Arhive: #2 2015
Author Sukharev O. S.,The subject matter of the article — the development of the doctrine of “coherent” Regional Development and research of the structural quality of the development of regional systems on the basis of theoretical analysis of institutional factors (parameters) that determine the manufacturability of the regional economy. The purpose of the research — to show the possibilities of technological change and shift of economic growth in a particular regional system, with stringent limits for accelerated development, with an emphasis on industrial regions. To this end, formed a number of structural models and analyze the impact of technological factors on the growth parameters of the regional economy, the definition of conditions for the development of the industrial region. Methodology. The correlation and regression analysis are applied, which allows to establish a statistically significant relationship between the relevant parameters, the econometric models are used to demonstrate the possibility of estimating the growth parameters via the control parameters, including the technological factor. The structural aspect of regional economic growth is taken into account by the division of investment on the old and new technologies. Result and scope of the research. Increasing adaptability of the regional economy is possible at the expense of compounding results in the use of (old) and the application of new technologies. This principle specifies the algorithm of formation of regional development priorities, provides a choice of strategy of technological development of the regional system. Investing resources only in the field of new technologies can dramatically enhance the disparity of regional economic system, the parameters of diversion of resources and the creation of a new resource will determine the pace of growth in the region. Conclusions. Dynamics of investment into old technology provides a major impact on the rate of economic growth in the regions of Russia, despite the fact that investments in new technologies are small in size and did not have an equivalent impact on the economic growth rate in comparison with the old technology. Institutional correction parameters defining the diversion of resources from old technologies and the creation of a new resource development will determine the quality of the new economic growth.
Author Khasbulatov R. I.,The article gives an overview of the evolution of economic theories, the conditions which led to the formation of their modern schools and focuses on the analysis of arising classic, neoclassic and Keynesian doctrines encouraged by the growth and development of productive forces (factors of production), the formation of big corporations-monopolists and technological progress. The severe global recessions (1929–1933) and other shocks of the capitalist system brought to life the doctrinal theory, which is alternative to the classical one. The doctrinal theory was a theoretic and methodological basis of the System for half a century, then it was replaced by neoliberal and monetarist theories that proved to be inconsistent during the global crisis and depression in 2008–2013. The article also touches upon the necessity to change the economic policy of Russia — an urgent problem resulting from a policy of the Western countries trying to suffocate the country with sanctions.
Author Ryazanov V. T.,The article discusses the development history of the theory of economic crises under capitalism conditions. The author believes that economic science is being developed in two directions. The first direction is represented by science schools that deny any objective grounds for crises of overproduction in the market economy and develop new models of crisis-free growth. The opposite direction is supported by science schools acknowledging the existence of objective causes of crises, which is of practical significance for development of effective anti-crisis measures. The study is summarized by the conclusion about actualization of the political economy approach to analysis of the recent global crisis and its consequences. Its implementation anticipates special attention to different versions of overaccumulation of capital which played a key role in the origin of crisis processes in the world economy.
Author Kleyner G. B.,In the article, the factors of a stability of the Russian economy are investigated from the systematic positions as a multilevel, multisubject and multidimensional socio-economic system. The concept of economics system stability as abilities to keep prerequisites for growth with the support and effective use of system structure of economy is formulated. The leading role of all economic subjects of different levels (including government as a subject of the international relations, regions as subjects of Federation, enterprises as economic entities) in economic stability is shown. The need of «extension» of a network of subjects due to strengthening of the subjectivity of economic fields is emphasized. Research of an internal basic system structure of an economic subject and external structure of its immediate environment in socioeconomic, administrative-and-managerial, and market spaces with the use of the results of the new theory of economic systems leads to a conclusion of similarity of these structures. It is shown that each of these system complexes includes (together with a subject) four systems of various types — object, environmental, processed, and designed. The system environment of a subject in the administrative-and-managerial space of inter-level interactions has the same structure. It gives the chance to reduce a problem of subjects’ resistance to a question of balance of system structures of the complexes forming an internal filling and an external environment of subjects. The method of balance index of similar complexes is given. Recommendations on a choice of the measures of economic policy for providing economics system stability of Russia during the crisis are formulated. It is shown that such policy has to be developed with the principles of a subject-preservation, system balance of internal filling and external environment of subjects, a corporate solidarity of subjects despite their level in the administrative hierarchy.
