Author's articles (2)
#3 / 2020 Category: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC POTENTIAL OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTAuthor Evgeniya Kh. Tukhtarova,The paper studies how the global crisis influences migration processes that are accompanied by structural changes in the relationship between consumption and saving of the population of different countries. The article examines the hypothesis on the multidimensionality of the impact of the crisis on the population of various countries. To solve the research problems, analytical, statistical and econometric methods were applied. A combination of these methods allowed identifying structural shifts in the relationship between consumption and saving because of changes in technological paradigms. Consequently, such shifts lead to changes in the welfare of the population of different countries. While for some countries these changes will be acute, negative, and short-term, for others this process will be less acute, but with long-term negative consequences. At the same time, contrary to the examined economic crises of the XVIII-XX centuries that demonstrated a decrease in migration, in the XXI century, new crisis phenomena show the absence of such a connection. The author’s position confirms the findings of other researchers stating that migration processes are loosely connected to short-term economic crises in the host territory. However, the close link between migration flows and long-term development factors of the host territory indicates a high potential of the coun try in a crisis. The conducted study has confirmed this hypothesis. The obtained results can be used to justify propos als and measures for regulating migration processes, taking into account the priority of national interests for the scientific, technological and economic development of the Russian Federation.
#1 / 2021 Category: SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC POTENTIAL OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe introduction of advanced technologies requires restructuring the labour market and redistributing the workforce. Therefore, the study of the demand for workers in the digital economy is necessary for preventing unemployment. We examine the impact of advanced technologies on unemployment in Russian regions. The transition to a new technological wave and the development of advanced technologies will differently affect the unemployment among various categories of population depending on their educational level. Using the combination of spatial analysis, statistical and econometric methods, we identified clusters of high-tech, medium-tech, and low-tech regions of the Russian Federation, described the impact and confirmed the proposed hypothesis. We have discovered that most Russian regions have a low potential to transition to a new technological wave. Simultaneously, in high-tech regions with sufficient potential to develop a new technological wave, digital economy does not require a large number of employees with university education. Moreover, such regions are experiencing an acute shortage of people with vocational education. Currently, selected Russian regions have resources, potential and reserves to develop the sixth technological wave, while others provide human resources. This situation leads not only to deepening regional differentiation but also to severance of economic relations between regions, hindering their interaction in the new conditions. The obtained results can be used to support proposals and measures for regulating labour market processes to develop scientific, technological and economic potential of the country.