Arhive: #4 2010
The paper presents the research results of monetary income differentiation of the population with use of the author's methodical approach with regard to different purchasing power of ruble in the Russian regions. All the population of Russia was rearranged from regional quintile groups into the all-Russian groups that resulted in significant changes of inequality parameters at the interregional level of incomes in comparison with the Rosstat parameters. For the first time an influence of latent incomes to inequality and poverty level in the Russian regions is analyzed. Division of the population of the country into needy and wealthy groups is offered. Calculations and recommendations regarding redistributive overcoming of poverty at the expense of increase of the rate of surtax on incomes of the wealthy group are developed. The models by Pen, Lorenz and Ravallion-Huppi, modified by the authors of the article, were applied in the research. Calculations were carried out for all subjects of the Russian Federation (without the Chechen republic) according to the Russian State Statistics Service figures for 2000–2008.
The paper deals with the analysis of current state and basic tendencies in the dynamics of wages. The authors consider the basic contradictions in the context of establishment of the market institution of wages in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The dynamics of wages is appraised on the basis of the tax accounting of the regions. This approach, according to the authors, allows reflecting the current processes in the sphere of remuneration of labor in the context of economic instability more objectively.
Place of the concept “self-developing socio-economic systems” within the context of similar economic categories is considered in the paper. As a result of the analysis of the existing approaches, author’s criteria of singling-out self-developing regions including Gross Regional Product and financial balance of a territory are defined.
Author Tikhomirova T. P.,This paper deals with the theoretical analysis of the problem of quantity and structure of wage functions. The functions revealing the essence of wage as an economic category are discovered and substantiated. An analysis referred to wage function implementation in the Sverdlovsk region according to the state statistics data for 2000-2008 was accomplished.
In 2009 demographers from the Institute of Economics of the Ural branch of Russian Academy of Sciences worked out the demographic forecast in the context of the “General plan for development of the municipal entity “Ekaterinburg”. The paper deals with the scientific approach to demographic forecasting. Particular attention was given to the suggested algorithm of tabulation referred to long-range population size based on the technique of ageing and the component method (with the dynamics of fertility, survival and migration of the population of different age and sex taken into consideration). In conclusion, the authors analyze an estimated population size and age-sex structure in terms of two scenarios of demographic development of the municipal entity “Ekaterinburg” until 2030.
The paper presents the analysis of the theoretical evidence of regional competitiveness given by the Swiss School of Territorial Production Systems. The essence and specifics of the innovation milieu are studied. The paper defines and substantiates innovation networks according to the Swiss School of Territorial Production Systems. Possible scenarios of interaction between innovation milieu and innovation networks are given.
The paper deals with the issues of innovation development of economy through integration of universities with innovation companies. By way of an example of OJSC Perm oil machine engineering company” and the Perm State Technical University the problems of development of the enterprises, high school science and possible solutions by creation of innovation clusters and research centers are considered. An organizational scheme for establishment of research centers and organizational structure of management of the given centers as well as the tools for innovation development in terms of the system approach are also discussed in the paper.
Author Mingaleva Z. A.,The paper analyzes major problems of protection and use of intellectual property in Russia in the context of national economy modernization and creation of national strategic innovation competitiveness. Particular emphasis is given to analysis of patent activity as an instrument of commercialization and distribution of new products and technologies.
The paper deals with the analysis of urgent issues referred to the theory of new economy as “economy of knowledge”, “innovation”, “information”, and mainly in terms of uncertainty and risks. The necessity and possibilities of information technologies to estimate and optimize all risks, innovative ones in particular, are evaluated. Theoretical substantiation of information technology advantages over conventional ones is given for those who are in charge of making decisions at different levels of management.
The paper is dedicated to development of a methodology for assessment of customer satisfaction with the products and services on the b2b market. The study of customer satisfaction is aimed at building strong and mutually beneficial supplier-customer relationship. The authors focus on the importance of customer satisfaction continuous monitoring intended for improvement of the company’s market performance. The research based on the works by Kano N., Lamben J.-J., Carter R., Parashuraman A., Zeitaml V. A., Berry L. L. and others, describes an algorithm study of consumers and offers a methodology to evaluate customer satisfaction with the industrial products. Based on the analysis of the economic crisis effects on the machine-building industry, the authors determine the performance of “Pnevmostroimashina”, JSC, on the road and construction equipment market and illustrate an example of practical use of the customer satisfaction assessment technique in the company. At the end of the paper some recommendations for development of an efficient customer satisfaction measurement procedure are introduced.
