Author's articles (2)
#3 / 2005 Category: MUNICIPAL ECONOMYThis article is devoted to questions of the mechanism of the municipal property management perfection. The detailed characteristic of subjects and objects of the municipal property management is presented. The social and economic maintenance of municipal treasury is certain, and also sources of its formation are considered. The special place in the work is given to organizational-economic preconditions of the mechanism of the municipal property management.
#1 / 2008 Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYThis article is about questions dealing with working out principles of the estimation of the social investment results to the territories economy of the local level. The author offered the description of the base estimates indicators, also quantitative scales of the measuring each of the hand-picked investment indicators in the analyses diapason is defined by him. Also aspects of the identification time period in which is the research object is studed in this paper. A special authors attention is attended to the results scale, the estimate of the sociological element of the social investment and an analyse realization of the priorities national and regional projects in the social sphere of the municipal territories.