Author's articles (4)
#1 / 2007 Category: OPINIONS AND ASSESSMENTSThe typology of municipal formations by the degree of development of innovative potential is represented in the article; the factors preventing their innovative activity are analyzed. Financial mechanisms of stimulation of their innovative development are considered, the differentiated approach to formation of innovative strategy is offered.
#4 / 2007 Category: STRATEGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIESThe article is dedicated to the conceptual basis of the increase of competitiveness of municipalities, including creation of the effective financing mechanism, capable to provide self-financing of a considerable share of expenses of municipalities. Financial and institutional problems of the reform of the local government are covered. The offers on activation of internal economical sources as a major development factor of finance potential of municipalities were represented.
#2 / 2008 Category: THE REGION'S FINANCESAuthor Tatarkin D.A.,In the article problems of increase of competitiveness of industrially advanced regions are considered on the basis of optimization of system of differentiation of tax powers and tax incomes, stimulating authorities of different levels to develop own tax potential, to form economic sources for self-development and to carry out a responsible financial policy in interests of the population. The basic background of research became the ground of an opportunity to transfer the principles of a competition on mutual relations of authorities of a various level, thus determining economic advantages of decentralization control system of territory development.
#4 / 2008 Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYIn the article are considered institutional and economic problems of interaction of the government and business in realization of socially significant investment projects. The economic and organizational - legal parties of public-private partnership (PPP) are opened. The special attention is given to a role of PPP in system of social and economic development of territories. The risks arising during realization of large PPP-projects are determined. In the conclusion the basic problems and ways of development of partnership of the government and business are allocated.