Author's articles (1)
#3 / 2019 Category: AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD MARKET: NEW VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENTDomestic agriculture is one of the few economy’s sectors that maintained a noticeable growth in the context of the macroeconomic slowdown. Agriculture’s labour productivity remains at a relatively stable level. However, the accumulated growth potential poorly transforms into the agribusiness’ further qualitative changes. We hypothesise that the declining investment activity and institutional divergence of the regional agribusiness are interrelated. The prerequisites of this process lie in the development of both regional agro-industry and the region’s economy. We conducted a comparative analysis of the series of agricultural production indexes by the categories of farms, adopted in official statistics. The Kruskal-Wallis test has shown the production’s prevailing unevenness in agricultural organisations, farms and households belonging to federal districts and regions. In the framework of the integrated approach, we analysed the main indicators of the agribusiness’ activity from the perspective of the economic actor at the level of municipalities. We simulated the modelling of the investment accelerator of the regional agrarian production. Further, using segmented regression we revealed the reduction of the acceleration effect in the regional agrarian production. We compared agribusiness’ institutional structures in every segment. Moreover, we proposed a number of research areas, reflecting the main determinants of business activity in regional agribusiness. These determinants can be used for monitoring transformational processes at any level of agro-industry. We summarised the provisions applicable as the main directions of the regional agribusiness’s policy for maintaining business activity and eliminating the existing imbalances in the business development.