Arhive: #4 2007
The basic problems of development of socio-demographic sphere in Russia at the present stage are considered. The methodical approach to a research of socio-demographic safety of territories is presented. The condition and dynamics of change of socio-demographic safety in regions of Russia for the period of 2000 − 2006 is shown, the basic threats and tendencies of their change are analysed. The forecast of the basic parameters of demographic sphere for the period up to 2015 on an example of Sverdlovsk region is executed.
Author Agarkov G.A.,On the basis of a quantitative estimation of damage, inflicted by the shadow economy to region, draws a conclusion about priority of counteractions to schemes of evasion from the taxation. The criteria, allowing defining actions of the tax bearer as realization of schemes of evasion from the taxation, are formulated. The qualifier of such schemes is offered. Methodical approaches for revealing participants of schemes of evasion from the taxation are stated. They are based on formation of a characteristic structure of the tax bearer by means of application of the mathematical device of recognition of images and the analysis of results of interrogations of the businessmen spent on a case-technology.
The problem of formation of equilibrium on solvent demand and balanced in the organizational attitude the system of granting of medical services is put in clause. It is shown, that the decision of a problem in conditions of widely spreading of requirement payment for them is possible on the basis of use of a principle of the social responsibility of the state. The medico-economic party of the decision of questions is revealed on an example of treatment of nefroletiaze. Inseparability of system "doctor-equipment" for effective treatment of patients is noted. In this connection the idea of prime saturation of public health services by hi-tech medical techniques is put forward. It is offered to realize within the limits of national project "Health" in Sverdlovsk region the pilot project on creation of chambers of remote treatment of patients.
Stabilization and further development of agricultural production in the industrially developed regions is considered as a basis for preservation of rural settlements. For various reasons (difficult environment conditions, price disparity, organization factors, etc.) the produce of local agricultural producers is less competitive which leads to their losing of share at the food market and, primarily, the one of dairy products. In view of this, the present study considers feasibility of developing the regional target-oriented program for competitive recovery of produce using competitive advantages available in the agricultural sector of the region.
The article analyses probable scenarios of economic development of a Russian region, Permsky Krai. It describes environmental conditions for the development of Russia elaborated by Ministry of Economic Development and Trade up to 2020 which are setting out the principle conditions of the Russian regions development. The article represents environment of economic development forecasting for Permsky Krai up to 2015. It gives highlights of economic development forecasting of the region up to 2015 and shows features of each alternative scenario of economic development of Permsky Krai till 2015.This paper was made as a part of Program of social and economic development of Permsky Krai for 2007 – 2010 and for the period till 2015.
The article is dedicated to the conceptual basis of the increase of competitiveness of municipalities, including creation of the effective financing mechanism, capable to provide self-financing of a considerable share of expenses of municipalities. Financial and institutional problems of the reform of the local government are covered. The offers on activation of internal economical sources as a major development factor of finance potential of municipalities were represented.
This article shows the meaning of creation and functioning of parks for innovative development of regional economy. We also examine the existing organizational, economic and legislative problems for formation of such parks, and propose the ways for its solving. We analyze preconditions and possibilities for forming industrial parks in Vologda region. The activity plan of regional authorities for maintaining parking zones is offered and the forms of cooperation of local authorities and business for formation and perspective development of industrial parks is shown as well.
Theoretical regulations of basic conceptions of budget equilibration are considered in the article and the position of budget deficit/proficit in a system of socioeconomics relations is grounded. Estimation of control mechanism of budget deficit and proficit in the system of socioeconomics relations was conducted. This estimation confirmed an analysis inference about large discontinuity and fragmentation, that is outboard, first of all in respect of strategy of financial policy, sum-total of using, at present, principles, methods and regulations of budgetary management. The article contains a description of basic directions of budgetary policy about optimization of budget deficit/proficit in Russian Federation.
In this article are analyzed the peculiarities of giving and obtaining of the loan capital by the Russian banking system and foreign investors for the national economy. The factors which were defined the quality of the Russian economic growth are considered. The attempt of the determination of the giving credits for the industrial structure of the national economy by GDP growth and the value of the loan capital is done.
In clause on materials of Republic Bashkortostan the order of preferential insurance of subjects of small business is analysed. Considering specificity of their functioning in priority directions of activity of development of business in Bashkortostan, recommendations at the choice of programs of insurance are developed, the problems constraining more active use by subjects of small business of the mechanism of insurance for minimization of consequences from an origin of undesirable events are revealed.
Author Ivanchenko L.A.,Clause is devoted to problems of personnel maintenance of development of economy. It is shown, that one of the central reasons of destruction of some branches of an industrial complex of the country is shortage, and frequently, absence of the staff of the necessary qualification. The main role of the state in the decision of problems of innovative development of economy is determined. The problems connected with formation of market attitudes in Russia from positions of realization of the national project "Education" are opened. It is offered to use multichannel financing, a combination of the state and corporate sources by preparation of experts.
