Arhive: #4 2013
Author Tatarkin À. I.,In the article, the essential questions of spatial development and self-development of territorial systems are revealed. The attention is paid to the possibility of a role increase for the regional and municipal socioeconomic systems in the spatial development of the Russian Federation with the use of their self-development and self-repayment. The most discussed and debating question — definition of the concept of «self-development of territorial system» is considered. The core conditions of self-development of territorial economic systems, especially the regional (internal self-sufficiency and environment) are allocated. Stages of formation and development of territorial socioeconomic systems are described. Readiness criteria of territorial socioeconomic systems for self-development are presented. Some countries, especially European, are seeking after conditions ensuring socioeconomic systems, it is shown on the basis of studying the world and domestic experience, and practice of the regional development. The assessment of stability of self-developing socioeconomic systems is carried out.
This article is devoted to the analysis of condition of female employment in regions of North of Russia. The research hypothesis is an assumption that the possibilities of female employment in northern regions of Russia are considerably reduced because of branch structure of economy with its raw trend. It increase a problem of female unemployment and causes necessity to take the additional measures for its adjustment by the executive authority The authors allocated the major factors influencing on the possibilities of women’s employment in a region. The tools are proved, and recommendations about decreasing the existing problems in the field of female employment in subjects of the Northern part of the Russian Federation are given on the basis of the analysis of statistical data, standard regulation, and policy documents.
The subject of the article is the relationships in labor utilization. The article analyzes the impact of employment instability on the socio-economic situation of employees in Russia. Questions revealing the concept content of employment instability, its real forms and socio-economic consequences for employees are considered. Methods of statistical and sociological data analysis are applied. Indicators to measure the scope and level of employment instability of employees are calculated. The dynamics in the time of the size of employment instability in Russia are analyzed. The obtained results can be applied within national economic and social policy. The findings indicate that employment instability is high, and it threatens socio-economic position of the great number of employees in Russia. It is argued that, in these conditions, the most appropriate in the fight against the spread of employment instability are the set of government initiatives, proactive position of the Russian society and the expansion of societal forms of control over the government.
In recent years in Turkey, it has been observed that workforce education programs within the active workforce marketing policies implemented by the Turkish Labour Institution especially towards the disadvantaged groups such as the women, the long term unemployed, the youth with low skill levels in the workforce market are increasingly gaining importance by the support of European Union. In today’s world, one of the most important points to be considered is the high-quality education. For a quality education, it is necessary to understand very well the expectations and perceptions of trainees who receive training services. Thus, expectations would be met and employment planning related to the vocational training services received would be increased. The main objective of this study is to increase the employment rate of the trainees who have received vocational training services and to be able to analyse its effect on their personal developments.
In the article, an application of the approach, based on the methodology of the indicative analysis, to the modeling of a condition of the national wealth of the Russia’s regions is proved, its main advantages are shown. Research purposes are: to define a quality and development level of the national capital components of constituent territories of the Russian Federation (the natural and resource, physical and human capitals); and to identify the reasons of a developing situation; to define a contribution of each subject of the Russian Federation in the developing of the country’s national wealth; to contribute to the individual approach development of the management of components of the national capital for all the Russia’s regions. The methodic allowing to transform the different indicative indicators of various measure to a balance, and also to receive and differentiate integrated estimates of components of the national capital of each territorial subject of the Russian Federation according to the offered classification is given. As an example of the assessment results of the human capital of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation in 2011 (in the rating form) and diagrams of its changing for 2000-2011 in the Russian Federation’s subjects of the first and last places in rating are presented. The assessment mechanism of contribution of particular components of human capital to the development of its integrated assessment is given, and such opportunity is shown.
