Author's articles (4)
#4 / 2017 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSAuthor V. S. Bochko,The article reveals the issues of intellectual and technological development of the country and regions. The author shows that growing number of employees with higher education is not accompanied by a proportionate increase in the technology level of the economy. This is due to the change of the purpose of higher education. Gradually, the higher education has become a tool ensuring a common cultural level of the population. The author analyses major reasons for a weak contribution of an increasing number of employees with higher education to the technological growth. Professional researchers and employees from various types of industries should be considered as producers of intellectual and technological development. I suggest calling them the generators of intelligent technologies. The author’s interpretation of the concept of «scientific and research education» implies not only the development of creative abilities, but also the understanding of the causes and consequences of natural and social processes as well as critical reflection on these processes. Scientific and research education is emerging directly from research activity. The support of scientific and research education keeps in the society the desire of scientific breakthroughs. The author has revealed the negative tendencies in science. They are related to a considerable decrease in research and development as well as to the withdrawal of the Russian business from the sphere of scientific research. I conclude that there is an urgent need to invest into science. This will result in scientific and technological progress, which would develop the society and increase the productivity of social activities.
#3 / 2018 Category: On the 200-th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birthAuthor V. S. Bochko,The article analyses the differences in views between K. Marx and A.I. Herzen on the prospects of economic development of Russia in the second half of the 19th century. The paper shows that K. Marx proved his views relying on the development of the industry, which had created conditions for the extension of the individualistic capitalist relations as well as for the appearance of the proletariat. A. I. Herzen paid more attention to the community relations, which gave to the Russian capitalism national specificity. A considerable part of the differences between the views of K. Marx and A. I. Herzen on the prospects of economic development of Russia is connected with their attitude towards the Russian rural community. Therefore, the article reveals their understanding of this phenomenon. K. Marx understood the community in connection with land ownership. However, A. I. Herzen attributed different social aspects to the community, as well as discussed communal self-government. For the first time, I define their mental perception of the opportunities of social transformations in Russia as one of the main differences in views between K. Marx and A.I. Herzen. K. Marx was shaped by the values of industrial and urban society. Therefore, he looked at the prospects of economic development of Russia through the materialistic understanding of history, and considered the proletariat as the driving force of transformations. A. I. Herzen’s way of thinking developed under the influence of the Russian mentality. As an artist and writer, he adhered to a figurative and intuitive, emotional type of thinking, which is closer to the rural life. He supported the change of a social regime, but considered that one should not destroy all the previous orders simply because they were old. He thought that it was necessary to understand the features of national mentality, and that the Russian collectivism was suitable for socialism more than the Western European individualism. I have proved that the differences of opinion between these two scientists are directly relevant to a challenge of choosing the road for the development of Russia in the 21st century. The collectivistic origins are to be considered, as well as the ideas of a social imprinting when forming the modern Russian capitalism. I have concluded that there were no serious differences in opinion between K. Marx and A. I. Herzen on the prospects of economic development of Russia in 19th century. There were certain divergences in views on understanding the Russian society. These divergences allow to see the beginning of essentially new approaches to the socio-economic development of modern Russia.
#3 / 2019 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSAuthor V. S. Bochko,In the article I introduce the concept of “the scientific and research forces of society”. The concept characterises an independent factor of economic growth that includes a system of searching for new knowledge along with the mechanisms and structures for transferring it into production. I demonstrated the difference between the scientific and research forces of society and the scientific and intellectual potential of society. The general condition for the forces’ development is the establishment of the creative spirit in society, that is the positive attitude to search for new technological, economic and social ideas. The weak development of the society’s scientific and research forces is the reason for the restrained growth of the territories’ technological potential and the associated level of the population’s welfare. I analysed the dynamics of the number of personnel engaged in research and development. Further, I hypothesised that in Russia there has been a tendency for science to leave the region and concentrate in “capital territories”. That tendency leads to the possibility of the regional peripheral economy’s emergence. Thus, I substantiated the necessity of expanding the regional and urban research activities in order to form regional and urban scientific and research forces of society. Such forces will ensure the transition of the country, regions and municipalities to a new level of technological development. I proposed the measures for strengthening the relationship between science, government and business by creating a fiscal mechanism, reflecting the interests of entrepreneurs and society. The mechanism should include the creation of the fund for the development of science in Russia and its regions.
#2 / 2020 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSIn the XXI century, a strategic approach to the management of individual territories development is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. The creation of scenarios and targets for large urban agglomerations is the most difficult aspect of strategic planning, as the complex structure of economy and social relations generates a variety of interests of different population groups. For such territories, it is inadvisable to use a unified planning template, because the conditions and demands of local communities require individual planning process and approaches. In this context, we decided to compare the development strategies of the Russian city Ekaterinburg and the English city Birmingham. Firstly, they have similar industrial, social and cultural, and demographic characteristics. Secondly, both cities strategic development plans are aimed at increasing their individualization. We demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of individual city development strategies, suggesting a methodology for its creation. Development strategies vary depending on technological and social progress. While technological progress increases the productive forces of cities, social progress ensures individualization of their development strategies by creating specific mentality, sociocultural, ethical and other values. We hypothesise that individual city development strategies depend on the territorial specificity of social progress, based on the needs of a city’s residents. Thus, the emergence of new needs requires updated strategies, adjusting resources in accordance with these new needs. Based on the study and comparison of strategic plans of two cities, we have suggested methodological approaches to the individualization and implementation of city development strategies. We have determined a system of measures ensuring individualization. It includes the establishment of a list of needs, an analysis of the structure and volume of resources, as well as of the ways to satisfy specific needs for achieving the selected goal. For updating a strategy, it is necessary to consider both growing needs and resources to satisfy them. We have concluded that the individualization of city development strategies improves itself through its implementation and focus on satisfying the needs of a specific community, which depend on the characteristics of its social progress. We have proved that the mentality of residents and their social imprinting greatly influence the individualization of cities and their strategies. The scientific, technological and socio-cultural progress increase the individuality of a city. The research results can be used by public authorities and local governments while creating and implementing strategic development documents.