Arhive: #3 2009
Author Suslov V.I.,In article strategic targets of economic development of Russia and a problem for their achievement are defined. Means, mechanisms and tools of the decision of tasks in view are specified. Priorities of the state regional policy are allocated. Strategy of social and economic development of Siberia, construction of scenarios of strategic development with use of a complex of economic-mathematical models are offered. The coordination of strategy of economic development of four macroregions of the country is presented. Broad-brush observations are led to working out of strategy of macroregions of Russia.
The algorithm of an industrial policy formation of the Perm region, based on the specifics of territorial industrial system and technological priorities for development of branches in the key areas of critical technologies realization is developed.
This article considers reasons and consequences of the global economic crisis from the point of view of Russian regions development. The focus of an article is on the socio-economic situation of the Republic of Tatarstan – the territory with a large machine-building industry. Authors explain a need for the clear and efficient industrial policy both at the federal and regional levels of government. It should be oriented for the innovative development, resource saving and import replacement.
In the article on the basis of the statistical data it is shown that the problem of inadequate structure of technological ways remains one of the main problems of Sverdlovsk region development, a barrier to sustainable growth, the inertial trap threatening by serious structural crisis in intermediate term prospect. Possibilities of occurrence of the sixth technological way sprouts as a way of nanotechnological projects and conditions of the bearing branches transformation taking into account innovations in the field of molecular researches and workings out are designated.
The author examines the major trends and factors of metallurgy development of the region. Features and the need to preserve the taken direction of the innovative development of metallurgy are examined. Priorities of innovation development of metallurgical enterprises in the region in terms of the global financial crisis are proven; among them there are: upgrading and qualitative updating of a large part of the core based on the introduction of energy-saving technologies; expansion of production with high added value; increasing resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact; ensuring high-quality iron-ore raw materials.
Author Lavrikova J.G.,In clause the methodical approach to typology of spatial development of economy of the regions, considering position of region in national geoeconomic space, orientation to the global markets and character of interactions (network or integrated) managing subjects in region is considered. Regional features of spatial development of regions of the Ural federal district are allocated. Directions of perfection of a level of the organization of spatial development of economy of regions in conditions of instability from positions of theories of unbalanced growth are offered.
On an example of Joint-Stock Company «PKNM», article analyzes a situation in which find itself companies of a machine-building complex in crisis period. It contains a historical appreciation of economic stability of the enterprises of petromechanical engineering, estimates influence of today's economic problems on activity of the enterprises of branch. Article also considers prospects of development of the machine-building companies and offers the series of measures that can increase the competitiveness of the Russian enterprises in the period of easing of economy.
Author Bikbulatov S.R.,This article deals with the problem of power effectiveness increase of domestic economics as a factor of its innovation development. Existing foreign achievements in organization and realization of innovation policy have been analyzed. Special attention is paid to peculiarities of energy-saving in industrial regions. As an example the middle Ural was taken in order to analyse economic environment and suggest mechanisms of strategic priorities identification of economics innovation development.
In the article science-technical potential of regions of Tumen΄s North and necessities modernization of industry are analyzed. At this base possibilities and perspectives of creation centers of innovation activities as point of growth at Tumen region are considered.
The article shows new approaches to organization of production in conditions of economic stagnation and transformation to economy of knowledge, marks out effects and risks related to new knowledge production, suggests mechanisms of the institutional management of new knowledge implantation on enterprises.
Development of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of «knowledge economy», service, information and innovation economy are systematized. It is established that in the conditions of postindustrial economy the role of «soft growth factors» increases: the use of information and knowledge for practical purposes, the degree of erudition and qualification of the personnel, growth of innovation activity, structural modernization towards increase in branches of modern technological ways. This is reflected in the evolution of the organizational forms of business (industrial parks → clusters → spontaneous zones).
Author Arhangelsky V.N.,This article is devoted to the analyses of the main trends and tendencies in the development of manufacturing entrepreneurship in Ekaterinburg in the long-term outlook. The particular attention is paid to the leading role in the city economy of small-scale and medium manufacturing companies and infrastructure organizations (such as techno parks, technological centers, business incubators). The research contains practice of realization of the strategic project «Development of small-scale manufacturing business» and the role of local authority in the support of the small-scale and medium manufacturing entrepreneurship. An important place is given to the analysis of the results of the monitoring of the small and medium innovative and industrial companies. The perspective fields for development of small and medium companies in the industrial sphere of the largest city economy in the coming years are determined in the article.
Author Prudsky V.G.,In the article the author suggests a theoretical approach to the concept of managing a company as a part of the government management system in Russia. This approach is applicable to managing corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises. The author argues it can be viewed as an important tool for successful international competition. The article describes suggested approach.
Author Nelyubina T.A.,In this article, author considers a class of technologies aggregates, which can be present as complex socio-economic systems. The order parameters are chosen as instrument of reflect the system integrity of this technologies aggregates. The analysis of aggregates through order parameters permit: to diagnose the state of the system and its life phase, understand the compatibility extent between the current state of system and the assumed modifications in it, understand the nature of attendant risks. It also allows to compare the systems, track the dynamics of order parameters and forecast the trends of the future changes. Author formulates number and definitions of order parameters for this class of technologies aggregates; proposes the assessment method of condition of order parameters for technologies aggregate of region; makes express-assessment of preparedness level of technologies aggregates of some regions to innovation changes.
