Arhive: #4 2014
On the basis of the authors’ methodology, the models of productive potential of the Russian Federation regions, including estimations of intellectual capital, were constructed. It is shown that characteristics of well-being level and quality of life make a significant impact on the regional production’s efficiency. The characteristics of regions’ readiness to innovate are identified, it is possible to name it as a factor of production’s efficiency. It is shown that the inclusion of different factors of efficiency in the production potential model can significantly increase the differentiation of technical efficiency estimates, besides these estimates and their grades depend on a set of efficiency’s factors. On the basis of a comparison of real GRP and boundary GRP ratings, it is identified locally effective regions with a relatively high estimation of efficiency among regions with similar amounts of GRP and locally ineffective regions. It is calculated marginal effects of influence of the efficiency’s factors on the result of industrial activity in the region. It seems constructively to use these estimates while analyzing the prospects for regions’ development, which is based on the possibility of targeting impact on controllable efficiency’s factors. The article is also offered the option of methodology of the public policy efficiency estimation on the knowledge economy formation — an agent-based model for Russia, which is learning the “knowledge economy” sector and considering their relationship with the rest of the macroeconomic system.
Author Koksharov V. A.,The article discusses the methodology used to assess the higher education system (for areas with the status of a constituent federal subject and similar) and the results of its application in the federal subjects of the Ural Federal District. Monitoring of the higher education system in Russian regions will use a set of indicators grouped into two blocks: operating Conditions and Infrastructure of the Higher Education System of the Russian Federal Subject; Education and Research in the Higher Education System of the Federal Subject. The research conducted showed that a more effective way to increase the quality of education is investment from government sources other then from non-government sources. In our opinion, it is because the major source of non-government financing is means of people paying for their education. Unfortunately, the main goal for the people is Diploma of Higher Education, while the education quality is not the priority. The solution to this problem lay at the heart of changing the priorities in the development of economy, and cannot be solved only by the Higher Education Authority. It should also be stated that the higher education retains a certain conservatism and despite the lack in financial support, regions with traditionally strong universities maintain their position in the quality of educational services during the twelve year period under consideration.
The aim of this article is to explain the difference between regionalism and regional development concepts that are often used interchangeably, to investigate the fundamental aspects of two phenomena: regionalism in the sense of “new regionalism” and in the sense of “regional development” at the background of the globalized economy; to check a hypothesis that these two phenomena may be linked together and to study the impact of regionalism on regional integration. The article deepens the concept of “regional development.” At the same time, peculiarities of the current stage of the world economy development under the conditions of globalization are considered. The paper is theoretical (verbal) rather than statistical analysis of the nature, diversity and fundamental aspects of regionalism and regional development in general. The article deals with the impact of regionalism on the location of production, and the growth of competition and market expansion systematizes the main effects of regionalism on market expansion and the location of production.
Author McKinney J. A.,The United States and the countries comprising the European Union have dominated the global economy during the past seventy years. However, momentous change is underway. China will soon be the largest economy in the world, and other countries of the developing world are rapidly increasing in economic importance. Meanwhile, the European Union is experiencing slow growth and the United States is struggling with serious economic problems. This paper considers how the transatlantic economic relationship is likely to be affected by these circumstances, and how the US and the EU can best work together to facilitate smooth transitions in the global economy.
Author Fauzer V. V.,Nowadays, the research relevance of all aspects of development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation consists the fact that in spite of limited stocks in the old rendered habitable regions of the country, Arctic is considered as a source of resources for socio-economic development of Russia. Based on the recognition that the territory is like a separate object of state observation, it is noted that the best resources for labor of the economy of Arctic may become demographic potential of adjacent northern regions. The different points of view and approaches to the definition of the demographic potential and a set of indicators by its assessment are given. On the basis of the statistical analysis of population dynamics and a level of birth rate and mortality, it is shown that quantitative demographic potential of the northern regions since 1990s significantly decreased. It was affected by the migratory outflow. It is revealed that in northern regions, there are still positive differences in age and sexual structure. Regional governments can use the results while drawing up Strategic plans of socio-economic development of territories. The article concludes with recommendations.
