Author's articles (3)
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: NATURAL-RESOURCES POTENTIAL OF THE REGIONThe process of evolution of studying and economic development of the Ural North, the territory having significant perspective in-resource potential is considered in clause. The basic attention is given to becoming of socio-economic researches on studying natural resources of Northern, Subpolar and Polar Ural for definition of an opportunity of their using in facilities of industrial Ural.
#3 / 2008 Category: RESOURCE AND ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SECURITYThe article analyzes the condition of the mineral-raw material base of firm minerals in the Ural Federation District. Attention is drawn to the fact that a significant portion of mineral resources goes to export, despite the fact that the local mineral-raw material base is largely declining and this poses a threat to the economic safety. It is stated that the entrance of the country into the world market gives it the possibility to use alternative sources of raw materials that can be found over-seas. Therefore, the providing of the mineral- raw material in the Ural industry seems quite optimistic for the time being. In order to provide the Ural industry with a long-term plan, a throughout preparation of a new raw material base is necessary, that will be located in the Ural North.
#4 / 2008 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe current state of as one of rational bowels use components considering by the President of the Russian Federation as a priority direction of science and technique development is described in the clause. It is significant that aspects of its perfection have either legal and economic components and offered recommendations equally concern of legislative base and the economic mechanism. The author pays attention to improvement of licensing entrails of the firm minerals with compound geological structure.