Author's articles (2)
#3 / 2020 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSIn recent years, the Russian Federation has been actively implementing an import substitution policy. While this particular issue is the topic of various academic studies, there is a lack of research focussing on the quantitative assessment of import substitution. Such an approach allows assessing the effectiveness of the state policy at different levels. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to identify tools for improving the effectiveness of the import substitution. Using examples of Russia and the Ural Federal District (UrFD), the study considers import substitution as an opportunity to stabilise the socio-economic development. We hypothesise that, primarily, the most important competitive advantage of the country is a developed high-tech industry. This assumption requires an immediate activation of import substitution processes and the development of a methodology for assessing its effectiveness. We used the concepts of system economy, sustainable development, innovative development, as well as the methods of comparative, factor, structural analysis, statistical modelling and forecasting methods. Our approach to assessing the effective import substitution includes a developed dynamic import substitution coefficient; its standard value is equal to 1. At the macro-level, this coefficient changes depending on the current import substitution policy. For example, in 2015 — 2016, the coefficient had increased sharply and then decreased below the standard value by 20%. We have predicted that at the macro-level the dynamic coefficient of import substitution will stabilise after 2019. The example of the Ural Federal District demonstrates that the reverse situation occurs at the meso-level. The calculations show that the region still adheres to the economic model based on the sales of raw materials. The distribution of UrFD enterprises by sales and profitability of operating activities confirms this statement. The largest enterprises in the region (by sales) belong to the oil and gas industry. We propose measures to support industrial policy and production aimed at import substitution. These measures include regulatory, infrastructure, financial, and marketing aspects. The obtained results can be applied in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
#1 / 2021 Category: NEW RESEARCH INTO REGIONAL ECONOMY PROBLEMSNowadays, the sustainability of the health care system is a relevant research topic. The works of Russian scientists demon- strate the lack of a systematic approach to determining the efficiency and sustainability of the Russian health care. International experience and the data of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) show that, despite exten- sive research, efficiency indicators of the health care system have been insufficiently developed. Using the methods of multidi - mensional comparative analysis, determined factor analysis, structural analysis, expert assessment, statistical modelling and forecasting methods, we developed a methodology for the comprehensive assessment of the efficiency and sustainability of the regional health care system. The methodological toolkit includes the comprehensive assessment of the relative efficien cy and relative sustainability of the regional health care system based on the established integral indicators. We tested this methodol- ogy on the example of the health care system of Sverdlovsk Oblast in the period 2017–2018. Integral indicators of the relative efficiency are directly influenced by the indicators of medical and social performance, which largely depend on the funding and management of the health care system. Simultaneously, the indicators of the relative efficiency can be high even if the indicators of the relative sustainability did not reach the established threshold. An integral indicator of the risk level considers the need to maintain the sustainability of the health care system for its functioning and development. Further, we constructed an interactive model for determining the risk zone and safe zone of the health care system. Due to its versatility, the proposed methodological toolkit allows an objective assessment of the efficiency and sustainability of the regional health care system.