In the article, the theoretical and methodological foundations of investigation of the socioeconomic nature of terrorism are considered. Hypothesis of research is the existence of methodological criteria of territory classification on the basis of external and internal terrorism. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical works of national and foreign authors, normative documents of state and international level the genesis of approaches to the understanding of the essence of modern terrorism, its contents, the subject-object relations and manifestation forms is received. As the result, according to the authors’ definition “terrorism” is understood as an ideology connected with deliberate violence or threats against the civilian population or property to influence on the government or the interstate organizations. In the work, the factors of development and spreading of terrorism in the Russian Federation’s regions are allocated and quantitatively proved. Weight parameters of the specified factors are determined. The methodological differentiation of the specified factors on factors of terrorism external (attacks from the outside) and an internal form (distribution and realization of radical ideas within the region in the territory) is the distinctive feature of the conducted research. During the research, the cluster analysis of a region is carried out to distribute of Russia’s regions according to the typological characteristic of the region of internal and external terrorism. The obtained data are verified in accordance with empirical data, the hypothesis of the existence of methodological criteria of the region classification on the basis of external and internal terrorism is proved.
The article describes the unconventional look at the Karl Marx’s formula «to each according to his needs», which is usually interpreted as unlimited satisfaction of all the needs of all citizens in a society. According to the formula, the authors of the article suggest the requirements, not as the will of individual citizens or superfluous, but the set of benefits recognized by society and needed to ensure a decent way of life for every citizen. Meeting these needs should not be done through barter, offering an equivalent compensation cost commodity producers, but as well as providing a range of public benefits to citizens according the right of belonging to a community. It is argued, that such a distribution on needs occurs in varying degrees in all countries, both in capitalism and socialism. The share of benefits allocated on demand in different countries varies depending on their level of development and socialization of the economy. It is suggested that in order to ensure sustainable development of the country, the region needs to increase the share of benefits allocated on needs and create in the public consciousness the idea of «reasonable needs».
The projection of modernization of the institutional basis of the Russian education system against system transformational processes of the new history of Russia is investigated on the basis of a comprehensive approach. The trends of the state educational policy and public preferences of the last two decades are proved in the context of legal relations. The basic factors of the education system development are defined during the comparative analysis of legislative base. The dominating role of financial and economic regulators in a hierarchy of drivers of the education system modernization in the conditions of multidirectional challenges and their efficiency is shown. Essential changes in the structure of legal relations of the education systems introduced by the new Federal law No. 273-FZ from 29.12.2012 «On Education in the Russian Federation» are revealed. The new financial and legal regulations embodied in the law, become the operating basis of institutes for development The process of the transformation of the system education is a made by means of institutional model. The presented institutional matrix and structural and logic model of the multiplicative effect of the influence of institutes for development.
In the article, the authors have classified theories of human aging, having emphasized the theory of «cellular death» on the basis of generalization of an extensive theoretical and empirical material of domestic and foreign researchers. The main theories of specific duration of human life, the biological and social and economic criteria and health factors of causes of death and longevity are briefly presented. The achievements of the genetics of a human body aging are discussed. In the article, the author stopped on a problem of the human gene pool stability and obvious delay of its biological evolution in the historical development. Despite a deep socialization of humanity, people remains in captivity of biological life, obey all the laws of the biological organization including those that keep it and provide it to following generations. The biological factors influencing reproduction of the population, unlike social factors, are more stable in time. Various socioeconomic and physiographic conditions interacted for a long time with biological factors, determine a certain life expectancy. In the modern conditions for forward development of society, the special value gets a question of the human potential realization — gold fund of of manufacture, science, culture. With a «century of biology» which starts with the development of molecular biology, genetics, biological cybernetics, the science has new opportunities for effective adaptation of human to new conditions.
Author Ryumina Ye. V.,The indicator of gross domestic product, which does not reflect a quality of economic growth, in the concept of sustainable development is modified as an ecologically adjusted gross domestic product. In the article, the problems of a new indicator creation are solved. The attention to the incorrectness of subtraction from gross domestic product is paid, at its ecological adjustment, that part of damage from ecological violations, which makes the under-received income. To avoid the double subtraction of the under-received income, it is necessary to correct gross domestic product only concerning other part of loss — the forced consumption. The big mistake is made at creation of the savings indicator when from gross accumulation is subtracted both the under-received income, and all consumption because of ecological disturbances. It is possible to reduce macroindicators only by that part of loss, which is a part of these indicators. In the article, one more area of the use of ecologically adjusted gross domestic product is offered: replacement of a traditional indicator of gross domestic product at calculations of human development index is proved. On examples of the Russian regions, it is shown that transition to ecologically adjusted GRP significantly reduces value of human development index in raw and ecologically unsuccessful regions.
