A consequence of such approach is the growing feedback of made expenses, as technologically completed production will be realized but not raw material or semi-finished item. Only the differentiation industrial development of the territory is capable to deduce it from a condition of poverty and depression. The understanding of development of the territory as creation of conditions for growth of people’s wellbeing and formation of a man as a person is opened. The accent of the attention on the promotion of a man not only as the purpose of transformation of territory, but also as the factor of its safe development through an increase of his or her intellectual and spiritual levels is made. The measures and instruction on innovation to the strengthening of vital stability of territories are offered. The separate results of research were used at the prolongation of the Plan for strategic development of Yekaterinburg up to 2020. Authorities of territories at the formation of their development strategy can apply the new offered rules.
Author Inshakov O. V.,The object field of knowledge-based economy is formed by appropriate real system of relations in production, distribution, exchange, and consumption reflecting its innovative and creative character. The variety of forms of institutions, organizations, and information are becoming the factors of the structuring, functioning, and evolving of knowledge-based economy in a global scale. Collaboration is attracting more and more attention from both researchers and experts in economics, politics, law, sociology, culture as a fast emerging and efficient but underexplored form of relations among subjects of knowledge-based economy. Collaboration is an appropriate to the nature of knowledge-based economy form of cooperation, which is detailed according to its subjects, objects, levels, and scale, spheres and industries, sectors and segments. Collaboration provides both intensive and extensive development of VI technological mode creating totally new types and generations of products and services. The diversity of local and regional, inter-firm and international forms of collaboration is accelerating in all spheres of global economy. Despite over simplifying, contemporary science has to think over the essence and evolutionary potential of collaboration as well as to work out justified recommendations for the practice.
The article studies the relationship of social groups about income distribution and goods consumption. It is dedicated to the internal and international aspects of inequality of living standards in Russia during the period of capitalist transformations of 1990-2000’s. Problems of the dynamics of inequality in living standards are analyzed. Methods of comparative analysis and comparison of performance indicators with normative social standards are used. On this basis, the population is classified into social groups and then follows the analysis of their social position. Such indicators are used: income inequality by consumption; inequality by housing, by education and health care availability. Russia is compared with countries of G20. Social inequality reasons in Russia are revealed. The obtained results can be applied within national economic and social policy. The findings indicated that the high social inequality in Russia undermines the ability of a large part of the population to be «included» in economic growth, for it limits access to its results. In such situation, an attempt to solve both the problem of speeding up economic growth and the eradication of poverty cannot lead to success if appropriate measures to reduce social inequality are not developed and implemented.
The paper proves the need for transition of national economy to the «new industrial modernization» model supported by the government, which able to give Russia a chance to join the ranks of the world’s largest economies. It is claimed that regionalization of industrial development will allow to create economic polycentrism in Russia. The role and importance of the Sverdlovsk region in economic development of the country are defined. Structural transformations in region industrial production, which happened on the basis of realization of industrial and modernization model of economic development are revealed. It is emphasized that structural changes represent the convergence processes. In the article, the essence of structural transformations in the regional industries, occurred during 2005-2011 is analyzed. The attention to the formation of new forms of the spatial organization of the industry is paid. It is shown that in a region space the processes of territorial polarization are increased. The creation the new modernization and innovative model for economic development of the region is offered.
The purpose of the article is to develop the methodical apparatus of national wealth's assessment specifically the assessment of natural resources. In national wealth, there is a part that can be defined as a natural resource capital. In the paper methodical approach to its assessment for the territory if regional level is allocated. The general scheme of technique is introduced; examples of indicative indicators are given. At the heart of the offered technique, the principle of the indicative analysis is laid seven degrees of security with the natural resource capital are allocated for more exact classification. In the article, the basic elements of natural resource capital forming territories' condition are allocated dynamics of their change during 2000-2012 is given. The analytical part of the paper is based on the author's estimated data. The situation description of federal districts and some Russian Federation territorial subjects in the framework of natural resource capital security are provided; numerical values of the main indicative indicators are presented.
