Author's articles (3)
#4 / 2007 Category: SOCIOECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF THE REGIONSIn item all over again goes in development, and realization of corporate social programs consider. On an example of expansion do not declare a condition of pensions of the working enterprises and participations in realization of the national project "Accessible and arranged well habitation" authors on real increase in display of examples of attention of business to social problems of workers. For service of worthy continuation of a life on pension separate corporations have created corporate systems of pension. And financial support of veterans in some cases became the validity. Corporate programs "Habitation" in addition to the national project provide the differentiated help to participants of this project – with worker of the enterprises in acceleration of improvement of their conditions of a life from business of structures.
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe estimation of innovative activity of small business in Sverdlovsk region is lead and conditions of a competition in the market of the medical equipment are investigated. Theoretic-methodical questions of formation of innovative potential of enterprise structures are considered.
#4 / 2008 appendix Category: INNOVATION ACTIVITYAuthor Makarov A.V.,In this article are considered conceptual bases of formation of the innovative mission of business as a strategic management instrument and a method of allocation of specific business structure among competing enterprises.