In item all over again goes in development, and realization of corporate social programs consider. On an example of expansion do not declare a condition of pensions of the working enterprises and participations in realization of the national project "Accessible and arranged well habitation" authors on real increase in display of examples of attention of business to social problems of workers. For service of worthy continuation of a life on pension separate corporations have created corporate systems of pension. And financial support of veterans in some cases became the validity. Corporate programs "Habitation" in addition to the national project provide the differentiated help to participants of this project – with worker of the enterprises in acceleration of improvement of their conditions of a life from business of structures.
Author Isaev A.P.,The article is devoted to the influence different kind of knowledge on manager’s competence in modern business. It is offered to used the concept of the knowledge entire spectrum, that guarantee the professional development. The summary about typical defects of domestic managers’ vocational training is based on management activity analysis in conditions of high informational load. It suggests a concrete tools of knowledge management, which is result in high managerial competence. It is put the question of raising the manager’s professionalism, that has high impact on industrial enterprises’ innovation development.
The steady condition of an electropower complex is a long-term system basis of dynamical development of economy, social sphere and conditions of a life of the population as a whole. In work problems of development of territorial power systems which are considered on an example of Republic Bashkortostan are designated. The basic directions of development of power of republic on prospect are offered.
The problems of the innovation and investment activity in the industrial sphere at the regional level are regarded in the article The problems are regarded on the basis of the optimum employment of all elements factors and mechanisms including them into whole contour of technological structure integration modes and modernized techniques machines systems and active productive potential and power modern basic innovations The integral criteria were formulated They help to evaluate inter-branch differentiation of the efficacy of the manufacturing factors use and its impact on the economical effectiveness of the whole industry The methodical prove of the rational use of different types of the technical progress in the industrial sub-brunches of the region are presented.
Author Toskunina V.E.,Development of oil-and-gas sector of economy of region and character of interaction between oil-and-gas sector and regional economy connected with tax system. In article the estimation of consequences of reforming of tax system in sphere of oil extraction and its influences on social and economic system of obtaining region is given. Methods and approaches of increase of efficiency of tax regulation of process of development of oil-and-gas resources of new regions are determined.
Some results of authors are discussed, namely: methodical approach to estimation of power-investing attractiveness of regions; method of its calculation for a task of attractiveness of coal delivery to the 17th regions of Russian Federation situated in the Urals, Western Siberia and Volga zone. The approach applies diagnostics of economic and power safety by using of indicative analysis.
The problem of effectivization of design organization in oil and gas industry is being investigated in terms of system modeling. A method of forming production functions of design organization is considered and used for substantiation of cost, expenses, budget of design organization, as well as the mechanism of transparent interaction, cooperation, coordination and control of field development.
The given work is devoted to formation of theoretical basis of the analysis of efficiency of development of economy of region for improvement of quality of a complex estimation of results of the state strategy in the field of development of regions.
The methodology of complex forecasting, normalization and estimation of influence of mining complexes on an environment is developed and finished to practical realization. Practical realization has confirmed efficiency and commonality the developed methodology and has shown opportunities of its application for other categories of objects.
Author Bazhenov S.I.,In paper the features of creation of the economic relations in a municipal services stipulated by market conversions are uncovered. The advantages of development of the innovational management forms for housing fund with involvement of the citizens are defined; the necessity of creation of an associated customer of municipal services is justified. The methodical approach to a rating of efficiency of institutional conversions in municipal services is offered.
In the paper some branch aspects of accounting payments by companies of mobile network are analyzed. Analyzed topical by regarded problem for Sverdlovskaya region. Researched civic-law notions, that applying at the telecommunication area. The authors gives recommendations for system of accounting specific aspects of payments on the basis of they economic essence, and gives sentences to change legislation activeing at the Russian Federation.
This article is devoted to questions of an estimation of competitiveness of a branch complex are considered. Also the urgency and the practical importance of the analysis of sector-branch structure of economy of region from positions of state regulation of territorial development is proved.
In clause there are considered the questions of high-education in region on the basis of activization of use in regional economic development of a mental potential of high schools. There is also put the problem of optimization of interaction of high schools and the government in interests of steady social and economic development of region. Research is based on experience of realization target educational programs of the Perm edge "High schools and region".
Author Akyulov R.I.,Modern situation on a labour market, effective service of subjects of a labour market, quantitative – qualitative equation of the offer on the part of the personnel are formed under influence of a social and economic and political situation in the country and in regions. Now the increasing urgency is got with problems of development and realization of personnel selection in various sectors of economy of market type. In clause formation of a personnel reserve is considered within the framework of realization of personnel selection in system of public service by the example of personnel structure of divisions of public service Khanty-Ìànsiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra. The condition of work with a personnel reserve is analyzed, the basic problems of personnel maintenance of state bodies are considered. The algorithm of work with a personnel reserve in public service, and also principles of development of the state personnel selection at a regional level is proved and offered.