Arhive: #2 2011
Author Aganbegyan A. G.,The paper identifies a number of key areas of economic modernization - modernization of property, modernization of financial system, modernization of regional governance and modernization of social sphere. The problems that arise in these areas and their solutions are noted. Disclosure of modernization of the real sector of the economy is made. Mechanisms of technological renovation and restructuring, the sources of the rapid modernization of public production are defined. Modernization of property includes: mass privatization of state property, aimed at its commercial use and creation of favorable economic environment for small business development. Modernization of the financial system must follow the path of reducing the tax burden on business and increasing the role of banks (assets of the banks should not be less than 150% of GDP). Technological upgrade in the real sector will allow raising productivity by 2-3 times in the next 7-10 years, to halve energy intensity of GDP, to create material conditions for manufacturing of innovative products. The restructuring will help diversify the economic structure and exports, create competitive advantages for taking leading position in the field of aerospace engineering, production and export of electricity and electric machine manufacturing products, production of finished goods made from synthetic materials of forest products over time to become the world's leader. A prerequisite condition of rapid modernization are doubling investment rate on the basis of large-scale privatization, redemption of government bonds, formation of the Russian market funds of "long" money (funded pensions, insurance, mutual funds and development of banking system).
Author Glazyev S. Yu.,This paper reveals the essence of the program proposed by author on preemptive measures to develop the Russian economy in terms of a global depression. The distinctive features of the present global crisis and the prospects of overcoming it are identified. We propose three possible scenarios for the world economy after the crisis: 1) the scenario of quick withdrawal to a long wave of economic growth (optimistic); 2) the catastrophic scenario; 3) the inertial scenario. The key idea of forming a national strategy for accelerated development lies in: the timely establishment of basic industries, the new technological order and early withdrawal of the Russian economy on the associated new long wave of growth, increasing the power of multiple domestic banking and investment system; economic stabilization and creating a zone of sustainable development in the regions of the Eurasian Economic Community and the CIS. Taking into account the experience of anti-crisis policy of foreign countries, strategic mistakes in the planning of anti-crisis measures are identified. In the analysis of national anti-crisis policies and assessing the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures it is justified that the same mistakes were made in Russia. To overcome them, it is required to provide consistency of macroeconomic policies with the priorities of long-term economic and technological development. It might be achieved by concentrating resources on the development of advanced industrial and technological systems that require dedicated work of the national financial and investment system, including the mechanisms of monetary, fiscal and foreign exchange policy. Conceptual parameters of the strategic planning system that can identify promising areas of economic growth as well as guide the development of state institutions to implement them are formulated. The elements of such a system created in Russia in recent years and requiring its introduction are defined. The efficiency of the proposed measures of fiscal, monetary and exchange rate, industrial and social policy is substantiated. It is proposed to target: tax policy on the reduction of the tax burden on all kinds of innovative and high-tech activities, priority allocation of budgetary resources on the support of critically important state expenditures on the formation of a new technological structure, monetary and exchange rate policy on the expansion of reproduction and formation of a new technological system nucleus, protection of the Russian financial market from outside threats, expanding the use of rubles in international settlements, industrial policy - on the stimulation of growth points in the overall depressed environment, social policy - on the maintenance of an acceptable level of social infrastructure and the capacity for self-realization of the citizens. Thus, in this paper the main formulated points can be used to update the strategy of modernization and economic development in Russia in terms of the global depression.
This paper reviews socio-economic factors that cause the need for modernization of social development in the Russian Federation. Among the most significant ones, structural imbalances in the Russian economy and low efficiency of public administration system are identified. The authors have disclosed the nature and content of the modernization process. Taking into account the opinions of famous Russian scientists and economists, its implementation principles have been systematically identified and highlighted: 1) systematic and consistent solutions to problems of economic development; 2) targeted direction of the consolidation of Russian society; 3) socially and environmentally oriented development strategy; 4) scientific support of modernization; 5) improvement of regulatory and supervisory role of the state at all stages of modernization process. The paper specifies the shape and structural elements of modernization in Russia, including large-scale renovation of production through the formation of advanced sixth and seventh elements of technological structures, training of advanced specialists capable of servicing high-tech equipment; establishment of institutions of innovative development, formation of financial and credit sources for modernization. In conclusion, the authors justified theoretical and methodological approaches to evaluating the final result of modernization, the human development index is suggested to be used as the indicator.