Realities of the XXI century demand searching and grounding measures on changing economic, political, and the main thing, ideological institutions that determine trends of evolution and managing vital human activity at national and over-national levels. Using synergetic approach, the authors made an attempt to synthesize conclusions and main theses of neo-institutionalism theory, onto-psychology, as well as results of biological evolution for determining the way to overcome global ecological crisis at nano-level and to form a model of the mankind’s optimal evolution on the base of principle “priorities through parities”, using DNAsymbol as a code of survival, through co-evolution of economy and ecology. The main problem, existing even in economically developed countries, is the realization of the fact that the paradigm of the stationary economy is the only condition for the mankind’s survival. To solve this problem serious transformation of ideological institutions is necessary, at the expense of comprehensive and based on onto-psychological methods program of ecological literacy, that should harmonically blend with the presented by the authors triads of state strategic management and achieving the goal of development. It is the transformation of the national matrix, content and direction of which are set in order to ensure a balance of interests of all participants in ecological and economic development, will lay the necessary rules, both formal and informal, in the style of human behavior, social groups, the national economy. Realization of the program ecological literacy within the national policy on ecological development of the regions is one of the most important conditions for a natural, not imposed from the outside, prepare to use the paradigm of a sustainable economy as the basis of economic, political and ideological institutions of modern society, which is primarily the formation of a new paradigm of human device — devices nano-level decision-making, consumer behavior.
Author Yefimov V. M.,The paper proposes to reconsider the methodology and history of economics radically, whether present day mainstream or heterodox versions of it. The profession of economists must definitely abandon Cartesian dualism and adopt Vygotskian constructivism. In fact constructivist economics already existed in the past and was cognitively very successful and socially very useful. It was the economics of Gustav Schmoller’s historico-ethical school and the institutionalist economics of John R. Commons, traditions of which are totally ignored by the contemporary community of economists. The former tradition was based on Dilthey’s hermeneutics and the latter on Peirce’s pragmatism. It is worth to underline that hermeneutics and pragmatism are both predecessors of Vygotskian constructivism. During the last two decades a lot was written by economists on pragmatist, constructivist and discursive approaches to the methodology and history of economics, but those who wrote on these topics viewed them from the dualistic point of view. My paper is an appeal to economists to reconsider Methodenstreit. The dispute of methods between Schmoller and Menger can be considered as a repetition of a similar dispute taking place more than two hundred years earlier between Robert Boyle and Thomas Hobbes. Schmoller-Menger dispute started soon after the beginning of the institutionalisation of experimentally-oriented economics which happened with the creation in 1873 of the Vereinfür Sozialpolitik. Boyle-Hobbes dispute started in 1660, when the Royal Society of London had been founded, the cradle of the institution of science. Schmoller was one of the creators of the Verein, and Boyle was one of the founders of the Royal Society. The activities of both societies were similar in several respects: they represented efforts to collect data, working out of detailed reports and collective evaluation of obtained results. For Hobbes, as for Menger, the model of ‘science’ was geometry. Boyle and Schmoller privileged collecting and analysing data. Boyle did win the dispute, Schmoller did loose. It happened because of different attitudes of powerful groups in societies towards natural scientific experimental research and experimental social research. They were interested in the former, and they saw much more danger than benefit for them in the latter. On the contrary, they were interested in abstract theoretical constructions justifying the market vision of society and laissez-faire. This kind of constructions corresponded to deeply enrooted scholastic traditions of European universities to teach theology and linked with it philosophy. In the framework of these traditions, mathematics was considered as a summit of the scientific approach. On the one hand, the adoption of constructivism by economists would turn their discipline into a science functionally close to natural sciences. On the other hand the Vygotskian constructivism, as a social and political philosophy, once accepted by economists, may lead them to become preachers of the communitarian liberalism with its emphasis on social responsibility, deliberative democracy, and discourse ethics.
