Author's articles (4)
#2 / 2007 Category: STRATEGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIESAuthor Sidorova E.N.,Article contains description of structure of regional finance resources, discloses the sources of financing, describes the role of budgeting. Problems and possible ways of solution of inter-budget relationships optimisation are described with the purpose of increasing of financial prosperity of territories. Overall role of optimisation as one of the most important factors of strengthening of financial basement of territories is described along with the necessity of considering the budget process as stimulated factor for regional economic systems development. Suggestions on substitution of cost method of budget resources management by the model of outcomes management and further development of mechanisms of territorial bodies interaction with economic entities on the base of state-private partnership were proposed.
#4 / 2007 Category: STRATEGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIESThe article is dedicated to the conceptual basis of the increase of competitiveness of municipalities, including creation of the effective financing mechanism, capable to provide self-financing of a considerable share of expenses of municipalities. Financial and institutional problems of the reform of the local government are covered. The offers on activation of internal economical sources as a major development factor of finance potential of municipalities were represented.
#2 / 2008 Category: THE REGION'S FINANCESAuthor Sidorova E.N.,This article considers the problems of financial support of the regional and municipal economy development. Formation of the institutional basis for the budgeting process and budgets interactions between the territories of different levels are shown on the base of retrospective analysis of foundation and development of budget federalism in Russia. Attraction of entrepreneurial sector resources on the conditions of public-private partnership is discussed as additional finance source and definite particularities of this process are described in line with the possibilities of their appliance.
#4 / 2008 Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYIn the article are considered institutional and economic problems of interaction of the government and business in realization of socially significant investment projects. The economic and organizational - legal parties of public-private partnership (PPP) are opened. The special attention is given to a role of PPP in system of social and economic development of territories. The risks arising during realization of large PPP-projects are determined. In the conclusion the basic problems and ways of development of partnership of the government and business are allocated.