Author Tsvetkov V. A.,This paper shows the concept of modernization, its main areas related to the commodity sector and transport infrastructure are identified, it is proposed to consider the application in relation to the modernization of modernization of the commodity sector. The author connects the need to modernize the Russian economy with the task of doubling GDP, correcting structural imbalances, reducing the technological gap with the developed world, overcoming social polarization in income, fighting inflation and smoothing the growth of inter-regional contrasts. The aim of modernizing the Russian economy is to achieve high competitiveness of the national economy, which would put the Russian Federation in terms of living standards among the most developed countries, and would provide a decent position in the world. The fact that "breakthrough" sectors of the sixth technological structure cannot be the starting point of modernization is substantiated. The concept of national competitiveness is reviewed. The lack of a complete model of modernization in the world is highlighted. Two main areas in relation to the modernization of the Russian Federation are identified: modernization of the commodity sector, which should represent applied modernization based on the comparative advantages of the Russian economy; with respect to functionally interrelated industries (fuel and energy complex and the oil-gas) and upgrading of transport infrastructure, which is so effective because of unique transit facilities and prospects of Russia.
Author Romanova O. A.,This paper analyzes various points of view on understanding the industry as a system. It is shown that in a globalized economy the creation of industries that are closely related to each other, lead to an erosion of their borders. This allowed the use of the emerging new vision of macroindustry creation, the so-called concept of "strategic re-engineering", as the basis for the concept of the new industrial system proposed in this paper. Conditions of formation of a new industrial system are illustrated in relation to the economy of one of the largest industrial regions of Russia - the Ural Federal District. Among them are: investment climate, structural imbalance, damped trend of post-crisis reconstruction, failure to involve the modernization component of the implemented economic growth model etc. Determining factor to form a new industrial system, which is the industrial policy, was defined. It was confirmed on specific examples that for the upgrading of the industrial system of the Urals the appropriate tools are such as industrial policy selection of "backbone" companies at the regional level and formation of not only federal but also regional technological platforms. The expediency of forming clusters to be used as a tool for determining the formation of a new industrial system has been substantiated. A special significance for the economy not only of the Urals but the country as a whole, formation of the rare earth cluster was displayed. A draft of the Federal Law "On the regional industrial policy in Russia" was proposed. It is proven that industrial policy based on a common legal framework in the presence of "external" conditions of modernization will be a major factor in the structural modernization of the industrial system of a region.
Author Kaliuzhnova N. Y.,This paper discusses the problem of identifying the institutions that influence the development of regions. A systematization of regional development institutions is implemented. Institutions of macro-, meso-, micro- and nano-levels of the economy affecting regional development are highlighted; at each level of the economy the institutions functioning properly and development institutions are also highlighted. The institutions are also systematically divided by type of adjustable rules. The role of institutions in the concept of regional competitiveness is examined. The indexes of regional competitiveness indicators, excluding the institutional environment of regions, are criticized. It is noted that the concept of regional competitiveness considers the region as an economic entity, which can and must prove its right to income with its economic performance, rather than capital status or informal practices of receiving transfers. Formation of the region and the competitiveness of a business entity depends on the maturity of the regional elites and their consolidation, as well as the institutional environment that encourages regional development and prevents monopoly of certain regions. The results of the quantitative analysis of the impact of institutions on the performance of regional development are presented. In particular, the influence of institutions such as corruption, small business and institutional trust is reviewed. The level of corruption is measured by the CPI index, its impact on economic growth in the sample of 12 countries that are close to Russia in terms of development, as well as at the level of Russian regions is considered. According to 2009-2010, the impact on regional development of the newly created development institutions such as foundations to promote small and medium enterprises, regional mortgage funds, special economic zones and regional venture capital funds is analyzed.
Author Belykh V. S.,The results of theoretical analysis of the approaches to the definition of "economic modernization" in the light of the legal field of entrepreneurial activity development are presented in this paper. The conclusion is grounded that human socialization, formation of a new community - of modern society - is the ultimate goal, which is located at the top of the paradigm of the modernization of Russia. Under the modernization of the economy it is proposed to understand the kind of economic activities aimed at eliminating the gap between Russia and developed Western countries. This type of activity is proposed to be protected by the Code of Entrepreneurship, in the structure of which such sections as "business associations", "securities market", "government regulation of business" etc. should take their places. The model of the future of the Code should be focused on the block of state regulation of the business. In parallel with the Code of Entrepreneurship, it is required to develop and adopt a Federal Law "On the basis of economic management of the Russian Federation", and also to improve the legislation on the state control of processes of mergers and acquisitions, nationalization, de-privatization and state property management. The possibility and the need to develop a new concept of management of the national economy of Russia - the concept of socially responsible capitalism - is substantiated.