The article presents the results of the study, which purpose was to test the hypotheses reflecting the interaction of the development of the commodity sector with the socio-economic dynamics. The regional comparative studies and concepts reflecting different views on the relationship of the commodity sector and national development were the methodological basis. The 15 former Soviet republics, united among themselves in four regions: countries with rich natural resources; the country is not rich with natural resources; new EU countries and Russia — were the object of the study. In the context of the selected groups, the key macroeconomic indicators, human and institutional developments were analyzed in comparison. In the conclusion, the authors believe that today, countries having a rich natural resource potential, have the problem of the choice of the natural resources rational using model. While the country is in a state of search, it is very difficult to say clearly about the influence of the raw materials sector on economic development.
The main aim of this paper is to reveal the relationship between poverty of economically active people’s households (monetary and non-monetary) and job satisfaction of workers from these households. Thus, the object of the study is economically active population in Russia and the subject — peculiarities of its poorest part’s attitude towards career. The study of the empirical side of the object in Russia is conducted on RLMS data, using pooled samples of its 21st wave (November-December 2012). The entire set of working individuals is divided into strata on the basis of per capita income or deprivation experienced by their households. Then we conduct a statistical study of job satisfaction of employees from these strata, with a special emphasis on the poorest stratum. During our study we compute the correlation coefficients, carry out a frequency analysis and t-tests for independent samples, construct contingency tables and calculate mean values. On the basis of these calculations, some conclusions about the degree of influence of monetary and non-monetary poverty on job satisfaction in Russia are made. The paper concludes with a number of recommendations aimed at reducing household poverty while improving job satisfaction of the economically active people living in poor households of Russia.
During the finishing of the second demographic transition in the countries with relatively high level of socio-economic development, the tendencies of rise in the total birthrate and the changing of a calendar of births were revealed. At the same time, the process of delayed marriage of both men and women, and increased number of single households were continued. The developing tendency of rise in births required from demographers an additional analysis of causes of this phenomenon, especially as the growth of total birthrate coefficient become stable after millennium. The attempt to analyze the newest tendencies of the influencing of growth of the life quality on the differential birthrate in safe regions of the world, to compare the processes of socio-economic, sociocultural, and reproductive differentiation of indexes of population movement on Russian territories with rating evaluations were made in the article. The hypothesis of the research is related to the assumption that the global changes in life quality in a number of the world’s regions stimulated the renewal of the tendency to alternation of generations in demographic processes. The authors of the research draw a conclusion that this process in Russia was just started and developing. It gives a chance to develop the tendency of alternation of generations in the future and reduce the treats of depopulation and the need of superfluous recruiting of foreign labor force.
This study provides a step-by-step account of how fuzzy measures of non-monetary deprivation and also monetary poverty may be constructed at the regional level, based on the Mozambican Household Budget Survey 2008-09 (IOF08). To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to apply Fuzzy Set Theory to poverty measurement in Mozambique. The dataset we used is the most recent budget survey available for Mozambique and it is representative of the national, regional (North, Centre, South), provincial and urban/rural level. In order to construct a Fuzzy Set index of poverty, monetary as well as non-monetary indicators are considered, and two different measures of deprivation are subsequently constructed: the Fuzzy Monetary (FM) and Fuzzy Supplementary (FS).
Integrated Approach To The Analysis Of The Quality Of Socio-Economic Regional Development GovernanceProspects of the methods of the analysis and improvement of quality of governance the socio-economic systems application, based conceptual provisions of the system theory of economics, multilevel stratification of the economic space and the operational economical risk management theory are considered. For mesoeconomics, the types of system resources of the economy are defined. Also, it is analyses the influence on the quality of governance socio-economic region development the disparity of different types of system economical resources. Potential possibilities of the improvement of quality of governance due to thinner stratification of economical space and improvement the interaction parameters of the main actors of regional economic space are revealed. Leaning on the operational theory of risk management, ways of justification of administrative, strategic decisions by identification of the relevant economic risk factors and on the basis of received information development the program of anti-risk measures are offered. The methodical solutions promoting successful introduction of considered tools in practice of regional government are proposed.
