Arhive: #2 2013
The paper shows the need for the development and widespread use of sustainable development indicators for the regions. Two approaches to the construction of such indicators are distinguished: 1) the construction of the integral indicator, typically an aggregation of economic, social and environmental performance, and 2) the construction of a system of indicators reflecting some sustainable development aspects. Based on the experience of the world and Russian, the authors suggest perspective indicators of sustainable development for the Ural region. As integral indicators, there are the index considers adjusted net savings and the human development index. A possible approach to the construction of a system of indicators for the regions is proposed by the adaptation of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The article concludes that the adequate accounting of indicators, which are currently undervalued or not taken into account (the state and the cost of human potential, damage to health, degradation and depletion of natural capital, etc.), can lead to a revision of the medium- and long-term goals for regional development, adjustment of economic relations with the federal government.
Author Tazhitdinov I. A.,In the paper, the aspects of the strategic management of socioeconomic development of territories in terms of stakeholder approach are discussed. The author's interpretation of the concept of stakeholder sub-region is proposed, and their classification into internal and external to the territorial socioeconomic system of sub-regional level is offered. The types of interests and types of resources stakeholders in the sub-region are identified, and at the same time the correlation of interests and resources allows to determine the groups (alliances) stakeholders, which ensure the balance of interests depending on the certain objectives of the association. The conceptual stakeholder agent model of management of strategic territorial development within the hierarchical system of «region — sub-region — municipal formation,» is proposed. All stakeholders there are considered as the influence agents directing its own resources to provide a comprehensive approach to management territorial development. The interaction between all the influence agents of the «Region — Sub-region — municipal formation» is provided vertically and horizontally through the initialization of the development and implementation of strategic documents of the sub-region. Vertical interaction occurs between stakeholders such as government and municipal authorities being as a guideline, and the horizontal — between the rests of them being as a partnership. Within the proposed model, the concurrent engineering is implemented, which is a form of inter-municipal strategic cooperation of local government municipalities for the formation and analyzing a set of alternatives of the project activities in the sub-region in order to choose the best options. The proposed approach was tested in the development of medium-term comprehensive program of socioeconomic development of the Zauralye and sub-regions of the North-East of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2011–2015).
On the basis of the analysis of demographic and social problems of the Russian northern regions on the example of the Arkhangelsk region, the forms and methods of their solutions are proposed on the basis of the increasing the flexibility of employment as one of the most promising regional areas development to ensure more effective use of labor potential due to a shortage of jobs, depopulation and low living standards in many northern areas. The main factors and development prospects of flexible employment forms on the North are allocated. The reasons for ambiguous results obtained when using these shapes employment are assessed. The main principles of effective regional policy, based on a clear coherence between its goals and objectives with the organization mechanisms of employment, are formulated. At the end of the paper, the following conclusion is made: in North conditions, where the negative effects of demographic, migratory, socioeconomic processes are acuter than in other Russian regions, the prospects for regional development will largely be determined by the finding of effective mechanisms for the organization of employment.
The paper considers issues of the assessment of the socioeconomic consequences of drug abuse in today’s conditions, which have the following features — the approaching of drug-dealers to legalize the drug market, develop the illegal drug market and their analogs and derivatives by the introduction of modern production technologies and distribution of psychoactive agents. Key tendencies observed in the contemporary world in the field of dynamics of the drug market development, which are reflected in the regions of Russia including the Ural Federal District are revealed. The procedure of assessment of socioeconomic expenses of drug abuse including assessment of drug consumers’ expenses and their surrounding people; and also; maintenance costs of the state bodies supervising drug trafficking; expenses for health care and other social expenses connected to drug use; damage to individuals of drug abuse distribution; expenses of private institutions and establishments; socioeconomic impact of drug abuse distribution. The technique uses a tool allowing to carry out a calculation (a heroin equivalent), i.e. the drugs withdrawn by law enforcement agencies and the subsequent calculation of the corresponding number of consumers of each type of drug. This method is aimed at increasing the accuracy of estimates received. On the basis of results calculated according to offered technique, the shares of socioeconomic expenses of drug abuse concerning the income of the cumulative consolidated budget and a gross regional product of the Ural Federal District are defined.