Modernization theory, interpreted as a civilizational shift from traditional agrarian to a modern industrial society, allows considering innovations as the conditions necessary and sufficient for this transformation. Russia of the XIX century was characterized by similar processes. The transition to the new industrial technology foundation began decades before the abolition of serfdom. This paper tells about the experience of modernization of metallurgical production at Nizhny Tagil plants of Demidovs in 1840-1850. It is noted that export orientation of iron and steel in Western Europe played a powerful incentive to improve the technical and technological base of the mountain plants of the Middle Urals. Also important is the fact that the Demidovs administration has sought means to minimize the number of intermediaries in the sale of their products. The administration has sought ways to help commissioners get responses back from direct consumers of iron produced in Nizhny Tagil plants. Demidovs were interested, as they assessed the quality of the metal, which "internal properties" they would like to see in their iron in order to successfully use it in the production process. In turn, the domestic market was practicing somewhat different approach to trading metals - a network of regional sales offices in most major economic centers was functioning to better know the requirements for the quality of the metal and the volume of its production plan in line with the real needs of specific types of iron and copper. At the same time, the contradictory nature of the modernization process itself, in particular, the reluctance of the management of enterprises pass on the use of coal as a primary fuel source is highlighted. In fact, the use of coal Nizhny Tagil plants began to implement only in 1880, which did not stop Demidovs during the post-reform period to increase volumes of metal smelting on the old industrial-energy base.
Public-private partnership is a relatively new but very promising tool to modernize the Russian economy. The existing regulatory framework in Russia for the public-private partnership projects remains incomplete. Gaps and shortcomings in the law will always be, any law is not perfect and can be improved indefinitely. The Federal Law "On Concession Agreements" is no exception. However, many legal gaps which are characteristic for the existing regulatory and legal framework for public-private partnerships can be eliminated or narrowed due to more detailed project preparation. The industry-specific public-private partnerships' peculiarities especially need to be clarified as well as stages of preparation of concession agreements, the contents of contracts, the order of cash payments etc. We should agree with the position of those economists who believe that an important feature of public-private partnership in Russia could become the concept of "the state is following business," referring to the joint efforts to overcome the infrastructure constraints in the implementation of specific strategic projects. However, in the traditional sense, the public-private partnership demonstrates the opposite, i.e. it is characterized by the concept of "business follows the state", based on which the state is making some efforts to attract private capital into infrastructure development. A certain set of problems and risks of building public-private partnerships in Russia has already formed; they not only form some of its content specificity, but also inhibit its spreading across the country. The experts distinguish the following frequent problems and risks: - High level of corruption, which determines significant risk to comply with the partnership agreements; - Unfavorable and not perfect legal environment for the formation and development of public-private partnership; - Low level of confidence in the economy and society in general. Of particular importance to improve the efficiency of public-private partnership in Russia today is the development of broad competition. Preservation of old relations, exclusive access to the participation in the most profitable public-private partnership projects does not stimulate the development of cooperation between business and government.
Author Golova I. M.,The basic problems and contradictions of regional innovation policy formation in Russia are revealed. The need to move the Russian economy on an innovative way of development is seen as a condition of economic security. With the usage of global experience, priorities in innovational activity of Russian companies and measures to address systemic gaps between science and industry are grounded. Particular attention is paid to the legal aspects of the state innovational policy. Methodological approaches to the formation of regional innovational policy in the Russian Federation, taking into account the spatial distribution of the scientific, technical and production capacities of the country, their state and structure are revealed. The necessity of a major upgrade of the existing system of intergovernmental relations as a prerequisite for building a functioning innovation system is substantiated. The proposals on division of competence between the Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation in the regulation of relations in science, technology and innovations are given.