The methodology of labor life quality estimation based on research of the social and labor sphere of Russia regions over the last 10 years is described in the article. The most significant components of the labor life quality, allowing to estimate the central problem places of the social and labor sphere (employment and unemployment, salary and income, qualification and labor productivity, safety and work organization, business and investment activity) are allocated and proved. On the basis of an author’s calculation method of an integrated index of labor life quality of the population in regions of Russia are calculated and analyzed in dynamics. Regularities of formation of an integrated index of labor life quality in regions of Russia are revealed, ways of an assessment of efficiency of realized state programs in the social and labor sphere are planned.
Author Maslennikov M. I.,The article deals with a promising approach to solving the problem of investment in the regional electric power industry — the application of demand-side management, the essence of which lies in proactive interaction of energy companies with customers, based on the balance of economic interests. The features of the concept and its tools are revealed, positive results of its implementation for energy market players and the region are shown, and examples of demand-side management programs are given. Institutional and mental barriers to effective implementation of demand-side management tools in power generation are analyzed. The article also proposes algorithms for implementing demand-side management programs in the region, and a mix of motivational activities that combines methods of administrative enforcement and economic stimulus for energy companies and consumers of energy and power, as well as guidelines on project funding and effectiveness evaluation.
The major directions of improving region economy management systems in the context of the administrative reforming and large-scale informatization have been revealed. The techniques for region economy management efficiency measuring on the basis of integral estimation of regional managerial system subject and object through effectiveness and updating potential of the controlled object are suggested. It reflects the status of the economy of the region, taking into account the level of social and economic situation in the region, implementing reforms approved at the Federal level paying attention to the strategic priorities of the region, reliability and performance, as well as effectiveness of the controlled subject’s activities reflecting powers fulfillment at the regional level, budgetary funds spending, performance appraisal of authorities by the population, their openness. The suggested techniques have been tested and endorsed on the ground of regions of the Southern part of Russia.
Author Pavlov B. S.,The article is devoted to the analysis of social risks and deviations related to family group in Ural, manifestations of these risks for a family way of life, socio-economic development of the region. The author emphasizes that today the dialectics of creation and destructions, risks and reliability, optimism and pessimism is illustrated in the various parts of the institute of family in Russia as a whole and, in particular, in the Ural region. In our modern age, there is no risk-free behavior. «Risk — safety» dichotomy means that there is no absolute reliability or safety. Whereas «risk — danger» dichotomy means that it is impossible to avoid risk, making any decisions. The author shows the identity of socio-economic health of the adult population of various regions of the Russian Federation throughout almost the whole quarter of a century on the basis of a number of research assignments conducted by sociologists of Institute of Economics of the UB RAS, in a monitoring mode. Division of the population on rather identical (on particular weight in the total number of the population) groups of the Russian society referred to the category of «rich», «medium people» and «poor people» is observed. At the same time, according to the author, the social inequality in principle has both positive, and negative consequences for functioning and society development. The author made an attempt of the problem analysis of «family — children», «fathers — children» from a perspective social risks. The special relevance of these processes in relation to family policy in Russia seeking to pass from depopulation tendencies to a favorable treatment of nation-expanded reproduction is emphasized. Altogether, the level of family wellbeing, first of all, is defined by the quality of the relations in the system of «parents — children». The intra-familial conflicts conduct to family trouble and so for children. In article, the author’s position concerning the tendencies, related to phenomena development of «family way of life», «women labor» in Russia and, in particular, in Ural is offered. In gener, 10 developed provisions are allocated. Results of a number of the complex sociological research conducted in 2003-2013 at the Institute of Economics of UB RAS under scientific management and with direct participation of the author are used.
Author Tikhonova T. V.,In this article, the damages for biodiversity on the Republic of Komi Protected Areas are outlined. World experience of organizing Protected Areas is represented. The central management tasks into categories of domestic Protected areas are shown. Analysis of prevailing categories of these objects functioning by continents is carried out. The main resources of financing are listed including state investments, various payments, taxes and charitable and grant incomes. In the result of the economic evaluation potential recipients of benefits from the usage of bioresources and ecosystem services on model objects are defined, including the world community, local inhabitants and tourists. Territories that possess reserve for increased usage of its resources and services are represented. The Russian experience of attracting investment, using of economic potential and cultural traditions, development of recreation, tourism and tourism industry and revival of native craft is shown. Actual and perspective objects of tourism and recreation on the territory of Protected Areas are represented.
