Arhive: #3 2008
A concept of national safety under expansion of informational economics was established. Dominating role of science and high technologies was considered and concretized for a subsystem of economic security. The problems and means of glossary construction, innovation policy, legislative control, and financing of scientific efforts were discussed.
Author Glazjev S.Y.,Submitted on session of the State Council presidential strategy of social and economic development of Russia up to 2020 as a matter of fact is the political decision on translation of the Russian economy from inertial on an innovative way of development. Realization of this strategy should be based on the Concept and the forecast of social and economic development of the country, developed by the government proceeding from this decision (further - the Concept and the Forecast). In present clause conformity of the projects of the Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation submitted by the government and Key parameters of the forecast of social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020-2030 strategic purposes of translation of the Russian economy on an innovative way of development is analyzed.
Author Senchagov V.K.,Work contains the review of methodological bases of economic safety. The analysis of historical experience of the USSR is submitted and major factors of its destruction are named. On this basis it is developed and in article the mechanism of economic safety of the state is submitted.
Author Stepashin S.V.,The article is devoted to pressing questions of development of the Russian economy in connection with end of the period of economic stabilization and transition to the strategy of innovative development based, including, on development of design management by results. The estimation of the risks caused both problems of the international financial system, and by decrease in profitableness, shortage of available assets in bank sphere, inflation, deficiency of a manpower is given, etc. It is marked, that within the framework of the started structural economic transformations and strategy of development of Russia till 2020 are put forward new requirements to management in the widest sense of this word. The state audit is the important component of resource management and projects and should bring in the powerful contribution to creation of effective system of such management. The author proves necessity of qualitatively new approaches to activity of control and counting bodies of all levels working as external auditors of strategically significant programs and projects. The monitoring system working on principles of management on an end result is offered.
Author Latyshev P.M.,"Urals Industrial - Urals Polar" is the unique project and thus it will provide the economic security not only of the local territory but of the whole Russia in terms of several courses. This article is devoted to the main courses of these ones and their influence on the economy of the country.
It is shown, that globalization changes the contents of state regulation of industrial activity. The directions of transformation of an industrial policy of the state are opened. The tendencies of change of components of a regional industrial policy under influence of process of globalization are shown.
Questions of creation of the large vertically integrated structures in branch complexes and their influence on industrial potential of territories are considered. The circuit of formation and realization of industrial - territorial integration in economy is submitted. Methodological principles and a technique of an estimation of economic safety of territories of a different level are described. On the basis of the specified technique the analysis of dynamics of change of a complex estimation of economic safety in UFR in 2000-2007 is executed. The technique of an estimation of influence of industrial integration on a condition of an economic complex of territory is resulted. The forecast of change of economic safety of territory in conditions of development of the integrated structures of metallurgical complex UMMC for the period till 2010 is made.
Substantive provisions of the developed modified variant of a complex method of diagnosing and forecasting of development of a situation on power safety of the territories of a regional level are stated. The methodical approach allows to investigate influence of regional and branch factors on formation of a safety situation. Results of calculations of diagnostics and analysis of development of the situation on power safety for 79 subjects and seven federal districts of the Russian Federation for last seven years are discussed. Results of forecasting of development of situation on one of important parameters of power safety of the Ural federal district and it's regions are shown.
The importance of perfection tax administration for maintenance of financial safety is noted. The analysis of a current condition and prospects of tax administration in the Russian Federation is lead. Offers on perfection organizational and a supply with information of tax administration based on modern organizational and information technologies are formulated.
Author Lazhentsev V.N.,It is shown, that national safety of Russia with reference to the North in many respects is determined natural-historical, commercial and industrial, infrastructural and defensive by factors. It is proved, that one of dangerous threat of national safety is increasing export of resources of the North which essentially constrains formation of a home market. The author marks, that infrastructural aspects of national safety and food safety of Russia are connected to same problem. The problems of the North are systematized and the order of their decision is determined.
The article is dedicated to the analysis of security by natural resources as factor of economic safety of the countries and areas. There is determined the place of Russia and its regions in modern geopolitic space. Methodological questions of an estimation of system of national mineral security are considered. The modern doctrine of Russia in the field of national mineral-raw security is illustrated in this article.
The article analyzes the condition of the mineral-raw material base of firm minerals in the Ural Federation District. Attention is drawn to the fact that a significant portion of mineral resources goes to export, despite the fact that the local mineral-raw material base is largely declining and this poses a threat to the economic safety. It is stated that the entrance of the country into the world market gives it the possibility to use alternative sources of raw materials that can be found over-seas. Therefore, the providing of the mineral- raw material in the Ural industry seems quite optimistic for the time being. In order to provide the Ural industry with a long-term plan, a throughout preparation of a new raw material base is necessary, that will be located in the Ural North.
The article is devoted to the problems of an estimation of ecological safety at a regional level. Authors systematized criteria and considered the algorithm of an estimation of ecological safety of the region. The methodical device of an estimation of ecological safety of the region on factor of an exhaustion ecological technical capacity of territory was offered.
The basic problems of development of socio-demographic sphere in Russia at the present stage and the tendency of their change are considered in the article. The methodical device of diagnostics of socio-demographic safety of territories is offered. In basis of it lays using of indicator analysis method. The researches based both on official statistics, and on calculations of the latent dynamic characteristics are considered. The special attention is given to diagnostics of real number of addicts. The condition and dynamics of change of socio-demographic safety in federal districts of the Russian Federation for the period of 2000 - 2006 is shown. The primary goals are put which performance will lead to a output of Russia from the developed demographic crisis.