Author Akberdina V. V. Grebenkin A. V.,The questions related to the evaluation of industrial modernization possibilities of nanotechnology are reviewed in this paper, restrictive barriers are marked, the author's typology of levels of nanotechnological developments' interaction provided. The author shows models which formalize the diffusion of nanotechnology - a model of technological dynamics and a model of nanotechnologøñôä modernization. A large part of the paper is devoted to methodological approaches to the assessment of synergistic effects of nanotechnology, such as technological roadmaps, the analysis of external effects, optional theory and dynamic analysis of market structure. A new typology of interaction levels between nanotechnology and industrial operating systems, taking into account the direction and depth of their interaction, is suggested. Three types of functions of nanotechnological developments are highlighted: addition, substitution and field construction. A matrix of levels and types of interaction of nanotechnology to their functions is constructed and a model of interaction between nanotechnology and traditional technologies as well. The bases for evaluating the synergetic effect of nanotechnology are technological roadmaps, which possible scenarios are reflected in the modified inter-sectoral balance. Using roadmaps for evaluating the effects of nanotechnology will not only review the likely scenarios and their potential profitability, but also help to choose the optimal path in terms of resource cost and socio-economic, fiscal and environmental performance of nanotechnologies. Synergetic effects are conditioned by additional benefits or costs of socio-economic system due to changes in its structure, so the effects can be evaluated through positive or negative externalities. The synergistic effect of nanotechnology can be defined as the non-vicarious quantitative market effect for subjects who are not participating in the creation or consumption of nanotechnology. For the evaluation of synergistic effects of nanotechnology implementation, an optional theory can be used; in particular, such parameters as an option on the timing of the project, the option to reject the project, the option to carry out sequential investment, the option for the extension, the option to decline and the option to suspension can be used.
Against the backdrop of critique on the German model of capitalism in general, and German public policy in particular as to the ability to successfully adjust to rapid change and exogenous shocks in wake of economic globalisation, this paper investigates the degree of shock persistence in foreign direct investment (FDI) of ten German manufacturing industries for the period 1976 to 2003. Theory on exports and non-FDI investment suggests that FDI should exhibit a considerable degree of shock persistence because they are subject to high sunk costs because of high entry and exit costs associated with the high level of asset specificity that is normally connected to FDI. Persistence in foreign direct investment time series data is established by applying various unit root tests. The results are robust to the potential presence of structural breaks in the data. The empirical analysis shows that German outward FDI in mature manufacturing industries, with one exception, exhibits a high degree of shock persistence. The results suggest, at least for mature German industries, that the sunk costs view on shock persistency is confirmed for outward FDI. The results furnish evidence for a tentative assessment of the relationship between German public policy and FDI strategies of multinational firms.
This paper presents an overview of the Chinese industry development industry over the past twenty years. It is shown that on the power and industrial output, China is on the same level with the flagships of the world economy. Most important factor in its economy is industrialization, which is regarded in China as one of the areas of modernization. The analysis showed that manufacturing capacity can produce major industrial products in the amounts almost entirely matching the needs of the country. At the same time, a low technical level of China's industrial production is seen. An assessment of the industrial modernization state in the dynamics of labour productivity and the industrial structure as well as the impact on the environment is made. An expert assessment found that modernization of China's industry will be completed in about 2040s, but the modernization of industry can create new problems. Among such problems, the following are marked: search for a path to modernization of industry, forming a model of technical delivery based on independent innovational activity, search for lasting and sustainable development of the Chinese industry, ensuring a balanced development of capital-and labour-intensive industries, timely reconstruction of the enterprises, elimination of excessive capacity, rational combination between the national industry modernization rate and the internationalization of production.
Author Henry T. Palowski,This paper traces the development of cost driver theory in the Strategy literature and reflects on misinterpretations of the strategic significance of the theory in related academic disciplines, notably Management Accounting. Management Accounting has largely been responsible for informing costing practice in a wide range of organizational settings. The paper considers one such application- i.e. the case of the Higher Education Funding Council’s (HEFC) costing and pricing initiative for UK universities. The project was completed just under five years ago, although details of implementation are still ongoing, to a degree. The systems in place incorporate most of the theoretical flaws outlined in this paper. Rather than providing cost driver analysis to aid the strategic management process in universities, the system appears to represent little more than a compliance and reporting framework between university central administrations and the funding provider, HEFC.
