Author's articles (5)
#2 / 2007 appendix Category: NEW PARADIGMS AND CONCEPTSAuthor Lazhentsev V.N.,The North is considered as a scientific object. Two types of problems are presented: the main and associated. The first signify the questions of the north communities’ life reproduction, the second – point the questions of economy field allocation. Theoretical, applied and organizational-economic steps problem solution are showed.
#2 / 2007 appendix Category: REGIONAL INTEGRATION, INTERREGIONAL ECONOMIC INTERRELATIONSIn article the modern state and expansion potential of economic relations between Republic of Komi and the Ural regions are considered. Macrostructure, resource and innovational preconditions of formation macroregion Komi – Ural are designated. Institutional deficiency and transport restrictions are barriers of strengthening of inter-regional interrelations. It is important to expanse borders and contents of the transport corridor project "Ural Industrial – Ural Polar" and to transit to purposeful development perspective macroregion. The probable algorithm of scientific-organizational activity is offered.
#3 / 2008 Category: RESOURCE AND ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SECURITYAuthor Lazhentsev V.N.,It is shown, that national safety of Russia with reference to the North in many respects is determined natural-historical, commercial and industrial, infrastructural and defensive by factors. It is proved, that one of dangerous threat of national safety is increasing export of resources of the North which essentially constrains formation of a home market. The author marks, that infrastructural aspects of national safety and food safety of Russia are connected to same problem. The problems of the North are systematized and the order of their decision is determined.
#2 / 2009 Category: NATIONAL PROJECTSThe article is dedicated to appearance and development of the academical agroeconomic science in the region. Stages and fundamental results which took place for sixty years period are presented in the article.
#2 / 2018 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSAuthor Lazhentsev V.N.,The spatial and territorial development of Russia was explored by many groups of geographers, historians and economists within the framework of academic programs. I interpret such development as economic and geographic activity covering regional statistics, geo-informatics, spatial planning and design as well as geographical review. This approach corresponds to one of the general directions of fundamental research of RAS «Development of the strategy of the transformation of the socioeconomic space and territorial development of Russia». My northern research, since 2010, has become an integral part of the RAS programmes «Fundamental issues of spatial development of the Russian Federation: the interdisciplinary synthesis». Its conceptual foundations were formulated by Academician A. G. Granberg and «The role of the space in the modernization of Russia: natural and socio-economic potential» (supervisor, Academician V. M. Kotlyakov). At first, I consider the following problems of the North: the North and Russia’s internal market, modernization of the Northern households, scientific and technical preparation of the projects for the upcoming development of the Arctic. Further, I give the scientific explanation of the issues of socio-economic development. They are due to the poor state of the spatial organization of national economy in Russian Federation and the underestimation of the economic systems formed in the Northern and Arctic regions. These systems are divided into three types: territorial and economic complexes, certain centers (industrial periphery), the periphery of rural type. Complexes concentrate about 60 % of labour potential of the North, the industrial periphery — 15 % and rural — 25 %. They have different directions for the economic modernization and on the condition of this potential realization can ensure long-term sustainable development to the Northern regions. The Arctic vector of natural resource economy can succeed if its scientific and technical preparation is considered as an independent and priority direction of appropriate programs and projects. In fact, the science plays a pioneering role in the development of territories with an extreme environment.