Author Novoselov À.V.,The paper covers corporate restructuring process in the SPK group of companies (2004-2007). Firms may choose wide variety of restructuring strategies according to macroeconomic conditions, corporate culture, company lifecycle stage etc. Therefore SPK group restructuring is examined as the case of transformation in fast growing entrepreneurial company. Internal and external incentives to transformation are analyzed as well as correlation of restructuring efforts with changes in Russian business environment. Major constituent element and milestones of restructuring are revealed: transformation of organizational structure, divisionalization, internal controls implementation, moving toward investor-friendly legal structure.
Author Balandin A.I.,Factors of technical reequipment of the mechanical engineering enterprises are allocated. Business diagnostics of one of the largest Russian manufacturers of the metal-cutting tools, accessories, the supplier of modern high-tech machine tools, equipment and efficient technologies in the Russian Federation – The Ural Machine-building Corporation «Pumori-SIZ» is conducted. A method of assessing the market value of the company, which feature is the use of combined (cost-income) approach is developed.
Massive vertical integrated structures show low adaptation to changes taking place in present-day. Therefore restructurisation of the industrial complex has to include application of new forms and principles of economical activity organization. The article is based on institutional analysis of intercompany network organization forms that are using positive cooperation effects and market incentives. Utilization of network structure principles and mechanisms in organization of economical activity is able to promote enterprise effectiveness increase in crisis conditions.
The dichotomy «the market – the state» and its conceptual registration is analyzed. Genesis of neoliberal model, it ïðîãíîñòè÷åñêèé potential and possibility of use of analytical toolkit of neoliberalism for formation of postcrisis model of development of economic is considered.
Author Doroshenko S.V.,The article specifies the concept of regional socioeconomic system adaptation and describes its mechanisms proceeding from its constructive value, admittedly the most significant criterion in the times of crisis. On the basis of comparison of separate of the interrogations spent in 2004 and 2009, through allocation of mechanisms of adaptation of region, and also the characteristic of the general level of its adaptation, the perception of actions of governing bodies of Sverdlovsk region is presented by representatives of regional business community.
The article substantiates the significant role of CSR and its topicality under crisis circumstances. The authors devise the system of social and economic indices which demonstrate the positive impact of CSR measures. They consider two major aspects of CSR: corporate aspect and territorial aspect. The first one is oriented on employees and their families and points out the problems of accumulating human capital, and the second one is aimed uppermost at developing the quality of life (its level and conditions) of the population on the relevant territory.
The article deals with increasing immigration in Sverdlovsk region during the period of formation of market economy. The authors characterize modern migratory processes and analyze state migratory policy. The causes and consequences of the inflow of foreign labor force in the situation of current economic crisis are determined.
The investigation of the main point and peculiarities of shareholding structured companies building of one's country and abroad, allows us to classify that structures under different characteristics. Moreover, the forming of any type of integrated shareholding company connected with interaction between a company and its network. More than that, all corporate units can get some additional special advantages. In this case, the shareholding structuring of corporate units can be considered as a part of crisis management system of industrial enterprises.
Author Anikeyeva A.V.,In the conditions of world economic crisis closed innovations are replaced by opened, assuming use of external technologies through merges and acquisitions process (M&A). The basic tendencies of integration process in Sverdlovsk region as well as the prospects of business-system integration in the sector of small and average business were considered. Basing on the analysis of statistical data for 2006-2008 the industries forming "windows of opportunities" for enterprises of Sverdlovsk region were defined. The necessity of integration of small and average industrial enterprises in perspective industries in order to maintain long-term development in the conditions of an unstable environment was shown.
Author Bespalov M.V.,From the beginning of the second half of the year 2008 developing world financial crisis has strengthened negative influence on economic development of Russia. Special importance in the conditions of financial crisis is represented by development and support of small forms of the enterprises, as alternatives to large business. In article presented the complex of the development small and average business in the Tambov region, including: creation of business incubators, development of exhibition activity, crediting by commercial banks of a small-scale business, the help in production certification, development of personnel potential of enterprise structures, external accounting service, assistance in equipment acquisition in leasing, rendering of financial support to the innovative enterprises of area etc.
Author Konovalov A.A.,In the conditions of the world financial and economical crisis conversion of the regional development institutions seems to be an important task. We suggest creation of the new industrial development institutions that are oriented towards the stimulation of the industrial production along with the increase of public order and infrastructural investments development.
Author Tsiovkina O. Yu.,The article is devoted to the analysis of influence of an economic crisis on conditions of vital activity of the population of monocities, to possible ways of crisis solution and to steady development of local mining territories of a monotype. The model of an intersectorial industrial complex is offered and proved as one of progressive forms of cooperation of business-structures and the states for the solution of social and economic problems of local mining territories of a monotype.
Author Guman E.O.,In the article raid is considered as a destructive form of enterprise behavior which represents realization of appropriating processes of the property without the consent of the former owner or by compulsion to the consent using illegal or formally lawful actions. On the basis of an expert estimation of factors of the external and internal environment there are noted high ratings of legislatively, organizational and financial factors and also the technique of a quantitative method of assessing the level of victim of the company as predisposition indicator to the raid capture is presented.
For today many domestic enterprises of sphere of production of goods feel sharp need for change of system of stimulation of work of the organization. Foreign experience of stimulation of work of top-managers is actively made use. In clause the example of application of the adapted foreign system of awarding of top-managers at the Russian enterprise is presented on the basis of regulations about of motivation of key heads business-battalions corporations.
Author Mosalyov A.I.,In present clause the modern requirements to realization of investment-innovation activity in conditions regional are considered is brave, and also the analysis of their influence on a realizability of the project will be carried out which is based on an expert method. As a result of research the way of the account of regional risk by means of the generated risk – card of investment of innovations, allowing to the potential investor is offered to be defined with efficiency of capital investments those or others of the innovation projects in him interested region.