Author Porfiryev B. N.,This paper analyzes the current situation in the sphere of alternative energy engineering in Russia. On the one hand, the national economy and the population in general do not have problems with energy supply and Russia in general is the world's largest exporter of energy. On the other hand, centralized energy supply covers only one third of its territory and two-thirds are in the area of decentralized and autonomous power supply. In the current situation, energy sources that are independent of centralized networks based on clean technologies are a promising alternative. The paper assesses the current state of alternative energy development in the world and in Russia, its potential and prospects. It was found out that development and qualitative improvement of the regulatory framework should have priority for alternative energy mastering in Russia as well as active joint action of government, business and civic leaders to gradually consolidate in public consciousness and behaviour of a new culture of energy consumption based on the rules of economy and environmental safety. The analysis of the proposals for the development of alternative energy industries in Russia was made. Particular attention is paid to energy saving experience and energy efficiency in housing services and public utilities. Questions on the creation and development of formal and informal institutions of non-conventional energy sources usage are asked.
This paper reviews the status and features of the development of key sectors of mechanical engineering in the Republic of Udmurtia in an increasingly competitive and globalized economy. The dynamics of a number of key indicators of financial and economic activity has been analyzed. Basing on the analysis, negative trends indicating a weakening of the industrial enterprises in the region and established before the global financial crisis and the factors strengthening efforts of its negative impact have been revealed. These changes require from the management of the enterprises active action for strategic restructuring aimed at obtaining extra competitive advantages and ensuring further development. As a mechanism to overcome these phenomena, the use of a model based on the formation of integrated corporate structures of holding type, with additional benefits in today's global competition in the markets of industrial products and the forthcoming accession of Russia to the WTO has been suggested, allowing post-crisis development of the innovative scenario. As a result of the analysis of the dynamics and parameters of the structuring of the industry's key assets revealed that these transformations are carried out with participation of both big business and the state acting in this process in the name of state corporations.
Author Dushin A. V.,This paper gives a brief analysis of the current situation in geology, and makes suggestions for its modernization. As a result of the spontaneous transformation of the institutional environment in subsoil resources management, an institutional trap which hinders the reproduction of mineral resources was formed. On the one hand, the geological assets in the current institutional environment are not attractive for business, and on the other hand, the mechanisms of public funding of geological exploration are being eliminated. The solution of the identified problems, in the opinion of the author, is in an active and systematic implementation of public resources policy in the following areas: balance in the division of responsibility between government and business, balance of responsibilities between the center and regions, liberalization of geological services market and improvement of national resource regime efficiency. Since the early 90s of the last century, there were the processes of deindustrialization and industry primitivization in the Russian economy. Modernization of geology in this paper is defined as an improvement and alignment with current and anticipated requirements of all sectors and areas of the industry functioning. According to the author, it should be brought into compliance with restoration and development of the industrial potential of Russia. The paper identified possible promising directions of domestic industry and geological mineral resources development taking into account the formation of a new technological order. Geological exploration is a sector that creates the resource base for the breathrough industry, including sectors of the new technological order. The need for new materials determines the need for new ideas and new solutions in exploration, production and extraction of mineral resources. Currently, however, we must note that Russia is losing its position in the field of high technologies, both in technological and in resource section. To ensure sustained economic growth in the future, we should base on the accelerated development of raw materials for high-tech industries.
This paper discusses development of modernization processes in the Russian industrial enterprises. The object of the current study is the JSC "Perm Company of petroleum machinery-producing industry". It has been manufacturing oilfield service products of various kinds. It is shown that the impact of modernization on the enterprise depends not only on the local effectiveness of selected solutions, but also on the overall strategy of sustainable development. Modernization is a strategic planning tool. Taking into account the need for a comprehensive approach to strategic development and modernization, the top five stages of the development strategy of the company were mentioned: 1) analysis of internal and external environment; 2) definition of the mission and goals; 3) choice of strategy and baseline scenarios; 4) development of basic strategy; 5) implementation of the strategy. At each stage, methods and tools for strategic planning, as well as the tools of modernization are defined. The relationship between modernization and development strategy of the company is shown. It was revealed that an integrated approach to the modernization and incremental implementation are the basics for the use of a hierarchical system of optimization models to describe the process of manufacturing company modernization. As the target model of the upper level, financial performance of the company is defined. This approach has the following advantages over the point upgrading - reducing the probability of omission of important limitations and ineffective use of resources during the transition to modernization of the company. Basing on the main strategic goals, main directions and tasks of modernization, which are integrated into the tree ends were formed. A thesis was substantiated that he essence of modernization lies in the continuity of mutually complex processes of improving all its directions. For the JSC "Perm Company of petroleum machinery-producing industry" grocery modernization was determined as a priority goal. The authors have developed a model of economic efficiency of each final product in terms of operating profitability and the investment component of production (optimal allocation of investments). To simplify the solution of problems of technical and product upgrading, it was suggested to join them in the task of business units. This enabled us to present the company as an economic system with a hierarchical management structure centered on the resources distribution point. The proposed systemic approach can be considered as a methodological basis for the modernization of a production company.
