Arhive: #2 appendix 2008
Author M.E. Dmitriev,In the article on the basis of the analysis of the factors influencing development of Russia in long-term prospect, and also country-to-country comparisons, the major directions under the decision of problems of social and economic development of our country are considered.
Author Vishnevskiy A.G.,The article is concerned to the analysis of a demographic situation in modern Russia, to the prospects of its change and factors depending on which there can be a choice of demographic alternative of the country, including the migratory policy of the state. It is published on materials of the lecture which have been read through by Anatoly Vishnevskiy during the project "Public lectures "Ďîëčň.đó". A source - site "".
Author Altuhov A.I.,The essence of national food security is determined in this paper. The internal and external threats associated with development of domestic agro-industrial complex and joining the WTO are revealed. A variety of organizational, economic and legislative measures on food security development of the Russian Federation is proved as well.
Author Avanesov V.S.,Ňhe article is devoted to the problem of broadly discussed National project "Education". Is it mostly political action due to forthcoming presidential elections or it is the real attempt of authorities to improve the stagnating shere of education? We have no valid information about the future actions of the country leaders. That is why there is no definite answer to the question, put in the headline. So let us wait.
In this paper the maintenance of state-private partnership on an example of sphere of educational services is considered. Results of application of the infrastructural approach are led to the analysis of necessity and an opportunity of participation of the state in creation of conditions for development non-state secondary education, and also to modelling social and economic consequences of change of a position of the state concerning this sector.
In this paper the place and a role of university in regional social and economic development reveal. External functions, the purposes and problems of regional university, and also the requirement to an orientation of its development are certain. The role of university is considered at its occurrence in segments. As the form of interaction the method of «joint projects», assuming definition of crossing of interests of the given group of partners and structures is offered.
In this paper the results of sociological research on a problem of quality of professional training of graduates from educational institution of the high, middle and initial professional training in region (on an example of Sverdlovsk area) are presented. The basic problems in the field of preparation of qualified personnel to fit the requirements of business system of professional training are displayed. The directions of forming regional model of cooperation in the sphere of personnel’s preparation and retraining of are shown.
Author Klimin V.G,This article displays the characteristic of a complex of measures on differentiation of powers and obligations between various levels of authority in sphere of public health services, on maintenance of equation of volumes of rendering of medical aid to citizens with volumes of its financing. The special attention is given to an estimation of medical insurance using to improve quality of the medical aid and to preserve the health of the population. In this article the primary goals of a state policy in this sphere are represented.
In this paper the basic directions and actions under the priority National project "Health" are considered. An emphasis on the analysis of a current condition of public health services is made; prospects of realization of the national project in territory of the Ural Federal District in a cut of its subjects are noted. A number of already lead actions within the limits of the National project "Health", in particular, introduction advanced is in detail shined
Author Pavlov B.S.,In this paper actual problems of self-keeping behavior and healthy mode of life of youth in the Urals are considered. The role of family in psychological education of children and teenagers is analyzed. As empirical base for the analysis of the declared problem and conclusions for the author the results of some sociological interrogations lead by him in 1990-2007 in the Institute of economy of the Ural Branch of Russian academy of sciences in various cities and settlements of subjects of the Russian Federation, amounting to the Ural federal district are used.
Author Belokrylova O.S.,In this paper the problems of development of demographic processes in region within the limits of realization of national projects are considered. The reasons of a crisis condition of human potential are formulated, the factors that cause given processes are systematized. On this basis the system of measures to modernize regional demographic policy is offered.
Author Pridvizhkin S.V.,The experience of economically developed countries on realization of the state projects in the field of creation of large objects of an industrial social infrastructure that present the national value is generalized in this paper. Specificity of development of housing problem in the Russian conditions is reveald, a dynamics of the basic parameters to describe a condition and rates of construction of an available housing in city and a countryside is resulted. On the basis of the analysis of results of the most significant for Russia’s housing programmes 1995 - 2000 and the present stage of realization of the national-design approach is given an estimation of risks and threats for system of state financing of purchase and construction of habitation within the limits of the federal target program " The Dwelling" on 2002 – 2010. Besides in this article the material about specificity of planning of realization of the national housing project in the Tyumen area is presented.
In paper the condition of a social infrastructure of a countryside is considered. The basic sources of investments into a social infrastructure of village development are revealed. Offers on financing this sphere for attraction and working in an agriculture sector by professionally prepared youth and the improving standards of living of Russia’s countryside citizens are made. "Development of agrarian and industrial complex" is proposed on entering additions into the priority national project.
Author Berestov A.P.,Agricultural development of industrial territories with their large urban population is considered by the example of Sverdlovsk region in the context of the priority national project. This branch of industry shows some signs of stabilization. However there are also some outstanding problems expected to be solved through realization of the national project.
