Author's articles (4)
#4 / 2011 Category: COMPETITIVENESS OF AGROFOOD MARKETSFormation of market relations in Russian economy generates an objective need to address a number of problems in the relationship between agroundustrial complex organizations in connection with privatization, liberalization of prices and imbalances in the existing inter-industry production and economic relations that negatively affect the results of their economic activities. Because of the flagrant violations of the replenishment process, a diverse range of connections and relationships between producers and processors was broken. The major direction of lifting agricultural economy in this situation is the development of cooperatives and agroindustrial integration. In addition, the formation of large integrated complexes demonstrates high efficiency and rapid development, which is the basis of agroindustrial sector in many developed countries. The increase of competition forces business entities to combine capabilities and mutually beneficial cooperation in the struggle for the strengthening of market positions. Thus, increasing the degree of integration in the agricultural sector helps to get out of the protracted crisis and move more quickly to the innovations.
#2 / 2012 Category: FOOD SECURITYThe analysis of functioning of complex production systems in agroindustrial sphere — large crop farms and livestock farms — shows that the basis for dynamic development of their productive activities is based on a reliable and stable operation of the complex biotech (human-machine) systems. Urgent problems, whose solution promotes a dynamic and efficient operation of complex biotechnological systems, are to create mathematical models of the total biotech system, allowing sufficiently informatively guide the work of major agricultural organizations. This paper discusses an alternative methodological approach to assessing and forecasting financial sustainability of an enterprise. An important place among the factors that shape the financial stability of the economic entity, takes the human factor (decision maker). Financial sustainability of the enterprise is seen from the perspective of bio-approach that includes elements of the system MME (man, machine, and environment). This approach improves the results when evaluating the adequacy of the financial stability of companies in various states of the economy. Newly developed approaches and mathematical models to manage systems of biotechnology make it possible to significantly increase the productivity of animals, crop production and the level of socio-economic status of people in the country.
#3 / 2012 Category: INNOVATION ACTIVITYThis paper presents a mathematical model of economic development of an enterprise with a particular point of assessment of capital-labor and ratio capital equipment accumulation conditions and their further changes depending on the strategy of the company. To construct a mathematical model of the economy's growth indicators, Solow model which adequately reflects the key aspects of the economy-wide process of expanded reproduction and helps to highlight the main features of the formal models of the dynamics is applied, as well as Shell model with applying Pontryagin maximum principle. An organization's readiness to investment processes — investment «maturity» — is seen through the current level of technical capacity and current capital-labor ratio. The substantiation of the need for a certain level of saturation of agricultural equipment in the organization as a secure mean of ensuring the optimum performance of work in the most intense phase of the production of complex planting and harvesting is provided. To construct a mathematical model reflecting the dependence of capital-labor productivity on capital-labor ratio, a mathematical model in the form of the production function of Cobb-Douglas type is suggested.
#4 / 2013 Category: AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD MARKET: NEW VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENTThe program on the modernization of the national economy is impossible without an active innovative policy. The subject matter of the research in the article is the economy of agricultural organizations. Methodological aspect of research is the optimizing methods as the leading idea of the effective innovation policy. The continuous economic increase in the agricultural production is required for the development of investment and innovation-based component of the Russian Federation economy and competition in the conditions of WTO accession. Scientific and technical potential is a basis of investment and innovation-based economy and strategically renewable Russian Federation resource. New equipment and new technologies have the future. The intensification of all processes connected to innovation policy assumes development and implementation of the state investment and innovation policy both on federal and regional levels, applications of modern methods of a program goals management, development of strategy of innovative development of territories are necessary. The developed technique can successfully be applied in the agricultural organizations of the country, and after the corresponding completion — at any enterprise. The developed scientific and methodological knowledge allows to estimate objectively the level of technical capacity of an enterprise and, respectively, its maturity for investments without risk of non-return of means.