Author Pozdnyakova E. A.,This paper substantiates the need for technological modernization of ferroalloy production which should be based on energy- and resource-saving technologies. Lean-technology is considered as a tool for effective management of material costs organization. A search algorithm for ways to improve the manufacturing process of a company, with which usage the author suggests a number of areas that require optimization, was developed. Measures aimed at solving the problems of resource-saving at JSC "Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant" were proposed: introduction of resource saving technologies, suggesting involvement in the production of non-liquid products and the use of process waste and upgrading of individual processes. As a result of the proposed activities, tangible results have been achieved: reducing production costs, saving raw materials, reducing storage costs and release of additional areas, decrease of production losses.
Chemical industry plays an important role in the development of the domestic economy as one of the basic facilities of Russia's economy, laying the foundation for its long-term and stable development. As a major supplier of raw materials, intermediates, and products of various materials (plastics, chemical fibers, tires, paints and varnishes, dyes, fertilizers, feed additives, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment etc.) in almost all sectors of industry, agriculture, health care, human services, commerce, science, culture and education, defense industry, chemical complex has direct impact on the efficiency of their operation and development in these new directions. Therefore, the condition and development of domestic chemistry determines the level of national competitiveness, economic growth and Russia's wealth. However, like most industries in Russia today, chemical industry is going through a difficult period. The presence of a set of common economic problems (identified by technological backwardness and high depreciation, low innovation activity of domestic enterprises of the chemical complex, a lack of effectiveness of the investment process, infrastructure and resource constraints etc.), as well as internal management problems causes the rapid growth of interest of uncompetitive Russian chemical products on the world market. Under these conditions, not only a radical adjustment of the internal control systems and chemical plants, but also a significant organizational and economic change is required. Thus, unless we take measures to improve the domestic chemical industry in the coming years, almost all of it grow back and may get into the situation of struggle for survival.
This paper reviews trends in post-crisis development of metallurgy of the region. An assessment of the achieved level of technological development of the regional industry, the features of innovation and technological upgrading, conditions and factors are identified, as well as industry issues and limitations of innovation development of the metallurgical complex in the region are made. The possibilities and goals for the effective development of metallurgy for the period up to 2020 are substantiated. As tools for solving the tasks discussed, the following ones are suggested: deepening the processes of modernization and usage of modern technology and intellectual capital. The principles of strategic priorities formation for technological development of the industry are reviewed. Justification of the main innovative modernization priorities of the metallurgical complex in the region is made. These include: expansion of metal products manufacturing with high value added, provision of resources for development of high-tech sector aimed at production of new materials. The expediency of structural reforms continuation in the mining and metallurgical complex with its further integration into the global economy, as well as resource efficiency plus reduction of harmful effects on the environment was substantiated.
This paper analyzes practice and development of new methodological approaches to forecasting the development of regional energy systems. It is shown that the energy complex is involved in a variety of forward and backward linkages as an element of socio-economic systems, and the quality and availability of energy resources largely determines the structure and pace of economic, social and environmental development of the region. Analysis of existing current practice of territorial and sectoral forecasting implemented in Russia and abroad, suggests that such practice is inadequate in its theoretical and methodological elaboration. This is confirmed by the frequent discrepancy between actual results and plans, as well as their regular revision. The methods are mostly based on extrapolation of existing tendencies and not taking into account many factors and emerging trends related to the complexity and openness of the social and economic systems. Post-industrial level of civilization is characterized by fast development of technology; knowledge, information, technological and institutional innovation become the main resources. The greatest importance is attached to such development properties as instability, various orderliness, nonlinearity, interactions etc. Current approaches to forecasting the future are described by a number of theories that are generally called self-organization theory, taking into account these singularities. These concepts should be included in the theoretical basis for the development and implementation of regional development forecasts. Using the synergetic approach assumes that, along with organizational processes, processes of self-organization and self-development are very important in the system, they are characterized by spontaneous, unexpected formations and emerging structures. The development of such systems can generate stable and efficient new structure. The presence of crisis is an integral feature of complex systems development, non-equilibrium is a necessary condition for the appearance of a new organization, new order and new systems. The above theoretical propositions complement the methodological basis of forecasting and force to develop methodological tools which correspond to modern requirements.