In the article, the most prominent works of the Ural scientists in economic history for the last decades are considered. Stages of development of research interest of historians and economists in this issue are allocated. On the example of these works, the authors of the article draw a theoretical conclusion that there is a growth of interest in economic history due to the development of multimethodological approach of scientists, rapprochement of positions of representatives of these sciences. The history is useful for every scientist-economist not only as a storeroom of the economic facts checked by life and collection of experiments testing economic science in all directions but also it is very important as a source of economic ideas. There are authentic cross-cultural communications revealing in mutual use by representatives of historical and economic science of the explaining theories developed within each of the scientific disciplines. For the present stage of the economic history, research of Ural, the unstudied issues by historical science for the objective causes are the most relevant. These are the issues like prohibition of the use of sources because of topics’ secrecy, an existence of non-disclosure subjects, undesirable subjects in works on national history. In the article, development problems in the economy of Ural of the branch, territorial and production complexes earlier investigated mainly by representatives of economic science are considered. Research of economic history is characterized by the new scientific issues, development of source base, application to a research of various methodological bases, use of the conceptual approaches and methods of research developed in foreign and national economic science.
Author Maslennikov M. I.,In the article, the basic vocabulary of BRICS countries, its regional tendencies of business development, and its share taken in the foreign-economic activity are analyzed. Contribution of different foreign trade fields of regions into economic development is revealed. Indicators of development levels of external economic links are reviewed. Alternative options of the foreign trade development, expenses and benefits from its reorientation, and the reason of low indicators of development of foreign trade activity of the Ural regions with BRICS countries are evaluated, and measures for their improvement and development are offered. The mechanism and tools of stimulation of foreign economic relations development of regions with BRICS countries are investigated. The internal and external motives and incentives of expansion of these relations are examined. The factors influencing the regional markets development and revealing multidirectional tendencies in activities of business, government, society for development of foreign economic relations of the Ural regions with BRICS countries, and first of all with Brazil, India, China and the Republic of South Africa are investigated. The export-import features of the foreign trade operations with these countries, and also possible ways and the directions of expansion of the prognostics of foreign economic relations in the conditions of toughening and restriction of similar operations and financial sources from the developed countries, first of all the USA and EU countries are represented. Author examines the reasons and scenario, problems and difficulties for the country and the Ural regions in refocusing of international economic relation from Western Europe to the South-East Asia countries. Real opportunities of participation of regions of the country in the import substitution and development of own resource and production base are analyzed. The research is focused on analysis of international economic relations of the Middle-Ural enterprises with BRICS countries, on identification of causes and effects for enterprises of the old industrial region of reduction of export-import transactions on both developed, and emergent markets in the conditions of toughening and instability of environment in the national and world financial markets.
In the article, the authors build a balance model for an exclave region. The aim of the work is to explore the unique properties of exclaves to evaluate the possibility of development of a more complex model for the economy of a region. Exclaves are strange phenomena in both theoretical and practical regional economy. There is lack of comparative models, so it is typically quite challenging to study exclaves. At the same time, exclaves produce better statistics, which gives more careful consideration of cross-regional economic flows. The authors discuss methodologies of model-based regional development forecasting. They analyze balance approach on a more general level of regional governance and individually, on the example of specific territories. Thus, they identify and explain the need to develop balance approach models fitted to the special needs of certain territories. By combining regional modeling for an exclave economy of a region. Having taken one Russian exclave as an example, the authors have developed a simulation event-based long-term sustainability model. In the article, they provide the general characteristics of the model, describe its components, and simulation algorithm. The approach introduced in this article combines the traditional balance models and the peculiarities of an exclave region to develop a holistic regional economy model (with the Kaliningrad region serving as an example). It is important to underline that the resulting model helps to evaluate the degree of influence of preferential economic regimes (such as Free Customs Zone, for example) on the economy of a region.
