Author's articles (2)
#1 / 2006 Category: INFRASTRACTURE AND BRANCH-WISE SYSTEMS OF REGIONIn clause value of an oil-and-gas complex for a national economy and its regions is considered. The condition of the market of mineral oil UrFO is analysed and the share of the market of mineral oil of Kurgan area is revealed in it. The role of the regional market of mineral oil of Kurgan area for development of social and economic system dotatsioning region is considered. Regional strategy of steady competitive development of the market of mineral oil on the basis of knowledge by means of perfection of methodological approaches to organizational-economic re-structuring the market of mineral oil and formations of the complex mechanism of management by reorganization of the market of mineral oil in region is developed.
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: NATURAL-RESOURCES POTENTIAL OF THE REGIONRestructuring, in opinion of the experts, one of the basic ways of steady development of managing subjects in modern conditions. In clause strategy of organizational-economic restructuring of the regional market of mineral oil is considered. Concrete actions of complex restructuring of the market of mineral oil in region and the mechanism of management are resulted by reorganization of the given market.