Author's articles (3)
#1 / 2008 Category: STRATEGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIESAuthor Vazhenina I.S.,The author offers the treatment of concept "image of region". Territorial individuality is presented as a basis of formation of image. Territorial individuality unites identification attributes of region, its feature and resources. Also the essence of concept "a brand of region" is certain and the analysis of interrelation of this category with regional image is given. Resources of creation of positive image and regional brand are shown. Necessity of systematic formation of image of region is proved and recommendations on the organization of this process are given.
#2 / 2007 Category: INFRASTRUCTURE POTENTIALEconomy of the Ural federal district is characterized by appreciable institutional transformations. First of all, it concerns arrival on the market new and leaving from the market of the old enterprises and the organizations, that, alongside with other factors, defines growth of competitiveness of regions. The processes of development of small business, strengthening of market positions of the organizations with participation of the foreign capital, activisation of the market of merges and absorption of the companies operate also in the same direction. Noted tendencies are characteristic for economy of all Russia. However regional features, as between federal districts, and subjects of Federation are kept also.
#2 / 2007 appendix Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONThe article deals with the careful portrayal of the results of survey analysis which was gathered amongst the participants of the Round table on the theme of "Transport corridor "Urals industrial – Urals Polar": look towards the future", which took place on the 20th February 2007.