Arhive: #3 2005
Author Makarov V.L.,The work concerns to that section of the economic science which calls "the social economy". This section is organized enough, there is international association of "social economy", created in 1940, that is before many other things professional associations in sphere of economy. The association lets out magazine with the same name. The term "municipal economy" with the meaning of the economy of the municipal property is meant, that is only one of sectors of economy, is often used last time. Actually the economy of the lower level which further calls "municipal", is a special economy in which there are a lot of the features essentially distinguishing it from that we name classical economy. In municipal economy defining economic agents do not aspire to a maximum of profit. In this sense it is similar to archaic economy of the past, on patriarchal economy of Russia up to Peter I or on economy of nomads − cattlemen. Municipality as jurisdiction of the lower level of management represents a certain new formation which should be defined as social corporation.
Author Nesterova D.V.,The necessity of the account of some political-economical restrictions of objective and subjective property, the importance of realization of principal of subsidiarity of economic, social and institutional reforms for regional economic policy development are proved on the basis of the analisis of the main features of the Urals region economy, allowing do characterize it as the old region type economy.
Author Donne Sjaojan,The importance of trade and economic relations in development of the state attitudes of Russia and China becomes more and more actual. Both parties try to search for new ways of economic relations development and perfection of the operating mechanism. The article is devoted to the analysis of trajectories of the further development of trade and economic relations between Russia and China, definition of priority directions of scientific and technical cooperation.
Author Afontsev S.A.,The economic-political determinants of the Russian import tariff reform in 2000 − 2001 years, leading up to partial unification of the import customs duties, are considered a With this purpose the model of tariff policy definition which considers the aspiration of the government to minimize the losses of tariff incomes caused by incorrect declaring of the goods by importers is constructed in the work. It is revealed, that reception of tariff incomes was the main motive at the development of tariff policy; the following on a degree of importance were the motives connected with increase of citizens well-being and attraction of support from business lobbies. As a whole, the government has established lower rates of the tariff for the goods with higher probability of incorrect declaring, and higher rates - for the goods which otherwise could be used as a "screen" for incorrectly declared goods. At the same time significant opportunities for the further unification of import duties which can serve as perspective strategy of tariff policy during a transition period after Russian connection to WTO are kept.
Approaches to the analysis of the regional complex development problems are analyzed in the work. The model of estimation of the territory transport network development variants, considering methodical and information difficulties of the territorial forecast is offered in the work.
Author Kapustina L.M.,Dynamics and structure of the foreign investments involved in economy of Sverdlovsk area are analyzed in the article. Consequences of Russian connection to WTO from the view point of foreign investments volumes change are considered. Directions of multilateral regulation of investment measures on the basis of the international arrangements are certain.
The urgency of the effective innovative systems formation as bases of technological modernization of economy in Russian federation is proved in the article. The features and problems of innovative system construction in old industry region with high scientific and technical potential are considered on an example of Sverdlovsk area.
The basic approaches to the analysis of development of territorial systems are analyzed in the work and specificity of territories with high concentration of scientific and technical potential is allocated. The typology of structural transformations is offered and definition of the organizational-economic mechanism of the innovative territories functioning is formulated.
Author Asadov A.M.,The economic-legal aspect of Russian bank system formation process and its specific features in comparison with bank systems of the USA, Germany and France is considered in the article. Influence of Russian bank system becoming on similar process in the countries of the near abroad is analyzed. The author offers criteria for division of Russian bank system formation stages, allowing to do conclusions about the further ways of Russian bank system development and development of the national financial system at whole.
Author Avdasheva S.B.,The attempt to show the influence of competition on the Russian markets structure development within the period of liberalization and especially − within the period of economic growth (1999 − 2005) is made in the article. The expected change of the concentrations at Russian markets under the competition influence is discussed. Tne main factors which prove substantial influence on the tempos and directions of Russian markets structure reorganization, are considered, and among them are structural disproportions inhereted from the Soviet economy, national model of corporate governance, and also the peculiarities of manufacturers support state policy. On the basis of date about the marketconcentrations changes the author comes to thu conclusion that, firstly, russian markets structure changes are going slower then it is expected in the competition growth stipulations, and secondly, the main organizing form of these changes remains building up new companies as holding-companies (business-groups).
Author Ermakova Z.A.,Necessity of development and realization of regional industrial policy on an example of the Orenburg area is proved. The maintenance of such industrial policy realization mechanisms as technological re-structuring, formation of a regional innovative infrastructure and development of the high technology branches is considered.
The problem of readiness of the enterprises of a metallurgical complex of Russia and Urals Mountains to work in conditions of connection to WTO is mentioned in the work. The analysis of a modern condition of a complex in Russia and Ural federal district is lead, tendencies of its change during last years are investigated. The methodical approach to an estimation of a condition of the enterprises and their competitiveness on the basis of which it is possible to reveal "narrow" places and the "weak" parties in their activity and to estimate a degree of readiness of the enterprise to work in conditions of WTO is offered. With use of the developed methodical device the estimation of a condition and readiness of the enterprises of the Ural mountain-metallurgical company for the introduction of Russia in WTO is executed.
Author Chereshnev V.V.,The system approach to the analysis of a modern condition and perspectives of development of manufacture of milk and dairy production enterprises in the Perm area is realized. Dynamics of manufacture and consumption of milk and dairy production by the population of the area is analyzed. The technique of classification of administrative and territorial units of area by parameters of a raw-material base of the dairy industry development is offered. The generated typology of areas can be used for development of strategy of the dairy enterprises in the regional market.Optimization methods the technique of optimization methods application for the analysis and planning of the regional market of dairy production development is developed. Models of acceptance and realization of administrative decisions about expansion of manufacture milk-processing enterprises are considered. Practical recommendations for formation of the regional enterprises of the dairy industry development strategy are developed.
This article is devoted to questions of the mechanism of the municipal property management perfection. The detailed characteristic of subjects and objects of the municipal property management is presented. The social and economic maintenance of municipal treasury is certain, and also sources of its formation are considered. The special place in the work is given to organizational-economic preconditions of the mechanism of the municipal property management.
The decision of the problem on the life standards increase is directly dependent on improvement of conveniences of human habitation and connectedwith growing of independent populated area attractions. The authors of the article try to make an attempt of revealing city as the main inhabited environment for modern human, to establish how the preference of modern citizen transformed while choosing different places of dwelling. The difinition of "vonshtandort" and city structure within William Alonsos model were vevealed by authors. The main motives of dwelling choosing were analyzed. The example of towns of Bavaria developing are given.