Author's articles (5)
#4 / 2006 Category: INNOVATION ACTIVITYThe value of high-tech complex for an economic development of the Federation and the region is considered in this article. A methodological background of innovation strategy priority choice using R&D project realization and high-tech production development is described. A BSC-technology based method of priority estimation is presented. It shows the full picture of relations between project realization effect and high-tech organization goals achievement and scientific proof of development priorities choosing.
#3 / 2007 Category: PECULIARITIES OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA AND PROBLEMS OF FORMATION OF INDUSTRIAL POLICYIn clause industrial activity as the major factor of economic development is considered. Qualitative change of modern shape of the industry is shown. Evolution of concept of industrial policy in Russia is analysed, the basic differences of modern industrial policy from its traditional interpretation are certain. Mechanisms of realization of the industrial policy, including such modern forms as clastering organization of manufacture and the private-state partnership are established.
#4 / 2007 appendix Category: NEW RESEARCHES ON THE REGION'S ECONOMYIn clause theoretical approaches to formation industrial cluster êëàñòåðîâ in regions of the Russian Federation are considered. În the basis of which the methodological scheme of the project of cluster creation is offered. On an example hi-tech cluster “Titanic valley”, created in Sverdlovsk area, basic elements of its formation reveal: a substantiation of use cluster forms of the organization of business, an estimation of preconditions of creation, the description of the cluster purposes, problems, structures; mechanism of management and stages of realization of the project of cluster creation, measures of the state support.
#3 / 2008 Category: PRODUCTION AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF SECURITYIt is shown, that globalization changes the contents of state regulation of industrial activity. The directions of transformation of an industrial policy of the state are opened. The tendencies of change of components of a regional industrial policy under influence of process of globalization are shown.
#3 / 2009 Category: BRANCH-WISE AND REGIONAL PECULIARITIES OF ANTICRISIS DEVELOPMENTThe author examines the major trends and factors of metallurgy development of the region. Features and the need to preserve the taken direction of the innovative development of metallurgy are examined. Priorities of innovation development of metallurgical enterprises in the region in terms of the global financial crisis are proven; among them there are: upgrading and qualitative updating of a large part of the core based on the introduction of energy-saving technologies; expansion of production with high added value; increasing resource efficiency and reducing environmental impact; ensuring high-quality iron-ore raw materials.