Author Shipitsina S. Ye.,In the paper to reveal the essence of the term “economic assessment of human life” the methodological approaches used in the economic theory and estimation theory are applied, the categorical apparatus revealing the meaning of the economic cost, price and value of human life is created. To define the cost of human life, the income, cost-based, and comparative approaches are analyzed. Various types of living costs depending on the purpose of assessment application are allocated. For the state purposes and definition of social payments, the concept of cadastral value of human life is introduced. The introduction of the macroeconomic indicator reflecting level and quality of life in the country is substantiated. The author's technique of the economic assessment of human life is given in the article and is approved on the example of the Russian Federation. Besides, the interrelations between manifestations of the crisis phenomena and their tendencies in society, quality of life and a size of life assessment at the calculation of regional coefficients for an assessment of risks to the citizens' life or health are revealed.
Author Pykhov P. A.,The purpose of the article is to develop the methodical apparatus of national wealth's assessment specifically the assessment of natural resources. In national wealth, there is a part that can be defined as a natural resource capital. In the paper methodical approach to its assessment for the territory if regional level is allocated. The general scheme of technique is introduced; examples of indicative indicators are given. At the heart of the offered technique, the principle of the indicative analysis is laid seven degrees of security with the natural resource capital are allocated for more exact classification. In the article, the basic elements of natural resource capital forming territories' condition are allocated dynamics of their change during 2000-2012 is given. The analytical part of the paper is based on the author's estimated data. The situation description of federal districts and some Russian Federation territorial subjects in the framework of natural resource capital security are provided; numerical values of the main indicative indicators are presented.
In the article, the perspective trends of the expansion of the mineral-ore base of the Russian producers of zinc by recycling of technogenic raw materials are considered. The important role of recycling of resources for sustainable development of society and improve the environmental safety is justified. The main structural and dynamic characteristics of the use of mineral resource base for the production of zinc in Russia are considered. Raw materials opportunities and constraints for the development of zinc production are analyzed. In the paper, the structure and dynamics of the use of recycled materials by the largest producer of zinc in Russia are investigated. The methodical approach to the estimation of effectiveness of the industrial processing of technogenic metallurgical raw materials with the strategic flexibility of the implementation of projects is proposed and approved. The estimation of the effectiveness of a complex industrial processing of metallurgical zinc-containing dusts in a real production is carried out. The value of the strategic flexibility of the project of the industrial processing of the zinc-containing technogenic raw material is determined on the basis of the developed systematic approach. The value of the processes of recycling for sustainable production of zinc in Russia is revealed.
The article deals with a promising approach to solving the problem of investment in the regional electric power industry — the application of demand-side management, the essence of which lies in proactive interaction of energy companies with customers, based on the balance of economic interests. The features of the concept and its tools are revealed, positive results of its implementation for energy market players and the region are shown, and examples of demand-side management programs are given. Institutional and mental barriers to effective implementation of demand-side management tools in power generation are analyzed. The article also proposes algorithms for implementing demand-side management programs in the region, and a mix of motivational activities that combines methods of administrative enforcement and economic stimulus for energy companies and consumers of energy and power, as well as guidelines on project funding and effectiveness evaluation.
Author Bedrina Y. B.,Subject matter of the article is a question of the providing the newcomers to regions of the Russian Federation with healthcare infrastructure facilities. The purpose of the research is an assessment of level of this providing. On the basis of calculation of the integrated indicators of the development of health care infrastructure and the providing the population with healthcare infrastructure facilities the grouping of regions is carried out. By means of the two-dimensional analysis, we made a comparison of regions on indicators of arrival of the population and the above-named settlement indicators. The analysis of dynamics of the number change of healthcare infrastructure facilities during its reforming from 2005 to 2011 is performed. As a result of the research, the following conclusion is drawn: the level of investment into the regions as well as in its health care infrastructure do influence on the intensity of migratory flows, however, distribution of investments into health care facilities in regions does not take in to account the directions of migratory flows and poorly considers the population size of territories. This article may be interesting to the experts dealing with issues of development of regions.
In the article, it is proved that expansion of an assortment and increase of steel properties is one of the most important issues of the metallurgy. Its problem-solving can be carried out with the use of alloying additions, first of all — manganese. The most significant global manufacturers of manganese-ore raw materials are considered the analysis of the choosing raw materials and suppliers for the domestic ferroalloy industry is conducted. Calculation data of preparation and delivery of manganese ore for metallurgical industry of Ural is presented. The comparative analysis of use options of raw materials for production of the final product — ferromanganese is carried out. Besides technological assessment of the project, the economic justification of its realization is given. Expediency of development of the Russian mining and metallurgical complexes in cooperation with the import countries of high-quality manganese raw materials is proved.