In the article, the attention is paid to a role of service-producing industries rendering social services, promoting human development in the modern state. Theoretical positions of scientists considering meaning of the social benefits and need of active state support of the social sphere are generalized. The condition of the Russian service-producing industries is considered, the comparative analysis of indicators of their activity with indicators of service-producing industries of other countries is carried out. In view of indicators of the efficiency ratings of national education systems, world countries on the health systems efficiency, world countries on the level of social development of 2014, the author’s conceptual approach is offered; it considers interconditionality and interdependence of level of public financing of the social sphere and dynamics of a contribution of service-producing industries to the human capital development providing a gain of gross domestic product of the country. Need of innovative changes in socio-economic systems of service-producing industries for the efficiency increase of their activity, taking into account the received results — first of all in health care is proved. Theoretical approaches to management of changes in socio-economic systems are investigated. On the basis of the conducted research, the created theoretical basis of the level increase of change management in open socioeconomic systems for the purpose of the theoretical and methodological approaches to development to change management in relation to health sector, the optimization model of management of health care organizations ranging controlled and uncontrollable changes is offered. The use possibilities of management optimization by ranging controlled and uncontrollable changes in health sector of different management levels are confirmed by the high rates of performance efficiency on micro-, meso- and macrolevel in industry on the example of implementation of national project Health and innovative organizational transformations promoting the return to work of the patients of working-age participating in development of gross domestic product across Yekaterinburg.
The article deals with the institutional support of the regional business environment. Due to the constant growth of social obligations of the regional and municipal authorities causing the growth of the risks of imbalances in the budgets of the respective levels, the necessity of development in the regions of favorable business environment conducive to enhancing business activity is proved. Using the methodology of the institutional matrix business model, the process of development of the institutions of the business environment in the region is analyzed. The mechanism influencing the occurrence of the specific characteristics of the institutional configuration of the regional business environment is revealed. The conclusion of the determining role of the institutional configuration of the business environment in the existing differences in the levels of socio-economic development of regions is drawn. The hypothesis is made that the maintenance of a favorable institutional configuration of the regional business environment stimulating business activity in a territory cannot be indefinitely, and its development is cyclical. The modeling of parameters of development and maintains a favorable institutional configuration of the business environment in the Russian regions is made. For the purposes of the practical application of the proposed approach, the methodological tools, which allows regional authorities to calculate the profitability of a favorable institutional configuration of the business environment and on the basis to form the business rules ensuring the growth of business activity and increase the contribution of business to socio-economic development of the region are proposed. The approach considered in the article provides an opportunity to validate the theoretical — methodological basis for the development of practical design mechanism and maintenance of a favorable long-term future of the institutional configuration of the business environment promoting the growth of business activity in a region resistant to the adverse effects of the environment.
The article is dedicated to transforming the economy of Russian regions to a green economy, which is an essential factor for the sustainable development. This is important not only for Russia but the whole world because our country has the great natural capital and provides important environmental services that support the planet biosphere. Based on the analysis of economic, social and ecological statistical data and Human Development Index (HDI) we have shown that the development of Russian Federal Districts is very unbalanced and each Russian region has its own way to new economic model. For instance, it is necessary to increase the well-being in the North Caucasus Federal District, it is important to reach higher life expectancy at birth in the Siberian and the Far Eastern Districts. It is necessary to move from the «brown» economy to a green one by using the human capital (building a knowledge economy), by applying Best Available Technologies (Techniques), by investing in efficiency of use of natural resources and by increasing energy efficiency. The transition to a green economy will help to achieve social equity and the development of human potential; it helps to move from the exploitation of non-renewable natural capital to renewable human capital. All these socio-economic measures should give decoupling effect, make risks lower, reduce the exploitation of natural capital, stop the environmental degradation and prevent the ecological crisis. Transition to the green economic model has to be accompanied by new economic development indicators, which take into account social and environmental factors.