The article deals with problems of insuring agricultural crops by the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the process of analyzing peculiarities of this type of insurance and comparing it with some other types of obligatory and voluntary insurance the authors put forward orientations of taking necessary decisions. The authors give grounds to the fact that in conditions of administrative and local reforms funds appropriated by the federal and republican budget become an object of partition among interested commercial structures due to lack of control over their use. It often occurs that some officials get involved in this process, so the objects these funds are purposed for are not achieved.Having studied peculiarities of using the form of societies of mutual insurance with the purpose of applying it in agricultural insurance, including those societies existing in pre-revolutional Russia and abroad, the authors come to a conclusion that this form of insurance may become efficient in the rural area in the presence of interested initiators.
In paper features of systematic development of branch of animal industries within the limits of realization of the priority national project "Development of agrarian and industrial complex" are considered. The first results of development of branch of meat cattle breeding in priority directions on an example of functioning of managing subjects of the Rostov area are generalized.
In this article technical advance and economic indicators of agricultural enterprise are coordinated together. It is justified, that lowering equipment branch crop production and cattle breeding will result in loss productiveness and rise expense. The necessity of cost cutout determines an application of more high-performance machine and state-of-the-art technology on output of products agricultural industry. The practicability of active state support of the farmers is underlined.
The scientific substantiation of accommodation of an agricultural production of territorial divisions of region is a complex social-economic problem. The decision of this problem demands definition market-oriented criteria of an optimality. The author considers three criteria of optimality: maximum of profit; maximum of gross output without production costs and costs for soil fertility simple reproduction; maximum of marginal income. Conclusion is drawn that the best criterion of optimization of production is the maximum the marginal income (the marginal income without constant costs), which will raise economic and ecological efficiency of an agricultural production at all management levels. As a result of agricultural production optimization the Republic Bashkortostan will become self-provided and taking out (foodstuffs) region of Russia. In this case the republic is capable to provide with food substances (protein, carbohydrates and etc.) 5.8 – 6.5 million person. It exceeds a population of republic on 40 – 60 %.
Author Loginov S.V.,The results of the national projects realization in the Ural federal district are considered in the article. Implementation of these projects at the first stage subject to specificity of the regions of the Ural federal district is analyzed, disadvantages and problems revealed in the process of their realization, influence of national priorities policy on economy and social sphere are shown. Shown conclusions are based on the data of state authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation, executive powers, including federal statistics data.
The paper deals with the experience of the Priority National Projects implementation in the municipality “Ekaterinburg city” through the strategic planning tools. Co-ordination of the national and local priorities is possible by means of strategic projects, which constitute the part of city Strategic plan.
Author Perskiy Y.K. Kataeva J.V.,This paper concerns the problem of creation of competitive residual construction market. The absence of strategic interactions between main players of the analyzed market is claimed to be main reason for undeveloped competitive environment. The hierarchical analysis is proposed to be used in developing of the system of effective interactions between subjects of the given market.
Author Bashmachnikov V.F.,In paper an analysis of various forms of conducting an agricultural production in Russia for last 100 years is given, their ambiguous influence on a condition of national food safety is described. The main reasons of restraint of wide introduction of country forms of managing to the country are discussed. Necessity and basic directions for updating and perfection for a long
Author Polkova T.V.,This article is about a role of priority national projects in maintenance of perfection of population quality improvement in the regions. The supreme state problems in this direction which effective reproduction and use of labour potential should serve such strategy purposes as reproduction potential of the population improvement, social and psychological potential of a society are marked; Comparison of the calculated indexes of quality of the population and their comparison to living standard parameters can serve to definition of social, economic and demographic policy priority directions - the less size of an index the above the direction priority. The data received as a result of lead calculations, can be used as reliable criteria for estimation of efficiency of realizing programs.
In this paper technologies of realization the main national projects are considered, recommendations on quality improvement of their preparation and realization are formulated, what provides effective achievement of tasks within the limits of investment policy of the state.
The necessity of state regulation in the development of a domestic agriculture is proved, the results of the program “the Priority national project "Development of agrarian and industrial complex" in Kurgan area” realization are investigated in this paper.
Author Bogomolov Y.L.,In this paper the brief historical review of development of a housing problematics in Russia in the Soviet and post-Soviet years is given. Practical experience of application lowpaymenty mechanisms in the decision of a problem of maintenance is stated by habitation of young scientists of the Russian Academy of sciences. Necessity of state regulation of the market of habitation, use of a principle lowpaymenty proves by development of national housing programmes.
The necessity of increasing financial state support of agrarian sector is considered with a view of maintenance of food independence of the country and regions. Its mechanism is specified as an effective one.
In paper the problem of state and business interaction in main national projects realization is described. Advantages and risks are shown. To raise efficiency of partnership it is offered to optimize a perfection of a legal regime, society’s participation in discussion of the projects and the controlling over their performance.