The paper presents an analysis of current socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry imbalances in the regional economy by the example of Ural Federal District and Siberian Federal District. The main aim of it is to identify the actual socio-economic problems in the development of the regional economies. The authors analyze the economic, ecological and social aspects in the development of regional economies by the examples. They investigate the specifics of the correlation between industrial development, ecological problems and health problems of the local population. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of correlations between the mortality of the population and industrial pollution of air and water. The analysis has resulted in making proposals for optimization of the regional policy in the field of investments, manufacturing and ecology. The special attention is given to environment-oriented projects. The most practicable way in solving the problem of these regional industry imbalances would be the development of regional diversification programs of the Siberia and the Ural economies. It has to support manufacturing and the largest public-private investment projects for the foundation of enterprises in agriculture, food and other industries. The most prosperous among them is the direction of bioenergy and forest-engineering-oriented businesses. The results of the research can be useful in solving the problem of the industry imbalances in the regional economic policy of the Russian Federation.
The emergence and development of regional clusters in Russia is considered as an effective tool for improving the economy competitiveness. Considering that the growth of the clusters is a long-term and resource-intensive process, the formation of identification and assessment methods for clearly definition the regional clustering availability is particular important. The methods must be optimal for the Russian practices. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the methodological approaches of identification and assessment of potential regional clusters. In particular, the article analyzes the existing qualitative assessment and empirical approaches to the clusters identification, focusing on M. Porter methodology (with modification of the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity) and the European Cluster Observatory. The paper also discusses the methodological approaches to the identification and assessment of potential clusters used in Russian practice.
Author Aliev U. Ò.,This article covers the way oil export incomes influence economic development and inequality of income distribution. Possible types of inequality related to structural changes in the economies of oil-producing countries are identified. Dependency of different economies on oil and gas export has been analyzed based on the indicators suggested. A breakdown of oil-producing countries into four groups has been provided on the basis of average per capita incomes and volumes of oil extraction per capita. Peculiarities of resource-dependency of three major post-Soviet oil and gas exporters — Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan — have been analyzed. It has been demonstrated that dependency on resources modifies the structure of these countries’ economies, which leads to income inequality based on employment via a mechanism of labor compensation changes in different sectors of the economy. Oil-producing countries need the system policy on the effective use of income from the sale of energy to improve living standards and address emerging socio-economic challenges.
Author Bushuyev V. V.,A territory equipped with infrastructure is the most important component of Russia’s national wealth. It is not only the natural resources, but also the material and spiritual capital of the country, the source of its welfare and sustainable development. The Eurasian economic integration as the first step assumes the creation of the general infrastructure as a framework of development and productive forces. Key points of infrastructure system coincide with the territorial and production clusters (TPC) in which power and commodity flows are concentrated. The scheme of their connection is not simply a communication network but is a blood system of all Eurasia. Infrastructure is a requirement of the population migrations, transport and power communications, and information and institutional integration. In Eurasia’s territory, 5 width and 3 meridian corridors of development are allocated, it creates the cellular scheme of integrated development of space and formation of the world power system.
The article is devoted to the impact assessment of the administrative regulation on the development of private enterprises, particularly small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, separate aspects of the negative impact of excessive government (municipal) regulation on the quality of business development in the region. Considerable attention is paid to the justification of the need to reduce the administrative burden on business as factors contribute to the output of business structures of the “shadow,” which will give further impetus to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region. During the presentation of the material necessity the reformatting of the regional authorities in the development of motivational tools able to stimulate the activities of officials aimed at reducing the administrative burden on business. A new approach to the planning of activities for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region to justify the need for appropriate institutional change is offered.
The article presents innovative directions of the state support of agricultural producers with the purpose of development of the region’s food reserves. It is established that the food reserves need to be one of the primary and effective way of development of region’s food independence and the food security of the state in the conditions of the WTO. Among the proposed measures for generating food reserves are organizational consulting activities and public investment. The state investments presented as commodity repayment financing, direct purchases and state-private partnership have particular importance. The implementation of such activities will contribute to the effectiveness agricultural production and enhance food independence of the regions, taking into account Russia’s membership in WTO, without any contradictions.