In the article, the modern measuring system of socio-economic processes focused on production measurement more than on welfare measurement is considered. The indicator of gross domestic product without ecological and social components is analyzed. Possibilities of use of indicators of the sustainable development offered by the World bank, UNDP, the UN, for an assessment and comparison at regional level of socio-economic and ecological development of territories are considered. The results of calculations of the aggregated indexes characterizing the stability of development, made for Sverdlovsk region, which can be used in the system of adoption of strategic decisions of economic development of the region are given. The choice of aggregate index most adequately measuring a social and ecological component of economic growth at the regional level is proved.
In the article, the need for the coordinated development hi-tech economic sectors with development of industrial production as a whole is proved. It is shown that structural and technological heterogeneity of Ural creates essential barriers of modernization of less profitable branches. The increasing value of the spatial factor of development of the country as a whole, particular federation subjects of Russia and municipalities is proved. It is shown that spatial gaps do not allow to use the capacity of the available Russian territory localized within regions, and separate municipalities. The problem of finding the rational compromise in resources’ distribution between the purposes of policy of structural and technological modernization and policy of maintenance of the current social and economic stability is brought into focus. Trends of territorial-sectoral location of objects of new construction and modernization in Sverdlovsk region during 2000-2012 are revealed. The assessment of the relative attractiveness of territories for definition of effective location of objects of new construction and modernization of existing industry taking into account functional use of territories and integration estimates on leading components is carried out. Methodological provisions are developed, and methodical tools of formation of the regional Scheme of the location of objects of modernization and new construction are offered. On the example of Sverdlovsk region, the offers on the creation new vacancies and modernizations of operating workplaces according to the economic activity and administrative districts during the period up to 2020 are developed.
The purpose of the article is the development of the concept of the energy potential of the region (EPR), the analysis of the existing structure of relationships for the EPR elements in Ukraine and improvement of a quantitative assessment of energy potential of the region (country). The methods of an assessment of the existing condition of energy potential of the territory are the subject matter of the research. As a result of the analysis of concept’s definitions of energy potential of the region, it has further development and included the consumer potential of energy resources and capacity of management. The structure of relationships between elements of energy potential is developed for the Ukraine region. The new economic indicator — the realized energy potential is offered for an EPR assessment. By means of this indicator, the assessment of energy potential for the different countries of the world and a number of Ukraine areas of is performed.
The paper presents an analysis of current practice implementation of government support measures for developing entrepreneurship in Switzerland and Russia, with special emphasis on the forestry and forest-based industries. The aim of it is to identify the most urgent and effective measures of government support for encouraging innovation and developing entrepreneurship. The authors analyze the financial, administrative, educational and legal aspects in the development of modern business. They investigate the specifics of the application development mechanisms Enterprise Institute depending on the type of economy. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of enterprises innovative activities and their roles in the development of the modern Entrepreneurship Institute. Also, they investigate the wide range of instruments of governmental support, which are provided at the regional level. The comparison and analysis have resulted to making proposals for optimization of the Russian government support programs for entrepreneurship on state- and regional levels. The results of the comparison can be useful to improve developing entrepreneurship and encouraging innovation in the forestry and forest-based sector at the regional policy of Russia.
The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of power consumption and energy efficiency of the Russian regions. The level of energy efficiency in Russia compared with other countries of the world is analyzed. The indicators of energy consumption and industrial structure of the regions are compared. The dependence of the electricity consumption in the regions and the gross regional product per capita is studied. Based on the made analysis, the map of electricity consumption in the regions demonstrating the high level of differentiation of Russian regions on a level of energy efficiency is formulated. The authors have suggested the recommendations on the selection of priority directions of implementation of energy conservation policy for the subjects of the Russian Federation. On the example of the Chelyabinsk region, the features of realization of the regional program on energy efficiency are considered. The ways of its improvement on the basis of developed are offered by the authors of the matrix electricity consumption. Research results have practical significance and can be used to improve existing regional energy saving programs for individual sectors of the regional economy, and for the regions in general.