The aim of the research is to study the Triple Helix model feasibility in developing innovations and using cluster approach in Kazakhstan. There are possible points of the emergence of clusters in Kazakhstan. However, there are a lot of constraining factors. First of all, institutional and social factors: the culture of business, unfair competition, low trust of economic agents to each other and to power institutes, low psychological readiness for cooperation of the enterprises of various branches and regions, poor development of chambers of commerce, and industrial associations. For the time being, the majority of regions of Kazakhstan are characterized by a limited set of high technology industrial branches, and a sharp shortage of universities generating innovation and research institutes. The research results show that the open innovation model is realized in a limited scale that does not allow to export innovations into external markets, to participate in global technology chains and international research networks. At the same time, some interaction schemes and preconditions for the development of the Triple Helix model are emerging. However, in general, the innovation policy is not systemic; it does not unite actions in the sphere of science and technology, education, industry, and regional initiatives. As the result of the research, some policy implications are given. For the development of clusters in Kazakhstan, it is desirable to use such a way, as integration into global cluster networks. It is necessary to make use of foreign experience at which various specialized state agencies become participants of clusters. It is necessary to focus not only on science but also industry, which should play the central role in the innovation process.
Author Grosu R.,Immigrant entrepreneurship may represent a means for diminishing the negative effects specific to the migration phenomenon and for emphasising the positive ones, contributing to the development of strong regions. The present paper outlines a series of information gathered through an ongoing complex and comprehensive research on immigrant entrepreneurship in Romania, approached from economic, social, institutional, and cultural perspectives. The major aim of the research is to provide a wide image on the investigated phenomenon in order to raise awareness among policymakers of its importance and complexity. The paper puts forward a series of empirical results obtained through the development of an econometrical analysis of statistical data and interview-based research. Results highlight a strong positive correlation between the number of enterprises (total and newly registered) and the number of immigrants in Romania. In this context, the hypothesis of the existence of another variable — especially related to the socio-economic and legislative environments — with an impact on both the number of enterprises and the one of immigrants may arise. Furthermore, in-depth explanations are provided by the carried out interviews. Debated issues refer to motivations, incentives, and obstacles in business development, cultural and social norms, commercial infrastructure, regulatory aspects, etc.
The article is devoted to the relevant problem of regional development that is the development of methodological tools to evaluate the life quality in the region. The article discusses the concept of “life quality”, as well as related terms and justifies the author’s position about its content. The existing Russian and foreign approaches to the assessment of life quality were analyzed, and it was argued that a comprehensive approach was the most relevant to conduct this research. The criteria to assess the life quality of the population were summoned. The authors proposed a methodological approach that not only includes the objective indicators of the life quality presented in the statistical reporting of Federal State Statistics Service, but also involves the subjective assessments of the local population, which allows to obtain an adequate assessment of the life quality of the population in the region. The methodological research tools include, firstly, mathematical methods of statistical data processing and, secondly, a sociological survey of the population of Sverdlovsk region about the level of satisfaction with various aspects of life. The authors concluded that stable growth objective indicators of life quality, on the one hand, characterize Sverdlovsk region. On the other hand, simultaneously it is accompanied with low satisfaction with population-specific aspects of life quality, which generally reduces the integral indicator of the life quality of the population, despite the positive dynamics of socio-economic development of the region and an active social policy of the regional authorities. The results of the study were used for the preparation of the regional target program “New life quality of Ural” (decree of the Governor of Sverdlovsk region from 29.01.2014 No. 45-UG “ON the Concept of improving the quality of life of the population of Sverdlovsk region for the period up to 2030 — “a new quality of life of Ural”).
The article discusses the features of migration flows in Russia, CIS and abroad in terms of transnationality and translocality. Special attention is paid to migration flows from Asia, depending on the gender perception. During the analysis, the preferences of migrants of different age groups are determined. It shows their desire for a more independent financial and professional life, relationship with family responsibilities, plans for the future. The data obtained by the method of continuous selection have led to the following conclusions: migration is a multidimensional phenomenon that requires multidisciplinary research; the heterogeneity of migration flows to the socio-cultural and gender features must be taken into account; the problem of illegal migration requires special solutions; in connection with the emigration of highly skilled professionals and immigration of low-skilled personnel, a professional important indicator of migratory replacement and attracting compatriots from abroad are important. The data obtained can be used for ethnic and cultural planning in order to improve production activities that affect the quality of solving of production tasks and programming adaptation of migrants as the significant impact of intangible factors on the development of society has been noted by economists for a long time. Thus, the economic sustainability requires new thinking based on socio-cultural sustainability determined by such global phenomena as international migration flows.