Author Shevjakov A.J.,The strong, dynamically developing economy is the major component and a basis of national safety. To number of factors, direct image braking economic development, the sharp social and economic disproportions arisen during reforms spent for the country and expressing, first of all, in a superfluous economic inequality today concern. It is marked it is boundless a high level of an inequality in distribution of the property. Besides the inequality is superfluous on territories and branches of the Russian economy, under incomes, consumption and savings of the population, under the available human and social capital. It is shown, that it is in the most direct image it is connected to sociopolitical and demographic safety of the country, and parameters of distributive mechanisms when the inequality is within the limits of values 7-9 for factor of funds, are not only socially fair, but also optimum both in economic, and in the strategic plan.
The analysis of the data of medical statistics of narcological establishments for 2007 is carried out. There is reduction of number of clinics, numbers of experts in narcology, increase in an overload of experts, reduction of number of beds in narcological establishments, decrease in a parameter of employment of a bed marked. The data on number the consumers of drugs registered in narcological establishments testify to a high level of prevalence of a narcotism in Russia. Prevalence of drunkenness in Russia remains still high and makes 1,6 % of an aggregate number of the population. Thus in a number of regions this parameter was stabilized at a level of 3-5 % of an aggregate number of the population. Some decrease in primary desease by drunkenness and alcoholic psychoses was outlined. However this parameter still remains at a high level, exceeding a level of 1991 in 3,8 times.
Author Altuhov A.I.,It is marked, that almost one third of branches of the Russian economy is connected to agrarian sphere, 27 % of the population live in a countryside. Therefore the decision of questions of increase of a standard of life of the population and maintenance of food safety of the country, expansion and strengthening of its prestige depends on stability of development of agrarian and industrial complex and, in particular, its bases - an agriculture - in many respects in the world. In article the analysis Russian national agrarian politics on which successful realization reliability of maintenance of food safety of the country depends, quantitative both qualitative parameters and efficiency of functioning of agrarian and industrial complex and its branches is submitted.
In today's Russia many agricultural co-operatives are established from the top downwards. The national project "Development of Agroindustrial Complex" and other governmental programs initiate the formation of cooperative societies. These cooperatives are organized in accordance with the traditional cooperative model. Many of them do, however, not have any real business activities. The aim of this paper to investigate if traditional cooperatives (following principles such as collective ownership, one member one vote, equal treatment, and solidarity, etc.) constitute the best organizational model for cooperatives societies under the present conditions in the Russian agriculture.
It is marked, that food safety of the country became the integral structural element of national safety of the state. Special importance of maintenance of the population is emphasized by qualitative food stuffs. Authors give the characteristic to the Russian national control system of ãåííî-engineering activity.
Author Bessonova T.N.,Researches show presence of interrelations between a condition of ecological system and a level of economy in the present and the future. The author marks, that in system «the nature - a society - the person» is observed an aggravation of ýêîëîãî-economic, social and economic, economic-demographic and other contradictions. This circumstance forces to search for ways of improvement of a condition of an environment. In work the ýêîëîãî-economic estimation of influence of an oil-and-gas complex on territory Hanti-Mansiyskiy autonomous okrug - Ugra is given.
Author Garaev M.M.,State management modernisation of regional economy must be based on strengthening the feedback between of achieved results and approved objectives. In this article author analyzes theoretical problems and proposes ways of improving criterion support for analysis of regional economy effectiveness.
The article is devoted to one of the "hottest" problems of social and economic development of the Russia Federation. Nowadays deep unequaty in life and economic conditions in different regions of Russia has become one of the biggest obstacles for further stable development of the country. This unequaty also tackles conditions of investment attractiveness. So the article presents the authors' standpoint of improving investment attractiveness of one of the regions - the Chechen Republic in the framework of the Russia Federation through improving the budgetary mechanism of this region.
Author Akyulov R.I.,In article the concept of demographic safety of region is considered, the urgency of the given problem is proved, factors influencing it are investigated, its interrelation with economic safety reveals, are considered demographic threats and indicators reflecting them, is offered system of the measures including prominent aspects demographic, of social policy, called to provide demographic safety of region.
Realization of strategy of development of region is carried out within the limits of the complex program of development of region which is formed on the basis of branch target programs in directions of ability to live of region. According to existing preconditions the mechanism of ecological modernization can and should be a basis of the mechanism of realization of the regional program of preservation of the environment, and also accompanying regional, federal, municipal target programs, corporate programs from the point of view of their ecological component. That causes a program-target methodological basis of the mechanism of ecological modernization in model of ecological modernization of economy of region.
Author Belik I.S.,The article is devoted to the problems of development of the integrated parameters estimating an ecology and economic condition of the territory.
Goal of our contribution is presentation of some results from the study of the general trends of the selection population processes development and the population structures formation. Special feature of the population events and processes is their dynamic development, relative quickly changes in time. Especially the second half of the past and at the beginning of ours century characterizes very notably changes look like reproductive processes, so and formation of population structures.
Author Menshenina I.G.,The main types of clusters are described in the article. The function of a transport and logistics model is also described using the theory of graphs. The relationship of clusters is shown in the economic system of a region, and the main role of transport and logistics cluster is emphasized as a good condition for the effective functioning of other clusters in the region.