In the paper, the new additional indicators of energy security with the purpose to include decentralized heating sector is developed in the work. The structure of the housing stock of the country is analyzed, which includes different types of central heating boilers and CHP, individual gas or electric heating and stove heating. The analysis of the existing thermal supply (per unit area and per capita living) for each sector is carried out. It is found that heat consumed in the residential sector with central heating from CHP and boilers is significantly higher of heat consumed in other sectors. The missing amount of heat energy, which can be produced in two ways, is calculated. Part of the deficit heat can be produced at existing sources that are not loaded enough to the nominal parameters at the moment. The second part can be obtained from small new sources (for inhabited localities that do not have a centralized heat supply infrastructure). New indicators complement the system of indicators to be used to analyze and monitoring the level of Moldova's energy security. They allowed including decentralized heat supply sector, which is not reflected in the official statistics. At the same, the calculation methodology has been improved and the overall integral indicator of the energy security level, which was even more crisis than previously thought.
Author Shishelov M. A.,The article reveals the results of the economic evaluation of the performance of regional timber industry complex of the North-Western Federal District based on the calculation of the structural indicator. The position and the role of forestry in the economy are shown. A comparative assessment of the characteristics of the regional forestry: volume of shipped products, industrial structure, product diversification, deep processing of wood is carried out. Structural economic performance timber for each subject Northwestern Federal District is designed the following factors that determine the high effectiveness of the system: the scale pulp and paper, wood diversification, export products are identified. The important methodological significance is the fact that the use of structural indicators will determine not only the effectiveness of forestry regions North-West in general, but their industries: forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper production, and the level of labor productivity and capital productivity. The presented results are of high practical and methodological value to determine the current state of forestry.
Author Sukhovey A. F.,This article is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience of innovation infrastructure. It identifies the main problems of modern development of innovation systems and the reasons for their poor performance in the Russian regions. The approach using of innovation infrastructure as a tool of modernization of regional socioeconomic systems is proposed. The author emphasizes the urgency of ensuring sustainable development of Russia not only through the development of breakthrough technologies in the production of structural materials with preset characteristics, genetic engineering, molecular biology, but also through the rapid development of technology is directly related to the modernization of the industrial complex. The necessity of the correlation between socioeconomic and innovation policies is proved. Common paths and directions of increase of efficiency of the existing and created objects of innovation infrastructure in Russia taking into account the actual needs and priorities of socioeconomic development of the regions are outlined.
The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological issues of defining the essence, role and place of multifunctional forest economy (MFFE) from the perspective of the scientific rationale of the state forest policy, which contributes to transference of the forest sector to the innovative basis with the emphasis on the regeneration issues. The system-regeneration approach is used as a methodological tool, which is the combination of principles and analysis of the forest sector as a complicated social-economical system based on the methodology of the regeneration process. On the basis of objective economic laws and regulations, a political-economic analysis is carried out to find out the system interrelation of the quality of forest resource use and productivity of social labour in the forest sector. Common features in the circulation of the functions of forestry capable of creating a special form of an innovation, gross innovational forestry product are identified. A model of a multifunctional forestry providing an opportunity to predict the characteristics of innovational products in complex systems is suggested. This model makes the basis for research of the innovative changes potentional for modernization of the innovative forest product.
Author Golova I. M.,In the paper, methodological aspects of a choice of regional priorities of innovative development of the Russian regions are considered. The analysis of foreign and national experience of innovative measurement is carried out. Author's approach to validation of priorities of innovative development of the region based on the concept of favorable innovation climate formation is offered. The estimation system of the state and conditions of development of the scientific and innovative activity allowing to carry out the complex analysis of region’s advantages and disadvantages as the participant of innovation processes and to create a rather informative base for making reasonable decisions about the choice of the priority directions of innovative development is worked out. The index calculation results of innovation climate and Russian Federation regions' typification according to the level of innovative development are given. Availabilities of the offered tools when making decisions on the preferable specialization of the innovation activity centers forming in the regions are revealed.