The subject matter of the research is the tourist and recreation complex of Kabardino-Balkar Republic. The purpose of the work is to provide solutions to problems of the republic tourist and recreation complex development. The results obtained from the study showed that in spite of the fact that in the region’s development certain positive steps are taken, according to the indicators of the tourism and recreation development, the region has not reach the level of the 1990th yet, the possibilities of this major sector of the republic economy remain not demanded. It is highlighted, that the most important factor in the tourist and recreation complex development is its infrastructure condition. It is recommended to use the model of the infrastructure management aimed at providing its effective functioning and development due to formation of interaction system at every power level through a network of the centers of the tourist and recreation complex development. In the article, the need for the use of the innovative approaches for the republic tourist and recreation complex development in the particular development of the new tourist directions are also found. For the purpose to improve the professional training of personnel for the tourism and recreation sphere, the need for a transition to multilevel training of personnel is proved. The main directions of the republic image development on the basis of designing and implementing of the regional program of its image development as the tourist territory and creation of the tourist information center are defined. Realization of all these problems allows to develop a highly effective and competitive tourist and recreation complex in Kabardino-Balkaria.
Author Dobrodey V. V.,At the present time, the document contents of strategic planning for subjects of the Russian Federation, their order of development and endorsement at the interregional and federal levels, requirements for content and coordination with other long-term and medium-term territorial programs are legislative authorized. In the article, the theoretical and methodical problems of specification and interrelation of forecast scenario versions of region socio-economic development with expected parameters of regional energy consumption on the basis of fuel and energy balance in the conditions of incomplete retrospective information are considered. Such situation is typical in the market conditions, and some restrictions on access to the statistical data can be removed. It reduces the application of the strict formal valuation methods and objectivity not only expected, but also current indicators. Methodical and practical relevance of coordination of the specified documents is caused by the relative isolation of their development, various specification level of expected scenarios, lack of necessary information. The authors use the estimation procedure of indicators of energy saving and energy efficiency based on structural comparison of real, current, and expected fuel and energy balances coordinated with the forecast of region socio-economic development and are interested in its development for the comparative analysis of regional energy consumption in the retrospective and expected periods. The calculations are carried out by the authors since 2007 within the state order of the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Utilities Infrastructure of the Sverdlovsk region. In the article, the methodical features of the author’s approaches to the option development of fuel and energy balance considering official scenarios of the forecast of region socio-economic development, fault and incompleteness of statistical data, standard requirements for the forecasts quality are reflected.
The article is devoted to investigations of the relationship of commodity-production and financial network structures in the regional economy as dual conjugate systems. Material flows (raw materials, goods, etc.) are circulating in the commodity network according to the Leontyev, input-output model. Nonmaterial flows of property rights, money, etc. in the financial network are reflecting the movement of material objects. Network structure is considered to be a complex of closed and open circuits that are carrying out two fundamentally different problems: a locally closed circuits are meeting local demands by supplying of locally produced goods that is providing self-reproduction of the local economy; open (or transit) circuits are providing export-import flows. The generation mechanism of «internal» money in closed circuits of commodity-production network is presented. Obtained theoretical results are illustrated by calculations of closed and open circuit flows in the municipality economy model. The mathematical model represents the mutual payments of population and companies in matrix form. It is found that the volume of turnover in closed circuits is about 28.5 % of total municipality economy model turnover and can be assured by «internal» non-inflationary money. The remaining 71.5 % of total turnover are corresponding to the flows in open circuits of the network providing export and import activity. It is summarized that the priority of innovative economy projects should be given to domestic consumption rather than exports.