Innovative development becomes the main tendency of the modern world economy. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the development of Russian and Czech clusters engaged in innovation activities. Innovative cluster is one of the most effective forms for reaching a high level of competitiveness. Development of the cluster as a new form of managing, economic interaction and connections allows to reach social and economic effect. The whole point of the innovative cluster is that the enterprises and the organizations merge with each other and create a new product or service and put means in development. Cooperation between companies allows to reduce costs for its development and researches with the commercialization of the new good or service in the future. The activity of the cluster has a constructive nature, which consists in the majority of participants of innovative cluster do not compete among themselves; they work for the common objective. Innovative clusters exist not only in the developed countries, but also in the developing states. Innovative activity in the developed countries arose earlier and began to form rapider. The innovative clusters have promoted the development of the European countries. Domination of the clusters in the economy is significant both for national, and for a regional economy, where high geographical concentration of the interconnected industries is observed. The cluster approach gives the effective tool for the achievement of main goals: increase of the level of profitableness of the region and employment of the population, promotes strengthening of the competitive advantages of separate companies and all economy as a whole.
The purpose of research is a comparative analysis of economic mechanisms for the realization of investment projects for new construction and modernization power generation capacity in the energy sector and their effect on private investment. In this connection, planned and actual volumes of generating capacity, particular features of the industry, causing investment attractiveness are discussed. The necessity of using, and a comparison of primary economic mechanisms in order to guarantee the return of investments in the new construction and modernization of power generation capacity is shown. The method of calculating the tariff under the agreement of supply power capacity is analyzed. The study proved that the presence of an effective working mechanism of return on investment is a key element influencing the investment in new construction and modernization of power generation capacity. Also, it is shown that with the end of using agreement of supply power capacity, industry will face a significant reduction in investment. In this connection, it is recommended to speed up the formation of long-term capacity market, which involves the application of new investment incentives in the industry. The research results can be applied by investment banks, and other stakeholders as a methodological apparatus assessing investment and whether to participate in their financing.
Within the modern version of «Management 2.0» the approaches to the development of nonlinear starting mechanisms and maintenance of innovative self-development of organization on the example of regional business school are considered. It is noted that there are some possible models of behavior of regional business school among which the model focused on the activation of internal sources of development of the organization and its readiness to act as an infrastructure element of initiation of the self-development processes on the basis of openness, subjectivity and partnership. The business landscape of points of revitalization, results of initiation of activity and partnership form with the central concerned parties is offered. The effective partnership with science, authority, professional associations and business allows to create essentially new decisions for customer satisfaction. So, partner interaction with the client organizations is presented by new technology of joint creation of values in the form of project-focused training of innovative leaders and criteria of an assessment of its strategic productivity. The strategy of cultivating of mechanisms accepted by business school — attractors of innovative self-development is aimed at the formation of organization developing business — models of the new type typical for «2C-systems» (self-development and self-organizing systems).
The role and place of agrarian sector in activity of the population of the northern territories of Russia are shown. The competitive advantages and restrictions in agriculture development on the North are analyzed. The new situation in agriculture according to Russia’s entry into WTO is analyzed. Conformity with conditions of the budgetary allocations for realization of the state program for agriculture development and regulation production of the agricultural market, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 to the World Trade Organization conditions is estimated according to Russia’s entry into WTO. Priority actions for development of agriculture within a group of measures of support used by the World Trade Organization are formulated. The risks from a decrease of volumes of direct state support revealed. It seems to be a serious threat for agriculture modernization. Measures for the improvement of budgetary support of the agrarian area according the WTO requirements are offered.
The problems of the increasing of investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of the economy are considered. The main channels of withdrawal of funds from the second sphere of agribusiness are described. It is proved that the current pricing mechanism in the agricultural violates folding proportions due to imperfections in the reproduction process of equivalence ratios, which, in turn, is the result of the monopoly of the first and third areas of agriculture relative to agriculture. The main instrument of economic relations — the price mechanism — develops, not under the influence of the classical law of «supply and demand» but under the influence and control of the monopoly structures, on one hand, the resource-producing companies, on the other hand, wholesale and retail units of AIC. Taking this into consideration, the authors formulated particular areas of scientific and practical recommendations to address the constraints to the process of attracting investment into the Russian agricultural sector.