Author Ufimtseva L. V.,The consideration in the article is given to the state of objects of heat power engineering in Sverdlovsk region. Particular attention is paid to social importance of delivering of heat and power energy under climatic conditions of Sverdlovsk region. The necessity of modernization of equipment participating at delivering of heat and power energy is admitted. The main problem is a search of financing source of measures related to overhaul and current repair as well as to replacement of old equipment. Tariffs on heat and power energy are set by government and their increase has big social resonance. Therefore three possible variants of search of financing sources are considered: liberalization of tariffs on heat power energy, governmental support of heat power engineering branch, attracting of private investments with applying of mechanisms of governmental support. The conclusion is made about favorite developing of the three sources of financing. It is concluded that priority development of the third source of financing, involving a combination of private investments into heating delivery and creation of a favorable environment, including optimization of the tariff system, in the interests of both producers and consumers of heating; the rational use of mechanisms of state support, including the ones within public-private partnerships, as well as promoting energy-saving technologies both to thermal power producers and consumers.
The article represents the results of research devoted to the problem of demand for labour force projection. The two main priorities of Russian economic development — modernization and innovation — are declared as the factors influencing labour market in a rather intrinsic and specific way. The research of dependence between GDP growth rate per occupied in the most developed countries is conducted and shows the positive influence the innovation process imposes on the demand for labour force. The particular problem is proved to be semi-structured. The selforganisation approach to this problem is proposed and helps to detect that the main shaping process of labour market dynamics is industry modernization. The trend of modernization influence on demand for labour force is revealed and taken under consideration while developing the mathematical model, enabling to predict the demand for labour force with not more than 2% mean absolute percentage error.
This paper considers environmental and economic aspects of inclusion of man-made iron and steel resources. Theoretical approaches to the concept of damage from environmental pollution caused by activities of metallurgical enterprises are investigated, in particular, the problem of disposal. The importance of categories of damage in the development of economic instruments to address environmental problems of industrial waste storage is emphasized. The total damage from pollution is regarded as a synergistic set of economic and environmental damage. Thus, the basic criterion in determining the economic damage appears to be the cost of resources needed to compensate for the damage to the environment - the time required for self-healing of the system. The possibilities of using waste steel from electric melting production as feedstock for the production of zinc are discussed. An assessment of the effectiveness of the investment project to engage in the processing of industrial wastes in Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant is made. The high efficiency of commercial and financial viability of the proposed technology for processing zinc-containing industrial wastes is shown. Calculations are performed to assess the damage avoided as a result of the processing of man-made structures, which is composed of damage prevention and land degradation and damage from pollution by chemicals. It is shown that cost-effective processing of man-made iron and steel resources is essential to address environmental problems of the metallurgical complex.
This paper substantiates the necessity of cluster organization of the pharmaceutical industry in the region. The estimation of the state and prospects of development of such structures in the domestic economy is given. Sverdlovsk region was chosen as the object of study on the possibility of forming a pharmaceutical cluster. Objective prerequisites for the organization of a cluster of pharmaceutical production in Sverdlovsk region are considered, among these were distinguished: capacious and fast-growing market for pharmaceutical products, availability of potential development of the pharmaceutical industry in the territory and the key success factors for enterprises - potential participants of the cluster. Indicated key success factors are: presence of a creative team and close interaction between business and government, high level of cooperation among the enterprises of the cluster and commercialization of products, implementation of research and development expenditures etc. Thus, it was substantiated that in there all references and resources for the formation of a pharmaceutical cluster. The concept of formation and development of the Ural pharmaceutical cluster was elaborated. Inside the concept, the goals, objectives, processing, product and organizational priorities for cluster formation are identified. Architecture of this structure with a justification of its members and certain forms of interaction between them is proposed. The stages of formation and development of the Ural pharmaceutical cluster on the basis of a ten-year settlement period for the full range of activities for this project are substantiated. At each stage, a set of key objectives and results of the cluster was defined. The choice of phases was carried out on the basis of investment programs of cluster's enterprises strategic position on the mastering of markets and infrastructure development. An assessment of socio-economic efficiency of the Ural pharmaceutical cluster is made; it's impact on economic development of areas the of cluster participants location is estimated. Areas of the state and community support for clustered forms of business organization are designated. A complex of proposed actions was designed to meet the life cycle of a cluster. This positive experience of the formation and development of cluster structure in Sverdlovsk region can be implemented in other regions of Russia.