The main purpose of the article is a comparative evaluation of the financial stability of the territories of Mongolia and the Russian Federation in the ongoing international research on the dynamics determination of the socio-economic development of both countries. In the study, the attempt to compound the existing data sources of regional development of the Russian Federation and Mongolia in uniform system for comparative evaluation of financial stability of territories on the basis of the methodology of the System of National Accounts is made. The author’s approach to build and fill the balances of the movement of financial resources in the regions by sectors of «Corporation», «Public Administration» and «Household» is presented. The comparative characteristics of socio-economic development in the context of 21 aimaks and the capital of Mongolia — Ulan Bator, and five border regions of Russia (Republic of Altai, Tuva, Buryatia, Khakassia and the Trans-Baikal Territory, as well as enlarged «macro-regions» (Mongolia as a whole, the border areas Russia together and Sverdlovsk region) are determined. The analysis of the gross regional product structure of these regions is carried out. It has revealed the agricultural specialization of Mongolian regions and domination of service sector and public management in the development of added value in the Russian territories. Also, the identified features of the distribution of value added in the sector «corporation» in both countries lying in the different structural relations of SNA indicators are discovered. Investigation of the flow of financial resources for the «Governance» sector led to the conclusion of a more balanced ratio of own income and expenditure budgets of the regions of Mongolia than the border regions of the Russian Federation. As a result, in the entire set of selected areas were identified with common features and regularities of their financial development in the context of economic sectors, the main findings and development schemes of financial stability of the Russian Federation and Mongolia are presented.
In the article, the modern trends of management integration as a solution of food and sectoral problems are considered. On the basis of national and foreign experience of development of integration, the classification of integration in economic systems is developed. On the basis of the given classification, the concept of integration is conducted. In the article, much attention is given to the food problem solution, which depends more on the agro-industrial complex based on metaintegration. The leading place of a food complex in the system of agro-industrial complex is caused by a role of food and food raw materials in life of the population of the country. The ratio of the sectors participating in the food production and consumer goods makes the sectoral structure of agro-industrial complex. In the conditions of the resource limitation necessary for the production and food delivery to the domestic market, the role of trade will increase not only in agro-industrial complex, but in all national economy. Also, in this article, the phenomenon of clusters is studied. The attention to clusters as to innovation systems reflects a rising tide of interest of economic science to the questions of economics functioning in regional level and understanding of a role of specific local resources in stimulation of innovative opportunities and competitiveness of small and medium business. Creating a cluster, participants develop the spatial and organizational integrated structure, in interaction of legal entities the status is saved and cooperation provides competitive advantages with other business entities. The role of the state in integration of cluster formations in the Russian Federation is more significant, than in any other country. The state represented by regional authorities actively participates in decision-making process by the business located in its catchment area not only through membership in governing bodies of large joint stock companies.
The multistructurality and variety of organizational and economic forms of business pattern in agriculture are reasonably related and presented in the form of the individual and private, collective, state, and also mixed business. The individual and private type of small rural business is country farms and those personal farms, which have commodity or partially commodity character. Collective business in agro-industrial sector of the Republic of Bashkortostan is conducted on the basis of collective-share and cooperative property. All republic agricultural organizations belong to cattle breeding, cattle breeding grain, and grain cattle breeding types, at various combinations of other industries, traditional for the republic as additional. The cattle breeding of milk and meat direction is characterized for all zones of the Republic. Different organizational and economic forms of enterprises have various level of efficiency. The existing experience confirms higher efficiency of large-scale enterprises in comparison to small-scale that is determined by the economic law of production concentration (density, scale), that is economy of scale. There are also distinctions in indicators of farm efficiency. The purpose of the work is the proposal development on creation of the effective agriculture support mechanism. In preparing the study, the methods of statistical data analysis, material analysis of reports of some farms for 2006-2013, also their inspections, indicators of budget performance of the Republic, SWOT analysis of the institutional potential assessment of the internal and external factors influencing the agro-industrial complex strategy development are used. Scope of the results: system of state regulation and support of agro-industrial complex taking into account the business patterns existing in agriculture. Conclusions and main results of the analysis: 1. At the present time, various ways in agriculture, at the right choice of specialization are not competitive to each other, therefore, have the equal rights for the state support. 2. The choice of business pattern has to be carried out by each site of agricultural production independently, at own risk. 3. Structurization of functions of various level public authorities and municipal self-government in regulation of agricultural production is required.