Author Darmanyan A. P.,In the article, the statistical tests of the empirical distributions of economic indicators of the Russian Federation in 2011 (average monthly nominal accrued salary, the unemployment rate), the unemployment rate of the countries of the European Union in 2011, on conformity to their normal distribution law (distribution fitting) are made. On the basis of the calculation of the statistical criterion of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, (K-S test) the distributions being not normal distributions is proved. Therefore, for their characteristics it is inappropriate to use the arithmetic mean as indicators of economic status and development. For the selected empirical distributions of the calculations of such indicators descriptive statistics, as the median, the lower and upper quartiles, interquartile range are conducted, the advantages of graphical representation of the data in the form of a chart «box and whisker» are shown. On the example of the two Russian districts of the Southern Federal district and the Volga Federal district, the comparison of the average monthly salary in 2010 with the help of nonparametric test Mann-Whitney U test is carried out, the difference in the interpretation of data compared with the use of simple averages is shown. The results of the performed calculations can be used for the analysis of economic indicators average monthly salary and the unemployment rate in 83 subjects of the Russian Federation in 2011, the unemployment rate in the EU countries in 2011, as well as the methodology of statistical analysis of the different empirical distribution economic indicators.
The article is devoted to the research of the forecasting of regional socioeconomic development. The technology development of forecast of the social and economic development is carried out. Existing normative legal documents of the forecasting of the regional social and economic development are investigated. In the article, the issue of differences and disagreements of forecast versions of classifications in normative documents at federal and regional levels are brought up. The implementation scheme of the principle of variation in the region forecast development on the basis of creation of expected values matrix of external and internal factors on the extent of their influence on national and region's economy is offered. The offered implementation scheme of the variation principle can serve as one of the assessment tool of executive authorities of subjects of the Federation.
In the article, the values of management of migratory processes for labor market stabilizing for the purpose of definition of categories of the population necessary for the country/region and a number of manpower are shown. Also, measures of economic incentives of migratory inflow (outflow) of the population in the necessary scales and directions for an increase in a contribution of external migrations in the demographic and labor capacity of the country, and the changing of the direction of internal migration flows according to the socioeconomic and national interests of Russia and its regions are presented. Mathematical and economic-mathematical modelling in the management of labor migration are considered as a component of the mechanism of region's labor market stabilization. In this regard, the system of indicators allowing most adequately to estimate a migratory situation and its influence on the formation of labor potential and development of regional labor market is analyzed. The assessment is given to the existing methods of the migration modeling used for the management of the labor migration processes, forecasting, planning, and optimum distribution of manpower. As the analysis result, the most acceptable methods of the migration forecasting, which can be used in justification of the measures directed to the achievement of balanced supply and demand of labor and, respectively, ensuring sustained economic growth and transition to an innovative way of economic development, are defined.
This paper reviews a methodical approach to solve multi-step dynamic problem of optimal integrated adaptive management of a product portfolio structure of the enterprise. For the organization of optimal adaptive terminal control of the system the recurrent algorithm, which reduces an initial multistage problem to the realization of the final sequence of problems of optimal program terminal control is offered. In turn, the decision of each problem of optimal program terminal control is reduced to the realization of the final sequence only single-step operations in the form of the problems solving of linear and convex mathematical programming. Thus, the offered approach allows to develop management solutions at current information support, which consider feedback, and which create the optimal structure of an enterprise’s product lines, contributing to optimising of profits, as well as maintenance of the desired level of profit for a long period of time.
Author Nifantova R. V.,In the article, the author classified the methods of population projection on the basis of generalization of extensive theoretical and empirical data of national and foreign researchers. Particularly, the method of shifting ages or the component-method was allocated. The article emphasizes the approaches of possible hypotheses of demographic processes' development on the long and short run. The author in detail submitted the list of factors, which most can affect dynamics of birth rate, mortality, migratory mobility of the population in Russia in the short term, such as stability of economic growth; growth of living standards and quality of life of the population; maintenance of traditional family values; health system improvement; improvement of ecological situation, etc. As an example, the author presented her own calculation results of the expected number of the population of a municipal unit «city of Yekaterinburg» up to 2030. Further, analysis of the obtained data was made. In the paper, the importance of population projection for socioeconomic planning of development of the country as a whole and its certain territories is shown.
Author Tarasyev A. A.,This paper presents a dynamic model that can predict the dynamics of migration flows between source countries and host regions, as well as the dynamics of wage levels there. The model is constructed within the framework of neoclassical economics and human capital theory in continuous time. Thanks to liberalization of migration policy in Russia in 2007, the model could be successfully employed to Russian regions and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which have visa-free entry regulations with the Russian Federation. Employing the model on statistical data, we forecast the number and origin composition of foreign labor force from the CIS into Russian regions for 2010-2016. The purpose of our further research is to classify migrants by skills.