Author's articles (4)
#1 / 2008 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe companies innovative level, working in the branch competitive markets, defines a degree of their competitiveness and directly influences on activity efficiency. At the same time current management of innovative activity is impossible without its quantitative measurement. The most exact tool of measurement can become an estimation of the intellectual capital. It could be the indicator allocating innovative results from economical results of company activity. The experiment on one of the telecommunication companies is directed on confirmation of a hypothesis on an opportunity of a company innovative level measurement on the basis of an intellectual capital estimation.
#3 / 2007 Category: CONCEPTS OF ACTUAL REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL POLICYAuthor Grebenkin A.V.,In clause by way of statement the hypothesis of formation of modern regional industrial policy on the basis of the approach sold nowadays in an expert of corporate merges and absorption reveals. The new approach is named трансгрессивным, is a concept is borrowed in biology, its adequacy, necessity and potential opportunities for the description and forecasting of economic transaction are shown in view of requirements of global calls and corresponding matrixes institutional behaviour. Ideas of the author can be considered as the invitation to expansion of the research program of studying of opportunities of industrial policy and spatial designing of network regions on the basis of development industrial clasters, applying on participation in the global markets.
#2 / 2008 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe definition of the organizational development innovative project and the technique of its estimation is in this article offered. The distinctive special feature of this method is comparison of opportunities and risks by means of essentially new system of the parameters. These parameters allow to receive a complex estimation of a condition of organizational development innovative projects. Approbation of the offered estimated technique has been lead on set of organizational development innovative projects which were realized at the enterprises of a various branch accessory. The hypothesis about necessity of definition of a condition of the project by means of an estimation of opportunities and their comparisons to risks is confirmed.
#3 / 2009 Category: PROBLEMS OF STRUCTURAL MODERNIZATION OF REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXIn the article on the basis of the statistical data it is shown that the problem of inadequate structure of technological ways remains one of the main problems of Sverdlovsk region development, a barrier to sustainable growth, the inertial trap threatening by serious structural crisis in intermediate term prospect. Possibilities of occurrence of the sixth technological way sprouts as a way of nanotechnological projects and conditions of the bearing branches transformation taking into account innovations in the field of molecular researches and workings out are designated.