Author Sukhovey A. F.,In the article, an approach to the innovation of security as an essential element of national security, reflecting the state of the innovation potential of the country (the region) is proposed. The author suggests to understand the innovative security as the ability of the state to ensure such level of development of the innovation system, which is required for the stable and dynamic socio-economic activity of a country (region), its growth of well-being, the maintenance of its defense, economic and technological autonomy and independence. The main internal and external threats to innovative security, creating obstacles to the realization of the country’s interests and tasks in the field of innovation, including the destruction of Russia’s scientific and technological potential, human resources capacity in science and scientific schools, lowering the quality of the training and retraining of specialists for scientific-technical, and innovation activity, increasing the gap between science and industry, the destruction and complication due to recent political developments, scientific communication and relations of Russia with a number of countries of the CIS and the world are revealed. The major tasks to ensure innovative security of the Russian Federation are formulated.
The article provides a scientific rationale for an integrated approach to the provision of insurance coverage in the potential chemical and biological contamination zone. The following modern forms of chemical safety in the Russian Federation were considered: state reserve’s system, target program financing, state social insurance. The separate issue tackles the obligatory civil liability insurance for owners of dangerous objects. For improvement of the existing insurance protection system against emergency situations, risks were analyzed (shared on exogenous and endogenous). Among the exogenous risks including natural and climatic conditions of a region, its geographical arrangement, economic specialization, the seismic and terrorist risks were chosen and approaches to its solution were suggested. In endogenous risks’ group, the special focus is on wear and tear and obsolescence of hazardous chemical and biological object’s fixed assets. In case of high risk of an incident, it is suggested to increase in extent of insurance protection through self-insurance, a mutual insurance in the form of the organization of societies of a mutual insurance or the self-regulating organizations, and also development of voluntary insurance of a civil liability, both the owner of hazardous object, and regions of the Russian Federation and municipalities. The model of insurance coverage in the potential chemical and biological contamination zone is based on a differentiated approach to the danger level of the area. A matrix of adequate forms and types of insurance (required for insurance coverage of the population in the potential chemical and biological contamination zone) was constructed. Proposed health risk management toolkit in the potential chemical and biological contamination zone will allow to use financial resources for chemical and biological safety in the regions more efficiently.
This paper discusses the shortcomings of estimates of the level and quality of socio-economic development of the countries and regions of indicators due to excessive aggregation indicators taken into account that reflect various aspects of the social process. A modified human development index is suggested, which allows more clearly distinguish regions on levels and trends of their development, on the basis of a more complete and detailed calculation of different sides of the social process in its composition. With use of this index of cluster analysis a stable classification of regions of the Russian Federation on the characteristics of human development and their changes for 1994-2012 was obtained on the basis of the published official statistics. On the basis of the results were generated homogeneous groups of regions by values of human development index components taken into account and were identified the most important for their development directions of social and economic policy.
In the article, the key stage of the value chain in the zinc industry of the Russian Federation is considered. The study aims to examine the impact of technological change on the development of value chains in the mining and metallurgical complex in the Urals region. The relevance of the assessment of the impact of technological change on the development of value chains in the processing of primary and technogenic raw materials in terms of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Complex is grounded. The methodological scheme of analysis of value chains and the impact on them of new technologies are developed in the study. It is shown that the analysis of value chains should be carried out, using as an analytical tool value added as well as a heuristic tool study of the value chain. Analysis of the value chain in the production of primary zinc and technogenic raw materials made in accordance with the proposed approach. An assessment of the value added in the production of zinc from primary raw materials held in the article. The gross volume and dynamics of revenue, net income and the cost of segments of the value chain in zinc production are analyzed. The leading role of the metallurgical segment in the value chain of the zinc industry is established. Share indexes of the metallurgical segment as a control link of the value chain in the structure of the consolidated revenue, profit, cost considered in the dynamics, the dynamics of change in the total expenditure on scientific and technological development and R & D expenditure are investigated. The conclusion about essential influence of new technologies on the change of value chains in terms of zinc production is confirmed.
