Arhive: #2 2005
Author Tatarkin A. I.,Insufficient consideration or ignoring the spatial factor, as a rule, leads to serious errors in the management of socio-economic development of any economic object on macro, meso, mini- or micro level of the economy. Spot, formal representation of economic processes makes it impossible to take into account the diverse positive and negative impact on the development of the regions (especially regions, the transport component of production costs, etc.). It is well known old Russian proverb characterizing spatial factor: "Beyond the Sea heifer - mite, but the ruble ferry!". Simple human experience that are not taken into account the spatial factor in economic management is impossible. This is even more true in the management of the development of a large regional socio-economic system of rank economic area or the Federal District.
The technique of benchmarking (comparative) analysis of regional socio-economic systems in statics and dynamics based on cliometric approach. It is supposed to build cliometric analysis is not only based on the counterfactual hypotheses and mathematical apparatus, but also with economic and geographical methods of monitoring socio-economic processes in the territories of different levels of development.
Author Loginov V. G.,This article, prepared under a grant RHF and integration project with UB RAS Siberian Branch, discusses institutional changes in the environment of indigenous peoples in the period of economic transformation in Russia. The development of institutional economics allowed to combine the tools of evolutionary analysis of the dynamics of development of the formalism of transformation of economic institutions. For complex characteristics of the object of research in the study of the problems of socio-economic development of the northern territories combined institutional and evolutionary approach, economic, sociological and geographic methods.
Author Burkov S. M.,The article deals with the general principles and mechanisms for the use of the regional factor in conducting an active integration policy. Analyzes the contradictions of the integration processes, manifested at the regional and interregional levels, the general characteristic of already established regional integration models and guide their optimization.
The article reviewed and refined the methodological principles of the integration strategy, including a comprehensive, systematic, programmatic and social responsibility of the government. An algorithm for evaluation and use the integration potential of the local industrial area.
Author Sukhovey A. F.,The article analyzes the characteristics of modern forms of organization of innovative activity abroad and in Russia. Particular attention is given to innovative areas. It shows their importance as centers of activation of innovative processes and modernization of the economy in the regions. Actual problems of the legal framework that supports the territorial forms of organization of innovative activity in the Russian Federation.
Presented activities of the laboratory of mathematical modeling of power systems (LMME) Physical Energy Institute of Latvian Academy of Sciences. The focus is on new technologies - dynamic modeling of power systems and methods for optimizing the development of the sector, taking into account the human factor.
Author Bykova Y. V.,Methodical approaches to modeling the relationship of indicators of economic and energy security of the Republic of Moldova. The developed model allows to obtain quantitative parameters of the relationship indicators of five sectors of the economy in the region (Energy, production, employment, standard of living, food). The results obtained can be used for planning and forecasting.
Author Tkachenko I. N.,The dependence of the quality of corporate governance of corporate value. The problems of ensuring the competence of the board members, their independence and professional level. Proposed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the board members. Comparing the practice of good corporate governance with the results of empirical research conducted by the author in 1999 - 2005 years. corporate type enterprises of the Ural region.
The factors with the greatest impact on the level of competitiveness of agricultural products in the region (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region). Among the important factors include unit cost of production, specialization and concentration of production, technological factors, especially the formation of the competitive behavior of the heads of agricultural enterprises.
The article describes the theoretical and methodological foundations and methodological trips to the assessment of the socio-economic well-being as one of the areas most relevant aspects of the study of the territorial socio-economic systems. The results of the comparative evaluation of intraregional differences in the levels of socio-economic well-being of municipalities located in the Sverdlovsk region.
Methodical questions of diagnosing drug situation in the territory. It shows the composition of performance indicators to assess the state of the drugs situation in the regions. The approaches to the determination of the key indicators of the drug situation - the actual number of drug users, a critical mass of drug addicts, the damage caused by drug addiction. Given the results of the diagnosis of the drug situation for Urals Federal District for the period 1999 - 2003 years. The main directions of work to counter the spread of drug addiction and neutralize its effects within the county.
Author Biktimirova Z. Z.,The article is devoted to methodological aspects of measurement and evaluation of the quality of life, including at the regional level. The correlation concepts of well-being and quality of life. A feature of the work is that the author considers the quality of life and well-being in relation, highlighting the need to form a background to this approach. The analysis and grouping approaches to assessing quality of life. The features of regional statistics to be considered when analyzing the quality of life. Is a system of indicators, compiled with the possibilities of modern official statistics.
Author Kozlova O. A.,The article deals with the most pressing problems of women's employment. The factors, historically and traditionally predetermined the lower socio-labor status of women. The analysis of current trends and dynamics of female employment on the example of the Sverdlovsk region. It proposes measures to improve the quality of women's employment.