The paper provides the results of the analysis of the basic trends in terms of development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation. The analysis results have demonstrated that the condition of the transport complex cannot be considered optimal, and the level of development cannot be regarded sufficient to meet the requirements of the economy and the population of Russian regions referred to transport services. Vectors of transition of the transport complex of the region to an innovation way of development are substantiated. By way of the example of the Sverdlovsk region, it is demonstrated that innovation development of transport with efficient use of the industrial potential of the region is a major factor of modernization of the industrial complex that secures innovations in the branches and activity scopes related to the transport complex.
The paper deals with the basic approaches to the current industrial policy, its substance, goals, methods and instruments of realization. Industrial policy classification is presented. Peculiarities of industrial policy formation at a regional level are considered. The estimate of the state of industrial production in the Altai territory and its competitiveness in various activities are assessed. The basic principles of industrial policy formation in the Altai territory and priorities of industrial production development are suggested.
The paper deals with the ways to secure power industry development at a regional level. Requirements and peculiarities of regional energy strategies. The fact that the mentioned strategies act as a tool of priority actualization in terms of regional energy infrastructure development. The substance of working out regional strategies, significance in taking a leading position in the interregional power systems was disclosed. Examples of interaction of factors securing generating capacity allocation in the regional system were provided. New principles and approaches to power industry development control in the regions were suggested. The mentioned points can be taken into consideration when developing priorities and arrangements for power industry development programmes in the regions.
Author Makarov A. N.,Import is traditionally considered as a source for saturation of a home market with scarce commodities or goods non-manufactured in an importing country. However, the larger is the share of import in the total volume of deliveries, the greater is the hazard for economic security of the region and for the state upon the whole. The analysis has revealed the fact that in the regional industry there is a real situation of absolute import dependence. It means that enterprises have been functioning only based on import deliveries to manufacture some single components for products of production-technical purposes.
Author Ivliev I. V.,It is assumed that methodological foundation of national accounting is based on the principles of political economy, accounting and statistics. However, the author of the present paper believes that market turnover reproduction processes, as well as interaction of the given processes, were not sufficiently covered in periodicals dedicated to the SNA problems. Thus, the timeliness of the paper is associated with an attempt to show that the substance of the fundamental law of self-preservation in the context of unbalanced estimates regarding modern reproduction and real market turnover appears either as conservatism trends, or development trends in the market economy. The aim of the present paper is to determine specifics of dual substance of counterparties in the national economy, which establishes their status as producers and consumers. Problem analysis referred to reproduction regularity formalization, an effect of such regularities on market turnover, as well as building a logical scheme and subordination of reproduction categories, make it possible to achieve the goal and identify a study algorithm regarding counterparty status change. The author of the paper applies methods of “pure economy” – mathematical methods, in particular, as well as methods of political economy, including a dialectics method. The results obtained in terms of new knowledge on interaction of reproduction processes and market turnover make it possible to determine current trends in the economic system. Moreover, description of a generic term, material basis, form of function and system-defined quality helps estimating a degree of dominant feature combination, determine counterparties’ ability to develop or preserve various production activities, and, finally, stimulate ability to change status of counterparties. The main conclusion of the present paper is that the SNA can be treated as an “ex-ante” analysis within the suggested approach, rather than an “ex-post” analysis suggested by traditional “Economics”. And such treatment meets the requirements of the new economy, i.e. economy of knowledge, based on predictive modeling of economic processes.
The paper deals with the analysis of the shadow economy dynamics in the Sverdlovsk region. The analysis covers the period since 2001 to 2009, and it also concerns medium and long term since 2011 to 2020. In the course of the analysis economic and mathematical models of shadow economy in the context of changing socio-economic environment have been applied. For the medium- and long-term analysis the record of economic, social and technological factors’ influence on the shadow sector of economy of the Sverdlovsk region was used. For the long-term analysis of shadow economic dynamics key scenarios of economic development with generation of base cases of further transformation of the shadow sector of economy have been considered. Inertial, innovation and optimistic development alternatives have been considered as basic scenarios of economic development in posse. A complex of steps aimed at reduction of the shadow sector segment in the medium- and long-term outlook has been suggested.
As is well-known, development of the insurance industry involves a number of factors, which are incidental in nature. In addition, the insurance market is substantially affected by macroeconomic indicators of social development. Thereby, relevance of the issues related to quantitative and qualitative changes on the insurance market and definition of laws of its development have been increased. Modeling and forecasting of the Russian insurance market are currently neglected, and works dedicated to development of regional insurance markets are mostly insufficient. The authors of the present paper offer the econometric models to describe the regional insurance market by the example of the Perm region.
A perfect image of a territorial economic system predetermines the substance of economic and geographic prediction. Methodology of such prediction is search for coordination vectors regarding various aspects of territorial development, including management.
