Author's articles (2)
#4 / 2020 Category: REGIONAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMSAuthor Grigoriy B. Korovin,Rapid digitalisation of the economy introduces network forms of coordination of industrial enterprises activities. A network approach to cooperation in the industrial sector requires the development of theoretical foundations and methodological approaches, considering the specificity of industrial territories. Th e stud y use s variou s methods : structura l an d dynamic analysis of regional statistics and open data of industrial enterprises and regional network structures, expert commentary, development analysis of network structures in the industrial regions. The research identified possible network changes in the traditional industrial business models. Due to such changes, partners and consumers are involved in the product creation, customisation, individualisation, and price determination based on network information services. A new typology includes four types of structures corresponding to four quadrants of a two-dimensional matrix, divided by the strategic goals of merging organisations and the network structure functions. The selected types include associations of the producers of homogeneous products; partnerships and alliances; local networks; supply and value chains. The empirical part of the paper involves the identification and analysis of four types of network structures in the Sverdlovsk region and an assessment of their significance to the economy. Finally, the study assessed the development dynamics of regional network structures using particular indicators. The results can be used for developing the concept of network economy, creating tools for managing the network industry, and establishing a new industrial policy that takes into account a network aspect of cooperation.
#4 / 2021 Category: INDUSTRY AND INTER-INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONSAuthor Grigoriy B. Korovin,The Russian manufacturing sector is concentrated in regions considered as potential centres of technological development, productivity growth and long-term export opportunities. Realization of this potential requires the timely implementation of effective support measures. Using relevant statistics, the study aims to analyse how budget subsidies affect the dynamic and structural aspects of the development of Russian industrial regions. The research methodology is based on assessing the total budgetary cost of government support and correlating it with regional industrial indicators. To this end, data from the Treasury of Russia, statistical indicators, industry databases and target indicators were examined. The study revealed that government subsidies not always positively affect the industry target parameters, even distorting market mechanisms. In general, the implementation of state programmes in Russia has led to an increase in export volumes, costs for innovative activities and labour productivity with stable employment in industry. However, in industrial regions, an increase in the share of the manufacturing sector does not cause an increase in economic growth. In addition, fixed capital investment in the manufacturing sector is lower in these regions. A sharp increase in the number of high performance employees due to the implementation of support measures was observed in Russia and individual industrial regions. In terms of innovative activity, the number of patent applications in industrial regions is significantly lower than the national average. The efficiency of industry support measures in the Russian Federation can be re-evaluated based on the obtained results. Future research will focus on further detailing the budgetary cost of government support and assessing its long-term results.