Author's articles (2)
#1 / 2018 Category: INDUSTRY AND INTER-INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONSImprovement of the quality of life throughout the country is a current issue when performing the primary targets of the market. The research on the spatial organization of the consumer market are known worldwide. In Russia, the concept of the spatial organization of the regional consumer market as an economic system included in the region space has not become widespread yet. This paper presents an assessment of spatial differentiation and spatial autocorrelation in the development of the consumer market. We have analyzed retail turnover, price index for goods, per capita income in 82 regions of the Russian Federation for 2000–2016. To study of spatial differentiation and connectedness, we used statistical and econometrics methods (the oscillation rate, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, Moran index, LISA statistics, regression models, including a spatial lag model and spatial error model). The analysis has shown that the space of consumer market in the Russian Federation becomes more homogeneous. At the same time, there are regions with common and different trends in the development of regional markets. We identified the general trends in the indicators variations: retail turnover per capita, per capita income, price index. Under uncertainty, we could identify two groups of regions. The first group of regions is in the European part of Russia and have a higher growth of the price index. The second group of regions is the Asian part of the country and has more moderate growth. The construction of models with a spatial lag and spatial error has allowed confirming that the spatial aspect is important in the dynamics of retail turnover of the Russian Federation. Further research should investigate the dependencies of regions on interregional deliveries as well as find the ways to improve the spatial organization of the consumer market.
#3 / 2019 Category: Urban EconomicsAt the present stage, the relevance of the municipalities’ interregional cooperation is increasing. This cooperation’s development is most needed in the municipalities located on the territories with interregional borders. However, the interregional relations’ effective building is hampered by the lack of tools to quantify the effects of the municipalities’ location near the interregional border and their dependence on management decisions taken by neighbouring Russian regions. We attempted to quantify how the location and municipality’s hierarchical subordination to a particular Russian Federation subject influences its socio-economic status. For analysing group and intergroup relations we applied the tools used in the hierarchical analysis (HLM-Hierarchical linear modelling). We identified the groups of municipalities in accordance with their belonging to Russian subjects and their location (in the subject’s central part or near the interregional border). Further, we analysed 336 municipalities belonging to 7 Russian subjects. 193 of the municipalities are located near interregional borders. The results have proven the tools’ applicability in spatial analysis. The calculations have revealed the influence of the municipalities’ location on the indicators’ achieved values. Additionally, they have allowed us to quantitatively assess the municipalities’ significance. Through the data analysis we have determined that some values of the indicators of the location and municipality’s hierarchical subordination are influenced more than other ones. The findings can be applied for developing an effective management system for municipalities located near the borders of the Russian subjects.