This paper reviews the role of the state material reserve system to ensure economic security of the region. A classification of reserves ensuring economic security of the region was elaborated. A scheme of systematic and structural representation of the state material reserve in order to improve the economic security of the region was suggested. Optimization of operational control of the territorial offices, factories, and settlements of custody within the framework of the state material reserve is one of the most effective instruments to enhance the functioning of the whole system. To solve the problem of technological processes optimization of products acquisition and storage in manufacturings, plants and points of consignment storage of the state material reserve, a static economic-mathematical model was developed. The results can be used to develop appropriate computer systems for support of effective management decisions in the system of state of material reserve.
This paper proposes a balanced scorecard (BSC) of sustainable development in the region, including economic, environmental, social indicators and indicators of innovational development. The analysis of the dynamics of sustainable development indicators of Nizhny Novgorod region for the period 2000-2009 was made in comparison with the corresponding average figures for Russia. In addition to the detailed analysis of each indicator used in the BSC, the index approach which allows exploring major trends in sustainable socio-economic system as a whole was used. Since all parameters of the BSC have different dimensions, the technique of nonlinear transformation of these parameters on a single dimensionless scale was suggested, its chosen interval was [0,1]. This technique allows to describe the mapping parameters as compared with those of the same system in the base period (the "dynamic model") and average values of the corresponding indicator for a group of similar objects in the same period ("comparative model"). Analysis of the indexes makes it possible to assess the sustainability of each projection of the BSC. Additionally, you can instantly calculate the composite index as the sum of the indices of all components of the BSC with regard to their significance. Basing on the results of the analysis, key challenges to sustainable development in the region were identified.
Author Tatynov S. I.,In the process of creating a new concept of the financial mechanism, it is important, in our opinion, to construct a mechanism for depreciation of fixed assets of enterprises, adequate to the goals of the national economy modernization. It seems appropriate to establish a depreciation model which will allow the state to conduct depreciation policy differentiated by branches of the national economy and on specific territories. In addition, depreciation deductibles must be real, that means, they should be accumulated on the accounts and not just be tax exemptions. There are expressions of the Russian economists, that it is possible to ensure the realization of revenues depreciation on special accounts under threat of possible penalties. The solution of this problem, it seems, can be achieved through mandatory enrollment of depreciation amounts into the escrow bank accounts without withdrawing the funds before the expiration of the depreciation period of fixed assets of the owners. The yield on bank deposits in the Russian market, as a rule, does not exceed the Central Bank refinancing rate. Keeping money in the long term on such conditions is not economically feasible - a negative return on these investments is guaranteed, but if the federal government has helped to ensure a nominal rate of return of deposits to 10% (in a given period of time) at the expense of its resources, then our proposal could have lost the character of economic voluntarism. If all accrued depreciation (2 348 641 million rubles) will be placed on deposit accounts and the credit system of the Russian Federation will provide holders an annual yield of 10% (at the rate of inflation 8.8%), the annual subsidy amount will be 28 183.7 million rubles. In this case, the credit system receives a resource for the issuance of long-term loans. Taking into account the banking margin of 2%, the annual interest on long-term loans could amount (in terms of the current time) 10-12% of annual yield.
This paper reviews an alternative methodological approach to assessment and conseptual foresight of financial sustainability of an enterprise. Any socio-economic system is a complex bio-technical system consisting of: a human - the decision maker, a technical object - machinery, equipment, buildings and structures, and a biological object - animals, plants, soil etc., operating in a consolidated informational field. An important place among the factors shaping financial sustainability of the economic entity is reserved for a human (the decision maker), since a human is a subject that purposefully forces all system's functions to interact. Socio-economic systems are characterized by financial dualism: on the one hand, they generate income, and on the other one, they generate costs. Financial result of a socio-economic system activity is expressed in the difference between revenues and expenditures, and the predominance of revenue over incurred costs speaks about the effectiveness. One of the most important characteristics of financial result is its resistance to various internal and external perturbations. Financial sustainability of the enterprise is reviewed from the perspective of bio-technical approach that includes the HME elements system (human, machine and environment) and allows to determine the contribution of each system element into the final result and the stability of these elements. This approach will allow to improve the adequacy of financial stability assessment results a of company in various states of the economy.