Author's articles (3)
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: INNOVATION AND INVESTMENT ACTIVITYThis article is about role of innovation climate as instrument of creation of effect model innovation development for the country (region). The authors write about main problems and contradiction of development of innovation system in Russia and give proposals about creation of base of innovation economics.
#4 / 2008 Category: INNOVATION ACTIVITYAuthor Suhovey A.F.,This article describes approbating at Sverdlovsk region methodic of analysis of strength and weakness sides of scientific organization. Using this methodic is give possibility to define perspective directions of foundation innovation infrastructure of region.
#3 / 2009 Category: INNOVATION AND INSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIPIn the article science-technical potential of regions of Tumen΄s North and necessities modernization of industry are analyzed. At this base possibilities and perspectives of creation centers of innovation activities as point of growth at Tumen region are considered.