In the article, the authors estimated the social effect of foreign direct investments (FDI) in the regions of Kazakhstan. In order to do it, the authors studied the dynamics of FDI of the region operating enterprises with foreign participation and the regional six indicators of socio-economic development during 2003-2013 on the basis of database of RK Agency on statistics. There are 16 regions of Kazakhstan were involved in the experiment (14 provinces and 2 cities of republican significant — Almaty and Astana). The research was carried out using the “simplified” version of the T. Saati’s Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) mathematical apparatus and MS Excel. The constructed economic-mathematical model of an assessment of FDI impact on the population welfare and living quality in the regions was hypothetical as the expert estimates of hypothetical expert were used. The authors made a hypothesis: to receive tools for an assessment of the social effect of FDI in the regions of Kazakhstan — the Rating of regional priority of the factors (RPF Rating). The RPF Rating allowed to define a priority of the factors of the population welfare and living quality in the regions of the country and to calculate aggregate social effect of FDI in Kazakhstan, having allocated the directions of its action on each of six factors in a regional section. The research did not reveal a negative impact of FDI on socio-economic development of the regions; moreover the aggregate social effect of FDI is positive for all regions of Kazakhstan. The authors believe that RPF Rating can become as the important tool of soundness of socio-economic policy in the area of development of public-private partnership in the regions of Kazakhstan, and also positive social effects of FDI growth in the long term — all of this will result in promoting a long-term positive impact on the welfare and living quality of the population of the republic.
To date, an extensive experience has been accumulated in investigation of problems related to quality, assessment of management systems, modeling of economic system sustainability. The performed studies have created a basis for development of a new research area — Economics of Quality. Its tools allow to use opportunities of model simulation for construction of the mathematical models adequately reflecting the role of quality in natural, technical, social regularities of functioning of the complex socio-economic systems. Extensive application and development of models, and also system modeling with use of supercomputer technologies, on our deep belief, will bring the conducted research of socio-economic systems to essentially new level. Moreover, the current scientific research makes a significant contribution to model simulation of multi-agent social systems and that is not less important, it belongs to the priority areas in development of science and technology in our country. This article is devoted to the questions of supercomputer technologies application in public sciences, first of all, — regarding technical realization of the large-scale agent-focused models (AFM). The essence of this tool is that owing to the power computer increase it has become possible to describe the behavior of many separate fragments of a difficult system, as socio-economic systems are. The article also deals with the experience of foreign scientists and practicians in launching the AFM on supercomputers, and also the example of AFM developed in CEMI RAS, stages and methods of effective calculating kernel display of multi-agent system on architecture of a modern supercomputer will be analyzed. The experiments on the basis of model simulation on forecasting the population of St. Petersburg according to three scenarios as one of the major factors influencing the development of socio-economic system and quality of life of the population are presented in the conclusion.
In the article, the contemporary issues of the reproduction of the Russian population, their reasons, and state policy toward them are considered. Relevance of the task solution of assessment of the most expected birth rate dynamics of the Russian population in future in the conditions of low norms of the parenthood status taking into account the influence of government measures for the birth rate stimulation is proved. In order to achieve this objective, on the basis of the behavior probability distribution function of crude birth rate, the probabilistic assessment of the future birth rate dynamics of the Russian population was conducted. On the basis of the modernized Hirst method, two expected dynamics trajectories of crude birth rate were constructed: the first trajectory corresponds to the scenario at which the value of crude birth rate will be in the range of 8-10,5 born / 1000 people (probability — 0,182), including the negative external impact, the second trajectory will be in the range of 13-16,5 born / 1000 people (probability — 0,618), including the positive external impact. In spite of the fact that these scenarios are quite different, the dynamics trajectories of crude birth rate predicted according to them during the period of 2015-2041 that corresponds to the time of the reliable prediction are almost identical. The analysis of the received results enabled to conclude that the state population policy cannot affect the future dynamics of the birth rate due mainly to to the conjunctural changes.These conclusions confirm the intellectual vested interest of the academic circles that government regulation of a demographic situation in Russia has to be aimed, first of all, at the health improvement and increase of the expected life interval of the population.