Fuel and energy complex (FEC) is one of the main elements of the economy of any territory over which intertwine the interests of all economic entities. To ensure economic growth of the region should ensure that internal balance of energy resources, which should be developed with account of regional specifics of economic growth and energy security. The study examined the status of this equilibrium, indicating fuel and energy balance of the region (TEB). The aim of the research is the development of the fuel and energy balance, which will allow to determine exactly how many and what resources are not enough to ensure the regional development strategy and what resources need to be brought in. In the energy balances as the focus of displays all issues of regional development, so thermopile is necessary as a mechanism of analysis of current issues, economic development, and in the forward-looking version — as a tool future vision for the fuel and energy complex, energy threats and ways of overcoming them. The variety of relationships in the energy sector with other sectors and aspects of society lead to the fact that the development of the fuel and energy balance of the region have to go beyond the actual energy sector, involving the analysis of other sectors of economy, as well as systems such as banking, budgetary, legislative, tax. Due to the complexity of the discussed problems, the obvious is the need to develop appropriate forecast-analytical system, allowing regional authorities to implement evidence-based predictions of the consequences of management decisions. Multivariant scenario study on development of fuel and energy complex and separately industry, to use the methods of project-based management, harmonized application of state regulation of strategic and market mechanisms on the operational directions of development of fuel and energy complex and separately industry in the economy of the region.
In the article, some results of modeling of regional transport network on the basis of the model of its hypergraph are presented. That allows to formalize the large volume of diverse data in the conditions of their incompleteness and stand as an allocation and solution of transport and logistic tasks for space of the whole region. The method of multiobjective optimization, realized according to the principle of dual management on the basis of the hypergraph and its clustering, gives the option to reason and range the segments of network according to both the criterion of fitting of infrastructure condition to the target indicators of the realized strategy of region’s development, and the return influence of transport infrastructure on development of region’s economy. Usually, for the transport tasks solved by the hypergraph theory, the static statement is used, the algorithm of dual management applied by the authors allows to solve a problem of the network optimization in dynamics of initial information. Approbation of the offered method is carried out on the example of Sverdlovsk region. The network is analyzed on the compliance with the most probable scenario set in the program and strategic documents. The conclusion according to the results made about the priority development paths connecting development areas and the transport network clusters corresponding to them.
Author Osipenko K. V.,The object of research is a tourist region. Theoretical and methodological basis of research is the methods of scientific cognition, statistical and mathematical analysis. The author suggests the interpretation of the mega-region, in terms of an integrated approach. Theoretical basis of territorial organization of world market of tourist services are generalized, the modern tendencies of international tourism are analyzed, evaluation of structural changes of basic indicators of development of world market of tourist services is given. The perspectives of development of regional tourist markets is marked. The practical value of research results allows to predict the perspectives of development of the world market of tourist services in the context of regionalization. Conducted research testifies the positive dynamics of international tourism of structural changes of export of tourist services in the regions of the world (with prevailing of European and Asian — Pacific region), substantial changes in the regional structure of income as for relatively international arrival. Predictions for all of them indicate positive tendencies to the increase of international arrival.
Altai Kray is intensively developing agricultural region with a high and diverse production and economic potential in the Siberian Federal District of Russia. The economic characteristics of the region, the structure of the gross regional product, where the share of agricultural production accounts for more than 16 % are given. The rating of the region for the production of food commodities is given, and the self-sufficiency level of the area in having basic food commodities is provided. The conclusion about referring the Altai Kray to agro-oriented territories of the Russian Federation, which make a special and significant contribution to food independence is made. The criteria by which it is possible to classify regions as special-important agricultural areas is given. The estimation of potential climatic zones of the region in terms of production, rural employment, directions, etc. is made. An analysis and comparison of production volume of the main agricultural products with the state support in the Altai Kray are carried out. The characteristics of the current model of the market state regulation for agricultural products is given. The permitted level of support for the WTO agriculture in the world is provided. The conditions and consequences of membership of the Russian Federation in the WTO on the certain product sectors of agriculture are summarized.