The program on the modernization of the national economy is impossible without an active innovative policy. The subject matter of the research in the article is the economy of agricultural organizations. Methodological aspect of research is the optimizing methods as the leading idea of the effective innovation policy. The continuous economic increase in the agricultural production is required for the development of investment and innovation-based component of the Russian Federation economy and competition in the conditions of WTO accession. Scientific and technical potential is a basis of investment and innovation-based economy and strategically renewable Russian Federation resource. New equipment and new technologies have the future. The intensification of all processes connected to innovation policy assumes development and implementation of the state investment and innovation policy both on federal and regional levels, applications of modern methods of a program goals management, development of strategy of innovative development of territories are necessary. The developed technique can successfully be applied in the agricultural organizations of the country, and after the corresponding completion — at any enterprise. The developed scientific and methodological knowledge allows to estimate objectively the level of technical capacity of an enterprise and, respectively, its maturity for investments without risk of non-return of means.
This analysis focuses on defining and describing the unique economic characteristics of agrifood supply chains. The analysis includes seven specific economic characteristics of agrifood supply chains that distinguish them from other industrial manufacturing and service supply chains. The seven characteristics are: 1) risk emanating from the biological nature of agrifood supply chains, 2) the role of buffer stocks within the supply chain, 3) the scientific foundation of innovation in production agriculture having shifted from chemistry to biology, 4) cyberspace and information technology influences on agrifood supply chains, 5) the prevalent market structure at the farm gate remains oligopsony, 6) relative market power shifts in agrifood supply chains away from food manufacturers downstream to food retailers, and 7) globalization of agriculture and agri- food supply chains.
The dependence of logistics on mineral fuel is a stable tendency of regions development, though when making strategic plans of logistics in the regions, it is necessary to provide the alternative possibilities of power-supply sources change together with population density, transport infrastructure peculiarities, and demographic changes forecast. On the example of timber processing complex of the Sverdlovsk region, the authors suggest the algorithm of decision of the optimal logistics infrastructure allocation. The problem of regional railway network organization at the stage of slow transition from the prolonged stagnation to the new development is carried out. The transport networks’ configurations of countries on the Pacific Rim, which successfully developed nowadays, are analyzed. The authors offer some results of regional transport network simulation on the basis of artificial intelligence method. These methods let to solve the task with incomplete data. The ways of the transport network improvement in the Sverdlovsk region are offered.
Author Szarowská I.,Economic and debt crisis has increased the attention paid to the development of government expenditure in problematic regions in the European Union. The goal of the article is to provide direct empirical evidence on cyclicality and the long-term and short-term relationship between government expenditure and output in the Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain in a period 1995–2011. We have applied Johansen cointegration test and the error correction model on adjusted annual data of GDP and government expenditure in compliance with the COFOG international standard. Research confirms procyclical development of government expenditure functions on GDP in the selected countries; this procyclicality is in line with development typical for developing countries. Moreover, output and government expenditure are cointegrated for at least six of the expenditure categories in every country and it implies a long-term relationship between government expenditure and output consistent with Wagner’s law. The values of the coefficients for the short-run relationship between expenditure and output confirm the voracity hypothesis, as they suggest that in response to a given shock to real GDP, government expenditure rises by even more in percentage points.
In the present article, we consider the organizational, economic and institutional aspects of the implementation of infrastructure projects in the Russian Federation. The main objective of the work is to try to organize the parameters of the national economy on the criteria of quality and availability of infrastructure for domestic business. According to the authors, an effective solution to the problem of modernization of infrastructure businesses in the regions may be the result of interaction between the state, the public and businesses to achieve the consolidation of their joint efforts. However, inadequate institutional and legal framework for the interaction of the institutions of government and business can be a significant barrier to the implementation of infrastructure projects to ensure economic activities of businesses. For this reason it is necessary to increase the loyalty and mutual benefit relationship of relevant government agencies and commercial organizations to develop the infrastructure of the complex in the context of meeting the mutual expectations of the parties at all stages of interaction. With the use of fuzzy set theory researchers presented a risk assessment model for infrastructure projects. The use of the model will allow for the participation of the rationale business structure in the formation of infrastructure resources to meet emerging potential benefits in the prevailing levels of risk.