This analysis focuses on defining and describing the unique economic characteristics of agrifood supply chains. The analysis includes seven specific economic characteristics of agrifood supply chains that distinguish them from other industrial manufacturing and service supply chains. The seven characteristics are: 1) risk emanating from the biological nature of agrifood supply chains, 2) the role of buffer stocks within the supply chain, 3) the scientific foundation of innovation in production agriculture having shifted from chemistry to biology, 4) cyberspace and information technology influence on agrifood supply chains, 5) the prevalent market structure at the farm gate remains oligopsony, 6) relative market power shifts in agrifood supply chains away from food manufacturers downstream to food retailers, and 7) globalization of agriculture and agrifood supply chains.
In the article, the methodical foundations of formation of simulating model of regional social and economic systems evolution reflecting admissible implementation variations of modern economic reform are considered, on conditions that some policy decisions were not made or was different. This approach allows not only to combine factual description with the studying of time series indicators characterizing a course of modern economic reform realization, but also to give a ranking score of received and possible results of the reformation. The authors of the article did not aim at giving answers to all questions while studying such a difficult issue as a modern economic reform, and, especially, at developing a full-scale model of reformation of the 1990th. For a start, it is necessary to prove that alternative options of implementation of the reform are possible, and there are some bifurcation points where attractor could change the direction. In the following, the research results can be a starting basis for collecting the statistical information necessary for calculations for a model of modern economic reform.
This paper presents the theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of damage from premature mortality and reduction of life expectancy due to various reasons. The concepts measuring the price of a human life are analyzed: the evaluation from the standpoint of the theory of human capital; indirect estimation taking into account non-monetary social costs; evaluation of individuals’ willingness to pay for the elimination of the risk of death; estimation based on the determination of insurance premiums and compensations under court decision; evaluation of the social investments, aimed to reduce the risk of premature mortality of the individual. The following indexes were calculated for all subordinate entities of the Russian Federation: reduction of life expectancy, lost years of potential life in the working age, and gross regional product lost due to the reduction of years of potential life in the working-age population as a result of cancer.
The essential problems of current international labor migration raising the need to forecast interdependent labor market and migration processes in a region for improving the effectiveness of regional migration policy in Russia are considered. A model for the prediction of migration flows as determined by wage differentials, distances between populations of the regions as well as wages and unemployment, which come from the impact of migration on the availability of jobs at the labor market with search-matching frictions for source and host regions is presented in the framework of search and matching theory. Applying the model to statistical data, the forecast for labor migration flows to regions of Russia from CIS countries, as well as its effects on regional labor markets for 2012-2021 is maid. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of regional migration policy are given on the basis of the forecast.
The optimizing interdisciplinary MERGE model meant mainly for quantitative estimation of outcomes of various nature protection strategy is one of the tools used for studying the climate change problems. Components of a model are the economical and power module, climatic module and module of damage assessment. The main attention in work is paid to the MERGE model adaptation to a world economy current state, and analysis of possible trajectories of economic development of Russia and studying of consequences of country participation in initiatives for emission abatement of greenhouse gases at the various assumptions on dynamics of regional economic and power indicators. As a source of model scenarios of development of the Russian economy, the forecast of long-term socioeconomic development of the country for the period up to 2030 is used. They made by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (namely, the conservative, innovative and forced scenarios defined by different models of state policy for ensuring macroeconomic balance are considered).
Author Lavlinskiy S. M.,The article is devoted to a problem discussion of technology formation for development of strategy and program of socio-economic development of the raw-material region. The methodology of indicative planning is offered as the essence of such technology. The modeling tools should be developed according to a trajectory of sustainable development. The mechanism of management decision development using models of regional indicative planning and providing balances of labor and material resources, and also the financial balance of actions is developed. The approach based on the repeated problem solving of developing territory according a trajectory of sustainable development for several sets of scenarios of external conditions is offered for a strategy generation of resource region development. The set of indicative plans received during problem solution allows interpreting the found tendencies and making on this basis the management decision good for external conditions changing, balance and productivity. The examples of such approach implementation for some regions showing a technique of efficient administration development during strategic planning are given.