The competitive financing of scientific research is the tool selection of perspective projects through means of the qualified scientific examination of demands, and it is rigid control of the level of carried-out works. The decision about allocation of a new grant is depending on the success of performance and level of publications according to the previous researcher’s projects. Currently, there are not quantitative techniques for assessment of competitive scientific efficiency in the economics. Purpose. Objective of this research is elaboration of quantitative indicator for efficiency assessment of competitive financing. Methodology. Authors analyzed financing and scientific reporting data that is derived from the scientific organizations of one of the regional offices of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2010-2013th. Results. As a result, of the conducted researches author’s approach to a quantitative assessment of efficiency of competitive financing scientific research in different fields of knowledge and different problems of competitions is presented. Authors offered the index of scientific productivity showing change of generation of new knowledge at change of financing on one monetary unit. Authors proved existence of direct proportionality of a share of published articles by results of basic research from a share of the won competitive financing according to the set programs of research for all types of competitive financing that testifies to the high importance of competitive financing for effective development of science. It is empirically received that the value of coefficient correlation of dynamics of financing and the published works within implementation of the project is higher, the index of scientific productivity is higher. Conclusions. The analysis of results of competitive financing of scientific projects showed high return of this type of stimulation of scientific creativity, and also the possibility of a quantitative assessment of productivity of scientific projects.
Author Gurova Ye. P,In connection with the recent crises has become more urgent topic of estimating the probability of bankruptcy of financial institutions. However, do not analyze the level of bankruptcies in the «regional banking systems» and its dependence on certain bank characteristics, the economic situation in the region. The subject of this study is to estimate the probability of medium-sized («non-capital») regional banks bankruptcy. Purpose of the article is to identify the main factors that have the greatest impact on the probability of default of the situation of regional banks. The study used an analytical and theoretical method is conducted econometric analysis. For performance revealed a significant difference in the factors influencing the onset of medium-sized regional situation of default («non-capital») banks, compared with larger banks. First to assess the likelihood of bankruptcy is used the concentration index of banks included in the model and significant macro variables. Results are applicable, from our point of view, the evaluation and more precise definition of the probability of default CBR regional banks.
In economic literature, the idea that inflation increases inflation uncertainty, starting by Okun (1971) and later resuming as Friedman — Ball Hypothesis, has created new discussions about the degree and the direction of the relationship between both variables. The aim of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty and compare the causal relationship for high and low inflation periods in Turkish Economy. The data used in the study are monthly and cover the period of 1988-2010. The whole period has been divided into two sub-periods as 1988-2004 and 2004-2010 to compare high and low inflation periods. In this study, in order to get data on the inflation uncertainty, the optimal ARIMA model was estimated by using Kalman Filter analysis technique. The relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty was finally tested by using Granger Causality analysis for two periods.
Author Turygin O. M.,Russian economy requires the considerable volume of investment. Investment requires sufficient quantity of investment resources, which can be created both from internal, and of external sources. Russia’s domestic savings, exceeds the majority of the largest developing countries, however in size of investments significant yields. Capital export by private sector is much more than attraction foreign investments. The state also exports the considerable amount the equity in the form of the currency holdings which size is much higher than minimum necessary level. In total, excess of export of financial resources over import is 7,3 % of gross domestic product that doesn’t allow to allocate these funds for investments. Restriction of capital export with a private sector and decrease in excess state reserves in foreign assets is the compulsory provisions necessary for the achievement of a long-term strong growth by the Russian economy.