In the article, the results of the research dedicated to the probable consequences of Russian entry to WTO are represented. Based on the analysis of the opposite points of view, it is shown that changes depend more on the economic situation in the country and not on the entry itself. The series of negative starting characteristics of Russian economy is noticed. Among those are the significant spatial differentiation of particular regions and the disproportion of the regional development. It also noted that Russian entry to WTO may deepen this disproportion. The prognosis of economic structural changes is proposed to implement in the two fields: in the traditional economic sector and the field of the knowledge-based economy. The method was developed for determining the first field of prognosis, which approbation confirmed the probable declining trend in traditional economic sectors. The task considering the second field was solved on the basis of the research in technology and innovation capital transformation processes on the example of two groups of countries: already WTO members but still developing countries and developing countries beyond WTO. The results of the research show the WTO entry neutral influence on structural changes in the knowledge-based economy.
Author Gusev A. B.,To assess the strength of internal economic space of Russia and the positiveness of the interregional economic relations, the paper investigates the types of economic interaction of federal districts by means of “predator-prey” models. The strategic economic breaks between the European and East parts of the country are revealed. The accelerated economic growth of East part of the country is predicted that will allow to reach about the same volume of Gross Regional Product (GRP) as GRP in the European part of Russia by 2020. With the help of model constructions the typology of integration crises of federal districts with each other is revealed: back-to-back paralyzing of economic activity (A crisis); mutual destruction (B crisis); economic indifference (C crisis); transition of a role of «predator» to the economically weak territories (D crisis). Macroeconomic threat and challenge to the territorial integrity of Russia is proved due to the state support of regions of the North Caucasus Federal District without involvement of intro regional sources of economic growth, and due to the accelerated economic development of the Far East Federal District. The limited opportunities of the Ural Federal District to support the national economy during a crisis at the expense of export of energy carriers is concluded. The thesis about the low sensitivity of the economy of Russia to the increase of the oil world prices, and about sensitivity to the negative external economic conditions are reasonable. Estimates of the GRP decrease in Russia at the various levels of decrease in the world prices for oil (up to 50 US dollars for barrel) are received and given. The package of measures on response to the threats revealing to the internal economic space and territorial integrity of the country is presented. Keywords: regional economy, regional economic integration, federal districts, “predator-prey” model.
In the article, the territorial consumer markets on the basis of the key characteristics’ analysis are considered: level of decentralization, subsidiarity to consumers of the certain territory, depending on the local conditions and industry specializations. A methodical approach to the classification of the territorial consumer markets (on the example of the municipal level markets), including steps of the use of classification signs revealing their features, factors and functionality are offered. Structural distortions between branch orientation of the municipality and the consumer market structure are revealed. That has allowed to allocate three types of «problems» in development of municipalities: the insufficient providing with nonfood goods of the territorial subdivisions having industrial specialization; low consumption of food products of municipalities with agricultural specialization; low retail trade turnover at the high level of paid services and areas of public food in territorial subdivisions with industrial specialization. Recommendations on the regulation of the consumer markets of the «problematic» municipalities of Chelyabinsk region on the basis of problem-targeted approach are submitted; its purposes and actions are specified depending on economic disproportions of the certain municipality.
In the article, a synergetic method of the economic time series forecasting on the basis of the modified method of Hurst is discussed. It is a new nonlinear method of predicting the development of economic systems according to time series on macro- and mesolevels. The main theorem underlying the forecasting method is formulated and strictly proved: for a chaotic series of a particular length it is possible to specify a time interval where the series is reliably predicted with the Hurst exponent more than 0.5. The examples of the fractal characteristics’ calculation and the forecasting taking into account time of reliable forecast of the socioeconomic indexes’ behavior — oil prices, natural gas prices, the Dow Jones index, the «euro-dollar» prices, the Gross Domestic Product, and some other indicators at the regional level are given. All calculations are carried out by means of the specialized software product upgraded for the task solution set in this article.