Author's articles (3)
#2 / 2007 appendix Category: NEW PARADIGMS AND CONCEPTSIn article the basic problems of development of the Russian North are considered. The special attention is given to central principles for policy development and preservation of the North, such as: priority of a socially-ecological component, expansion of independence of northern territories, creation of long-term purposeful policy, fastening of the population in these territories, perfection of legal base.
#2 / 2007 appendix Category: INNOVATIONSIn article possible ways of financial stability transformation of Ural federal district regions in conditions of project "Urals industrial – Urals Polar" realization are considered. Necessity of use of budgetary funds, and also opportunities on attraction of private investments for financing construction of a transport corridor proves. The scheme of financing under the project, established on the mechanism of Public Private Partnership is certain.
#4 / 2008 appendix Category: THE REGION'S FINANCESIn article the concept "stability" from positions of mathematical theories, economic development and a financial subsystem of economy is considered. Substantive provisions the theory of territory’s financial stability is proved. Types and conditions of territorial system’s financial stability are allocated, the methodological approach to their estimation on the basis of principles of System of national accounts is offered.