In the work, the results of multiple-factor interrelation of indicators of efficiency of a regional control system and the main indicators of socio-economic development of territories, results of the analysis of interrelation of indicators of activity of local governments and indicators of socio-economic development of municipalities on the basis of the modern economic-mathematical device are presented. For the use of formal tools of the initial analysis of correlations the socio-economic system of the region is presented in space of the main indicators of socio-economic development of the territory, indicators of efficiency of bodies of the regional power and efficiency of local governments. The analysis is made on values of the indicators calculated for regions of the Russian Federation during 2008-2010 and on values of eleven indicators, calculated for the Volgograd region during 2010-2012. Weak dependence between the subject — object signs as economic systems of mesolevel, and signs of municipal control systems is, as a result, established. The technique of an assessment of efficiency of executive authorities applied now at various levels of managing allows to estimate their activity only on the generalized statistics, which are not reflecting the specific tasks, conditions and features of various regions. It demands further development of existing approaches to an assessment of efficiency of public administration in the direction of the accounting of strategic reference points of the territory, formation of adequate system of indicators, and also development of methodical tools of regional measurements.
This article discusses the theoretical issues of creating an enabling business environment, which is the base platform for the successful development of entrepreneurship in the regions. Provides A definition of a favorable institutional configuration of the regional business environment, which refers to forms of implementing the basic institutions and other regional institutions, taking into account existing regional system of formal and informal interaction between economic actors. States that despite the measures taken, the landscape of the Russian business community in terms of regions, remains uneven, with different indices of investment and business attractiveness, there is differentiation in business conditions in the regions with similar natural and geographical conditions and resource potential, which is primarily determined by , differences in the institutional configuration of the regional business environment and quality of interaction among the business community of the region. Hypothesis about the impossibility of creating a favorable business environment, institutional configurations at the same time in all regions of the country, as well as its limited duration. Conducted theoretical and probabilistic analysis of the parameters of creating an enabling institutional configuration of the business environment in the Russian regions. Grounded approach whereby institutional configuration of regional business environment, may be subject to management and control actions through targeted by the regional authorities can accept the specified (favorable to the business community) parameters. The necessity of planning and effective management of a favorable institutional configuration of the business environment by regional authorities to increase the period of its existence.
Russia’s reasons for the continuing need of the foreign labor influx were researched. Forecast of the interdependent labor market development and migration processes in the regions of Russian is proposed as a scientific basis for better regulation of the international labor migration. The genesis of approaches to migration modeling, revealing the lack of tools for the simultaneous prediction of migration processes and the labor market was studied. A developed model complex allows to predict: 1) migration flows, determined by the wages level difference and the distance between the country of origin and the destination regions, number of potential migrants in countries of origin and the number of migrants who arrived earlier in the regions of destination; 2) migrants’ employment in the region, considering changes in the job availability as a result of the migrants influx to the regional labor markets, characterized by search tensions; 3) the level of wages in the region, considering the bargaining power of the worker. The application of the model complex to the statistical data resulted in obtaining of the forecast flows of migrants in the Russian regions from the CIS and their influence on the regional labor markets development up to 2020. Based on this forecast, the recommendations to improve the management of the international labor migration in the Russian regions were developed.
The main objective of the study was to develop a number and structure forecast of the rural population in Russia (2020-2040), based on the scenario approach. Predictive modeling of alternative scenarios of demographic development of the village was conducted in accordance with the phases of the national priorities and strategic objectives in the field of population development. Seven scenarios of the demographic development of the Russian village until 2040 were developed, simulating the change of parameters of fertility, a death rate, and migration, determining population dynamics and structure of the rural population. According to the received information, the rural population of the Russian Federation could be decreased from 37.1 million people (2014) to 29, 3-34, 7 million people (2040). In this case, all the scenarios show decrease in people of the working age and women of childbearing age. It was noted that the reduction of the working-age rural population limits opportunities for the rural areas economic development, and the measures of the active population policies have a short-term effect. The study shows that an additional set of measures of the active population policy, considering the inertia of the processes of the population reproduction, is advised to be implemented before 2015.