Author's articles (2)
#4 / 2018 Category: REGIONAL FINANCEThe article deals with the problem of fair co-financing of socio-ecological and economic projects of a region, which is topical for the northern regions of Russia. At the same time, we solve the task of forming an optimal set of projects based on the fair sharing depending on the interest of business, state and society in the project implementation. In the process of analyzing the attractiveness of socio-environmental and economic development projects in a region, we have developed a scheme for solving this task. At the first stage, we recommend an expert assessment using the fuzzy scales developed by the authors. These scales allow to make a lexical assessment of the priority of criteria for assessing the development of a region and the degree to which the projects meet these criteria. In the second stage of calculations, the obtained expert assessments make it possible to determine a fair sharing in project financing. These shared assessments and project priorities allow developing a model of an optimal set of projects for the development of a region, taking into account the allocated financial resources. The system of expert assessments and models is implemented in the Excel-VBA program. This system has been applied to solve the problem of selecting social, environmental and economic development projects in the Russian Arctic regions.
#3 / 2019 Category: INDUSTRY AND INTER-INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONSIn the article, we develop the project management methodology in the field of the environmental management and protection. The study’s relevance is due to the need to develop the principles and mechanisms of project management. They are necessary for implementing the economy’s environmentally oriented development, using the natural resources rationally, reducing the environmental burden and improving the quality of the population’s life. We aimed to substantiate the implementation of new management technologies by combining the principles of the project and ecological approaches, providing the flexibility of resource management. We suggested the differentiated approach in the project management in accordance with the strategic goals and achievement of the established indicators of the territory development. This approach ensures the project’s competitiveness, the possibility of its territorial geo-referencing, the efficiency of the project’s implementation. Further, we developed theoretical approaches and practical recommendations for implementing the project approach for managing the region’s environmentally oriented development. We incorporated the results of modern studies in developing the project management methodology in the regional economy. Moreover, we considered the preconditions of transitioning to project-oriented management in the sphere of the environmental management and protection. We identified characteristics of the ecologically oriented projects. Then we proposed their classification using the project’s functional purpose, the results’ purpose and direction, the project’s sources of financing and its implementation level as the classificatio n criteria . W e analyse d th e practica l experienc e o f implementing the environmental projects in the Russian Federation and in certain regions of the country. Finally, we demonstrated the advantages of the project approach in comparison with the program-target management of economic development. The study’s main provisions can be used as a theoretical, methodological and practical basis for substantiating, selecting and implementing the projects of environmental and economic orientation. They include the projects of production’s ecological modernization, reduction of negative environmental impact, elimination of accumulated ecological damage, management of climate changes, Arctic’s development, and development of the market of ecological goods and services.