Author's articles (2)
#1 / 2008 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSIn article problems of normative-legal regulation of anti-crisis management and "bankruptcy" in modern Russian economy are considered. The analysis of statistical data on procedures of the bankruptcy spent by the Russian Federation, confirming low efficiency of spent procedures and necessity enough the rigid control and regulation of processes of anti-crisis management is resulted. The interrelation of anti-crisis management and "bankruptcy" is considered.
#3 / 2008 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSRealization of strategy of development of region is carried out within the limits of the complex program of development of region which is formed on the basis of branch target programs in directions of ability to live of region. According to existing preconditions the mechanism of ecological modernization can and should be a basis of the mechanism of realization of the regional program of preservation of the environment, and also accompanying regional, federal, municipal target programs, corporate programs from the point of view of their ecological component. That causes a program-target methodological basis of the mechanism of ecological modernization in model of ecological modernization of economy of region.