Arhive: #1 2007
Under the economical-mathematical apparatus of multi-indicated estimation of the shadow economy dynamics in region quantitative estimation of factors made an impact on exchange of shadow economy volume was carried out. Modeling also has allowed to reveal the indicators adequately estimating dynamics of shadow economy. On the basis analysis of shadow economy of regions we worked out the conception for neutralization of shadow economy in UFD, based on optimum parity of economic and administrative measures.
The basic problems which appear while realization of actions of Sverdlovsk region population provision with disposable and comfortable housing habitation are reviewed in the article. Recommendations for increase of availability of housing habitation are offered.
The article describes both types of Russian venture funds and forms of the state participation in venture investment. Besides, the article mentions the scheme of regional venture fund creation in Ural district, principles of its participants` interaction and some management issues. Moreover, we can see here the fund's development which includes market, technological, integration and investment components.
The article deals with the problem of failures in interaction between industrial enterprises and territories. The authors see the reason for that in industrial enterprises taking unnecessary risks. The authors also suggest a new vision for the realization of social responsibility of the businesses via balanced management of system risks.
This article is dedicated to the questions of upgrading of municipal ownership account in the conditions of the reformation of local management. The current system of municipal ownership account is analyzed by the authors and the causes, interfering forming of uniform information base, are revealed. The systematic account of ownership and set of obligations is seen as a base for strategic planning of municipal development and working out of a concept of effective management of its ownership. The tasks on upgrading the process of municipal ownership account are formulated, they include forming of consolidated ownership balance, reflecting different aspects of economical activity of local government.
Author Kozitsyn A.A.,The main tendencies of Russia and Urals economy development on modern stage are considered; the necessity of creation of large integrated structures is shown. The methodical apparate of effectiveness evaluation of manufactural-territorial integration in regional economy is given, in its base the use of complex evaluation of economical safety of the territory is put. On the example of Urals mining-metallurgical company the effectiveness evaluation of creation and functioning of large integrated structure for municipal formations of Sverdlovskaya area in retrospective (2000 − 2004 yy) and perspective (for the period till 2010 y) periods is conducted.
The methodical approach and instrument of effective distribution of resource of industrial transport regional system development is suggested, and it is characterized by the network organization of territorially divided objects, for technical machines park forming, which is needed to satisfy regional need in its services.
The article illustrates the results of investigation the major internal and external factors which influence the development of the defense industry, as well as the results of regression analysis which quantitatively displays the factorial contribution in the growth rate of Russian defense industry. On the basis of calculated regression dependences the authors fulfilled the medium-term prognosis of defense industry. Optimistic and inertial versions of defense product growth rate for the period up to 2009 are based on scenario conditions in Russian economy worked out by the Ministry of economy and development. In conclusion authors point out which factors and conditions have the largest impact on successful and stable operation of Russian defense industry.
Author Bavlov V.N.,The questions of mineral-raw potential of Russia are considered in the article, the problems of its development and use. The organizational bases of realization of long-term state program of bowels study and reproduction of mineral-raw base of Russia on the base of balance of consumption and reproduction of mineral raw.
In clause the methodical approach to an estimation of influence of development of a mineral-raw complex on a social and economic condition of regions is offered. The list of indicators of the influence, including both economic and the social indicators is developed, allowing to calculate an integrated rating and to define type of the subject of Federation on a level of influence of a raw complex on its social and economic development. The decision of these problems promotes creation of spatial preconditions of steady social and economic development of regions and Russia as a whole, supports of competitiveness of regions and settlements, identical availability of subjects of managing to the economic and social resources of development.
The information level of Samarskaya area evaluation is given in the article, the perspectives of integration of region into the one world information space are analyzed, the prognosis of development of instrumentation of information processes is given.
Thermodynamical approach to typology of regions’ manufacture integration and diversification is shown in the article. It is emphasized that this approach is a methodological base for adequate investigation and development of measures by the state, Federation subjects and local government for taking depressive territories out to the level of self-maintenance
Author Malyh N.A.,The experience of FGUP PO "Uralvagonzavod" development is shown in the article, the analysis of mechanical engineering development in our country on modern stage is given. The authors’ approach upon the possibility, necessity and inevitability of a single right perspective decision of such economical problem in short period by the native financial, scientific-technical and people resources of Russia is proven. The position of seeing defensive enterprises as modern integrated scientific-manufacturing complexes, which are a real basis for creation of qualitatively new technique and technology of mechanical engineering and other country’s industry sectors.
The urgency of corporate governance systems research is caused by apparently not complete realization of these systems in the modern practice as only in an insignificant degree considers peculiarities of each single company and relies, first of all, on the experience of base systems of corporate governance in general. Such approach results in a bunch of negative effects, including formal realization of requirements of "corporate governance codes" and other similar documents. In this connection we offer the approach to designing effective local systems of corporate governance (LSCG) which would consider not only the existing recommendations on corporate governance, but also the greatest possible set of external and internal factors for every separate company. This article is devoted to theoretical bases of LSCG.
In article one of the most actual problems of the modern insurance market, namely, maintenance of financial stability of the insurance organization is considered. The analysis of the conceptual device is lead, the essence is specified, author's definition of financial stability, solvency, and also interrelation and interdependence of these economic categories is offered. The factors determining financial stability of the insurer are investigated; the problem moments of increase of a level of its solvency and financial potential as a whole are revealed.
Rates of growth of parameters of development and role of small enterprises in economy of Russia and its regions today it is much less, than in the developed countries of the world. The significant role in the decision of this problem belongs to the financial mechanism. The complex changes of financial attitudes directed on increase of efficiency of functioning of the enterprises of small business are necessary. In this connection experience of the Orenburg area on formation of system of support of small business is reasonably interesting, and also its involving in development of real sector of economy and the decision of social questions of region.
The ecological aspect of activity of a packing sector is analyzed in the article. Different methods of struggle against rubbish of packing materials are analyzed. The dynamics of manufacture and consumption rubbish forming in Sverdlovskaya area is given. The structure of pack rubbish turnover, which is related to different classes of danger, is analyzed. Some ways of pack ecological safety problem solving are presented.
The typology of municipal formations by the degree of development of innovative potential is represented in the article; the factors preventing their innovative activity are analyzed. Financial mechanisms of stimulation of their innovative development are considered, the differentiated approach to formation of innovative strategy is offered.
Author Shpak N.A.,There is the direct definition between the quality of enterprise management and the enterprise competi-tiveness in the conditions of modern market. The main amount of Russian and western enterprises use the technology of budget management in finance for operate management. So far, as practice shows, enter-prises often use such budgeting model, which can not be adequate to the modern market demand and modern Russian economy aspects. Modern budgeting models, their advantages and disadvantages are considered and analyzed in this article.