Author's articles (5)
#3 / 2005 Category: FOREIGN INVESTMNETAuthor Kapustina L.M.,Dynamics and structure of the foreign investments involved in economy of Sverdlovsk area are analyzed in the article. Consequences of Russian connection to WTO from the view point of foreign investments volumes change are considered. Directions of multilateral regulation of investment measures on the basis of the international arrangements are certain.
#1 / 2007 Category: INTER-BRANCH AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMSThe article illustrates the results of investigation the major internal and external factors which influence the development of the defense industry, as well as the results of regression analysis which quantitatively displays the factorial contribution in the growth rate of Russian defense industry. On the basis of calculated regression dependences the authors fulfilled the medium-term prognosis of defense industry. Optimistic and inertial versions of defense product growth rate for the period up to 2009 are based on scenario conditions in Russian economy worked out by the Ministry of economy and development. In conclusion authors point out which factors and conditions have the largest impact on successful and stable operation of Russian defense industry.
#3 / 2006 Category: INFRASTRUCTURE POTENTIALIn conditions of growing competitions auto dealers encounter certain obstacles in gaining beneficial from marketing research. Not traditional methods of communication are actively used as a direct marketing. Event marketing, based on feeling and emotional experience of potential audience is one of it. The experience of "Autoland" company in marketing event organization, given the opportunity to estimate merits of this method and recognize certain problems are described in details in the article.
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe industrial cooperation of Russia in the field of motor industry with quickly developing Asian countries with a view of increase of competitiveness of the country in the world market of cars is considered in clause. The output of Sverdlovsk region on the markets of cars of the developed countries by means of creation of joint ventures with motor-car manufacturers of the Peoples Republic of China on an example of JSC "Cars and motors of Ural " is offered.
#4 / 2009 Category: INTER-BRANCH AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMSThe article compares Russian, European, American and Japan models of international industrial cooperation, describes features of Russian model. On the basis of analysis of international cooperation projects of Russian machine-building enterprises and foreign experience in the article is proposed mechanism of realization of international cooperation projects, which allows to increase efficiency of participation of Russian enterprises in the process of international industrial cooperation.