Author Kimelman S. A.,The paper considers economy of raw materials as a specific type of operation and development of national economy. The author provides definitions of basic concepts: mineral complex, mineral resource wealth, national mineral wealth, mineral resource potential, mining rent. Basic peculiarities of the primary sector of economy are stated based on the analysis of the role of subsoil use in the economy of Russia and other countries. The authors offer a structure and a multisectoral scheme of functioning of the Russian economy, and prove territorial aspects of balanced development of the primary sector of economy.
Author Tikhonova T. V.,This paper presents modern trends of social and environmental responsibility development. Challenges regarding application of social and environmental responsibility tools in the region are stated. Necessity to apply the best available technologies, forest certification and other tools of social and environmental responsibility is proved. Stimuli and a system of financial support to introduce forest certification are suggested. Socio-economic and environmental efficiency of application of the given tools is demonstrated.
An objective to supply the population with food is specific in a number of large regions for a variety of reasons. The regions are forced to search for the ways to secure food self-sufficiency and stable supply of the population with affordable food independently. The given paper presents the analysis of the current food supply in Siberian and the Far Eastern Federal Districts, and major challenges are set forth. The basic principles and priorities of food supply in Siberia and the Far East are specified. The chief objective of the state is provision of incentives for introduction of new approaches to organization of the process of production and consumption of foods based on the expediency principles related to the activity of all the entities in the territory involved in the reproduction process.
The paper considers interactive influence of certain types of economic activity within the rural sector on the region's agricultural production. The major interdependence has been established, the correlation-regression analysis has been conducted. The dependence is represented by the linear equations of multiple regression. High percentage of variation of the resultant indicator (gross agricultural output in all categories of the industry) is explained by the models built. Over the entire period the production of livestock and poultry has had maximal influence on the given indicator. The gross yield of grain is the second significant factor.
Author Botnaryuk M. V.,The issues of marine transport hub competitive growth in the context of new economic conditions are considered in the paper. Analyzing the present tools of the transport hub competitive growth, the author emphasizes their production-logistics orientation. However, when rendering services to cargo and ship owners, members of the MTH establish official (contractual) and informal relationship and exchange information on a permanent basis. The research into the nature of such a relationship brought the author to the conclusion that generation and further development of the partnership is a basis for new ways of the transport hub competitive growth. Considering the MTH as an institution, the author suggests that a general marketing information system intended for improvement of the services rendered, which will undeniably enhance competitive advantage.
Author Leontieva A. G.,The paper analyzes the problem of reproduction behavior of the population in the context of the demographic crisis. It was proved that deterioration of living conditions causes restriction of reproduction plans of families. By way of example of the Tyumen region quantitative assessment of the influence of the living standard rates on reproduction activity in the region was made. The elaborated factor model of birth rate allowed determining the dynamics of the birth rate for the near term. On the basis of the results obtained a complex of measures aimed at birth rate stimulation was offered.
Author Kamenev A. L.,The paper deals with the issues related to enhancement of efficiency in terms of forest use in the region by way of introduction of coefficients at timber land auctions; features of forest use for construction, reconstruction, use of transmission facilities, communication lines, roads, pipelines, application of system of forest planning and transition to strategic development of the forest complex.
Author Zuboyarov O. R.,By the example of the Nizhny Novgorod enterprise Spetsstal, LLC, the process of planning and taking corrective and preventive actions to eliminate and prevent irrelevance of the metallurgical production and the processes of the quality management system of the enterprise is considered in the paper. Scientific novelty is in the mentioned stages of organization and implementation of the corrective actions and stages of analysis of the considered potential irrelevance.
The paper presents two demographic models. The models are built for population of the Kirov region. The first one is a dynamic model. The second one applies the technique of ageing. By way of the correlation-regression analysis significant factors influencing a birth and death rate factor are singled out. Both models forecast the dynamics of reduction of population in the region. An attempt is made to consider an influence of quality of life in the region on migratory processes. Economic problems concerned with depopulation are considered. Demographic changes affect all socio-economic spheres.
Author Izotov D. A.,Increase in investment in fixed assets under the financial crisis was the only way to support high growth rates of the Chinese economy by compensating for slackening in exports. In the near future the strategy will be based on domestic demand boosting. Implementation of the stimulus package along with the Economic Recovery Plan led to high investment in the Northeast China’s GRP generated by state-owned enterprises and the construction sector. In the middle term the Financial Crisis an influence on Northeast China’s state-owned enterprises will be weak, because the output of the sector is intended for the domestic market.
Author Vasilyeva Å. V.,Based on the developed methodological system for diagnostics of the quality of life in the region, major socio-economic challenges experienced by Federal Districts and RF Subjects have been analyzed. Considerable differentiation of quality of life in Russia and its influence on the socio-economic development of regions was considered.